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Messages - Sean_E

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Discussion / Re: Wow great game.!!
« on: December 02, 2007, 03:40:30 pm »
Winter: No need to get hostile!  It was only a point that I kind of agree with.  I can see that you have a goal in mind, but it doesn't seem apparent to the "users" of your great game.  If they look through the forums there is very little in regards to a "project plan".  I also know that you are working on version 2.2 with eyes to version 2.3.  What I feel the other members are looking at is that there are no distinct milestone points in your development cycle.  I was going to suggest that after the release of v2.2 that an assessment of the project be made to get set up for v2.3.  This would probably move the project along faster and employ more help from the community that supports yours and the others efforts in bringing this game to fruition.  And one more item....  responding in a defensive manner and 'suggesting' to contribute or leave, will not earn the support from others.  This is just my observation.

BTAxis:  I want to say thanks for answering the questions that I have posted here in the forums.  It has helped shape my ideas on how to support this game.  I too played the X-Com series and really enjoyed them.  I consider this game project an extension of that series without being that series.

Now, if I don't get ousted for speaking my mind, I am offering my skills as a Project Manager, Model Designer and Programmer to this project.  If it is not welcome, than I will continue to enjoy the game and its future incarnations.

Sean E

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Artwork / Texture Shaders
« on: November 30, 2007, 12:39:40 am »
As we are dealing with an older rendering engine, what are the visual parameters for the game?
ie, level of shaders available, rendering ability and other texture oriented hardware related stuff.

I ask because I have been unable to locate any additional information in this regards.

Thanks in advance.

Artwork / Re: Model Design Descriptions
« on: November 27, 2007, 09:52:54 pm »
Thanks for the info.

Design / Re: Storyline Questions
« on: November 27, 2007, 08:53:40 pm »
I see.
Well then, it would appear then that the game dictates the story instead of the other way around.
That changes the perspective of the story development in a big way.
I'll have to rethink my ideas.

Design / Re: Storyline Questions
« on: November 27, 2007, 08:17:45 pm »
I fully understand fact versus fiction in any storyline based gameplay.
I am not sure, but it would appear that the backstory was written after the design of the game itself.
For myself, I guess having a good text base will make the gameplay that more immersive.

Artwork / Model Design Descriptions
« on: November 27, 2007, 07:15:38 pm »
I am just wondering, where the design descriptions are located for all the Human/Alien technology?
I am seeing all these models built, but with no general descriptions.
I know there is the UFOpedia, but is there any other design descriptions?

I ask only because Winter seems to be directing the designs of Sitters based on his ideas of what the model would/should look like. 

Thanks in advance.

Design / Storyline Questions
« on: November 27, 2007, 07:09:01 pm »
I have been playing the game for a while now and have been reading the back history to the game and have some questions regarding the storyline and the thoughts that were put into it.
I don't want to ruffle feathers with these questions, but I feel they are good questions to ask:

1) What is the crew compliment of a small UFO?

2) 20,000 civilians and 3 Battalions is a LOT of casualties in a 12 hour period.  ( A Battalion can range from 300 - 9,000 troops, not including armour and aircraft)

3) Storyline indicats that the UFO slipped past radar detection, but no one noticed 6 large fireballs descending from the sky and heading right for Mumbai?

4) Storyline indicates that the UN finally allowed the nations of the world to go to war.  However, any nation would have the right to defend itself from attack without permission from the council.  This is standard in todays NATO and Warsaw Pact guidelines, and would never change as each nation is considered an individual of the whole and would most likely be granted emergency support provisions from the UN without requesting it.

5) It is assumed that the weaponry of 2084 is inefficient to kill an alien in ranged combat (considering the amount of military casualties versus alien casualties).  So, how can the weaponry be as (minimally) effective in the gameplay?

If this feels like nit-picking, I do apologize in advance. Other Q&A will follow as I continue to read.

-Peace Through Pacifism-

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