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Messages - tilli

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Mapping / Re: new +forest map and tiles
« on: January 17, 2011, 12:08:35 pm »
@ kildor: if you want, you can put it in the repo.  I won't have git for the next foreseeable future.
Just remember that the thing is still work in progress (I'm still reworking some tiles) and that there is the bug with the random equipment assignment.
And if you put somewhere a note that I'm responsible for that mess of +forest tiles, that would be nice.

For the official part: all the maps I created for UFO AI are hereby released under GNU GPL 2 or later.
That ok?

Mapping / Re: new +forest map and tiles
« on: January 10, 2011, 08:55:32 pm »
if did a few changes
enlarging some tiles and adding some bushes, and fixing that hole by the scout

Please backup your files (forest folder, forest.ump, forest.mat) beforehand and make sure you put the new files in the correct folders.

Mapping / Re: New RMA: Harbour map
« on: January 08, 2011, 09:44:52 pm »
but due to lighting, there needs to be some room between the containers.

hm, why don't you put lights between them? But don't forget the day marker.

Mapping / Re: New RMA: Harbour map
« on: January 08, 2011, 07:53:03 pm »
just having a look at your pictures, very good start, can't wait to try playing on that map.

don't worry that there is already another harbour map, two are better then one, and they are different anyway.

- more variety of crate/container area (similar to be arranged in tilesets, to be used with "1 1"
Uh oh, RMA map tiles. That is a long and tricky road to go, as I discovered myself.
1x1 tiles are nice, but I can only ask you to go for bigger tiles (3x3, 4x4) too. Makes life much more easier (as I had to discover the hard way). Very important is to put some unique id marker on every map tile, it makes finding that tile and troubleshooting much easier.

If I can make a suggestion for the arrangement of the containers: put them right next to each other, nobody would waste space that way in a harbour. And by cleverly arranging them on the different tiles you can create quite a labyrinth that way.

another thought: add some sort of canteen or restroom for the workers

Mapping / Re: new +forest map and tiles
« on: January 07, 2011, 08:02:16 pm »
it looks like you build your rocks with the csg tools - is that correct?
If you mean the brush -> cone and the brush -> rock then that is correct. 

By the way, the hole with the scout is original, I haven't touched that tile except for the randomspawn flag.

better build them manually
Truth to be told, I haven't really figured out how to do a 21 sided object in uforadiant.

Mapping / Re: new +forest map and tiles
« on: January 06, 2011, 12:25:26 pm »
thanks for the confirmation of the bug, dodon.

and also thanks for finding the hole in the ground.

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Problem with randomspawn maps
« on: January 05, 2011, 07:59:05 pm »
I'm working on the new +forest map tiles and run into a problem with randomspawn. Please refer to the thread in the mapping section for further infos on the new +forest map tiles.

version: 2.4 dev IA 32 Nov 2 2010 Win 32 debug build 1288676501

The bug is only visible in campaign mode.
the phalanx actor starting positions do not get randomized (the aliens/civ positions are). What does get randomized is the weapons loadout. see pictures, the guy is my sniper.


Mapping / Re: new +forest map and tiles
« on: January 05, 2011, 09:43:26 am »
sorry for my technological backwardness :-)

maybe this link will work better???:

mattn: first I would like to have independent confirmation of my bug(?), then I will open a report.


Mapping / Re: new +forest map and tiles
« on: January 04, 2011, 09:33:39 pm »
the next version, but still WIP
I reworked the tiles, changed layout and vegetation. Lots of small things.
All tiles now have an indicator, so I can identify them faster (final version will have them deleted).

Please backup your files (forest folder, forest.ump, forest.mat) beforehand and make sure you put the new files in the correct folders.

Can somebody please check a bug I might have found with the randomize option. Just to make sure it is not my installation (2.4 dev IA 32 Nov 2 2010 Win32 Debug build 1288676501).
At my version this bug is only found in the campaign mode. Aliens get assigned randomly, civilians also. Phalanx troopers behave strange. The actors are not randomized, but the weapons loadout. Meaning my sniper always starts at the same position, but has a different weapon from another actor each time. It looks like weapons only are randomized.


Mapping / Re: new +forest map and tiles
« on: December 06, 2010, 09:10:09 pm »
Big thank you H-Hour
How is that saying in German: I didn't see the forest for the trees.

I'm pleased the maps are working as planned on your end, with the aliens randomly deployed on the map.

1. tree mix is something I'm experimenting on. And larger tiles too. Final version will have that.
2. The same goes for the hills. They are a recent addition and will be in nearly all map parts at the end.
5. Sorry, but the UFO tile is the original, except for the randomspawn. And in the fighter tile I rescued an alien from the top of a tree.
6. my old enemies the roofs :-). Of course I need to change that.


Mapping / Re: new +forest map and tiles
« on: December 06, 2010, 12:27:06 pm »
I need some testing :-). On my end the new tiles are working without problem. I packed the current version, so you can have a look. The whole thing is still WIP. 
Can somebody please load the new +forest part and check if it also works on somebody else version/machine?
The package is at

Please backup your files (forest folder, forest.ump, forest.mat) beforehand and make sure you put the new files in the correct folders.

And be careful, the aliens could be anywhere.


Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Re: missing ui/button_background
« on: December 04, 2010, 07:52:55 pm »
I solved the problem by simply doing a full and complete reinstall.
Thanks for the help anyway

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / missing ui/button_background
« on: December 02, 2010, 09:37:05 am »

I wanted to upgrade my rather old installation of 2.4 dev. The installation worked quit well so far and the game runs, except that I get a message

Code: [Select]
Can't find pic: ui/button_background
Can't find pic: ui/button_background2

Don't ask me, how I managed to produce that! it's just that I'm missing the blue background of the buttons ingame.
Can somebody provide the missing files, please?


Mapping / Re: randomspawn
« on: November 27, 2010, 09:15:36 pm »
terrain feature of the material system
good idea, just incorporated it
because the ground is a little bit uneven here and there.
unfortunately, the pictures didn't show it to well, but the terrain is already a little uneven
but I think I will increase it some more. But I think the main obstacles should be trees and other green stuff, so I'm also adding them lavishly.

Mapping / Re: randomspawn
« on: November 27, 2010, 01:00:44 pm »
just an update

randomspawn works without problem on the +forest maps (both skirmish and campaign) on my end. Makes a big difference when the enemy could be behind you (or the next tree).
But aesthetically some of the tiles could be improved. So I'm working on that currently and cleaning up in the process.

on the pictures: Why wait at the (anyway heavy damaged) ufo, the aliens are waiting for the phalanx troopers in ambush.

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