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Messages - Origin

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Artwork / Re: Character animations
« on: September 06, 2010, 06:06:10 pm »
trying to start the game after exporting model seems to crash the game. Im not sure what settings i should be using when exporting to md2.

In the Skin box i just put .body is that right?

should i export a specific number of frames?

Is there a specific fps the animation should run at?

what are the "body.mdx" files for?

edit: Deleted the body.mdx file and now it works...

edit2: solved all of the above.

dont know, but doesnt seem to be needed.

Artwork / Character animations
« on: September 06, 2010, 01:35:34 pm »
Hi all. I decided to start on some animations before continuing on with the female variations of the new models, but I have a few questions that i hope someone can answer.

I cant figure out how the game determines the point where the model stands on. Is this in relation to the models pivot?

and about model scale, I imported .bip and .fig and assumed that the scale would then be correct for use ingame. is this correct?

Is the tag_floor needed? It doesnt seem to be present by default after importing .bip and .fig though the other tags are there. Should i create one?

Actually I guess I should just try hitting export and see what happens ingame. :P

Artwork / Re: Armor model updates
« on: September 05, 2010, 08:49:58 pm »
Pretty much done. Thoughts?

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Artwork / Re: Modelrequest: Model for stunned actors
« on: September 05, 2010, 08:46:34 pm »
There you go. I included animated and static models, but I wasnt sure if I should include the transpareny texture in the alpha of the diffuse, so i just made a seperate .png.

Artwork / Re: Texture replacement thread
« on: August 26, 2010, 11:03:24 am »
Cool Origin, it's nice to see lots of people chipping in on this, since it's not the most glamorous of projects.

And thanks for providing the normalmap as well. I'm not sure if that's in the correct format, but now that I've gone to look in our wiki, it looks like we have conflicting information about how the normalmap should be generated. My normalmaps usually generate partial opacity, according to the settings shown in this image. But in our artwork page we also link to different settings shown here.

Mattn or someone who knows better: which one should it be? I'll get the wiki changed, just let me know what to do. I hope I haven't been making all my normalmaps wrong!

I noticed this when going through the textures. I personally have never seen normal maps with transparency before. that being said they seem to render no different from standard ones.

Artwork / Re: Texture replacement thread
« on: August 25, 2010, 10:09:27 pm »
Just go with Origin for the licensing stuff. And yes I noticed that one after I had started so i better do that one too :)

Artwork / Re: Texture replacement thread
« on: August 25, 2010, 09:24:46 pm »
202 done

Artwork / Re: Modelrequest: Model for stunned actors
« on: August 24, 2010, 12:05:14 pm »
I think he means that it would be easier to modify, if the animation was in the model and not the code.
If someone wanted to change the model to something else, they would need to know what to modify in the code if they didnt want the new model to spin.

Artwork / Re: Modelrequest: Model for stunned actors
« on: August 23, 2010, 12:30:49 am »

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Something like this?

Its just two cones, with the smaller one spinning faster.

Artwork / Re: Armor model updates
« on: August 21, 2010, 02:02:08 am »
Hey Origin, fantastic work as always! The only thing I don't like about this model is the helmet -- it makes the whole look just a little too medieval in its styling. Do you think you could bring the model/texture a bit more up to date?


I dont see it.

These models certainly DO look good, did you upload them to the folder yet?

Nope. I will later, I dont see the point in uploading stuff that isnt mostly done.

Artwork / Re: Armor model updates
« on: August 18, 2010, 10:34:57 am »
Thanks for the comments guys.

One thought that came to my mind is that it's not clear where ammo/sidearms/etc. will be kept. It can't be too explicit because not all players will have their soldiers use a sidearm, and we can even use variations on the model for different soldiers (to give them more personality). If you have any good ideas that can be added, go for it. If not, don't worry about it. It's too pretty for me to complain. :)

This has actually been bothering me a bit, I had originally planned for the combat armor to have ammo pouches on his hips, but i forgot to include the models on the uvw map and ran out of space for them. So i ended up ignoring them. I may go back and correct this. Good point.

make sure to provide different lod models if you have high and low poly models already - the high poly model can be used in cutscenes or maybe in very close zoom levels in game, too (yes, we support different lod models).

The final ingame models have around 3-4k triangles. I will try making a few lod levels.

Artwork / Armor model updates
« on: August 17, 2010, 12:29:38 am »
Hey guys, been a while since I posted last, so sorry about that.
I thought i would make a new thread dedicated to future model updates from me, i hope you dont mind.

Heres a little preview of progress on the tier 1 powered armor. Theres obviously still work to be done on it, but I would like to hear what you guys think of it so far.
(this is the high polygon model that is going to be used for baking normal maps)

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Artwork / Re: New here. Want to help
« on: July 17, 2010, 11:28:11 pm »
@bayo: Thanks. As you can probably tell i havent worked on open source projects before so i dont know the legal ins and outs. The licence you linked seems reasonable indeed.

@MCR: Alright maybe when Mattn or Arisian stops by (im not going to post a bug report just yet as it might just be an error on my end)

I am not currently doing much, I have been working on the powered armor but its still in early stages (lowpoly model pretty much done, still needs normalmaps and textures.), and was planning on finishing the entire "basic" lineup for both male and females (meaning no advanced versions for a little while) before looking at animations.

If anyone feels like starting on the animations, please feel free. Otherwise i will give it a shot when the models are done (I am primarily a modelling/texturing guy though, and i have very little actual experience with character animation.)

Artwork / Re: New here. Want to help
« on: July 15, 2010, 02:15:54 am »
That is correct. Just tag it however you feel is best, as long as i can still use it. :)

Btw. I have been making some normal maps for various textures within the game.
However i have been having some problems when viewed ingame, sometimes the textures will look to have an extremely high specular value.
I cant figure out why since even when i make a all black  "_sm" for the texture, the problem still persists.

It seems the specular values are also sometimes diffrerent in different sections of a randomly generated map, (for example in the africa maps some segments will have extremely high specularity sand, while others have none.)

I guess it might be because the individual segments are lit differently or something?

Sorry for large images.

some screenshots:

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The normals seem to not get rendered when the map segment gets mostly offscreen:

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The ground under the landing craft also displays the normals briefly when the map load up.
im not sure if this is a issue with specularity or if the normals simply arent showing up. :s
file formats for my normal maps are .tga

Artwork / Re: New here. Want to help
« on: July 12, 2010, 11:29:35 pm »
Thanks for the rundown. I will definately be posting images when new models get done.

Will be af few weeks before anything gets done though :)

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