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Messages - hoiba

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Tactics / Re: Research Request: Panicking Tactics
« on: October 24, 2014, 06:18:59 pm »
I think moral is only lowered by being hit and dying. The nearer it happens, the more severe the moral loss seems to be. Civilians being wounded or dying don't seem to have effect.

Sorry, I have to disagree. I often don't leave the Firebird in the first round, when not neccessary. Instead I drop smoke to cover the troops.
During the following alien-round I see the moral of my troops drop 1-3 points every time an alien is shooting. But I can't tell if it's because they kill civilians with the shots or it is because they actually shoot.

i think that aliens that panick always throw away their weapon. dont know if they can pick it up again.

Yes, the alien yesterday dropped his stuff. Don't know if they pick it up again either.

Tactics / Research Request: Panicking Tactics
« on: October 24, 2014, 10:15:01 am »

As soon as we encountered ground combats with the enemy, we noticed the alien fire was really scaring our troops. They were losing moral if they only heard the enemy firing (maybe at civilian targets). Even if there was no alien in sight our troops got scared by the sound alone!

The good news is, we noticed the enemy ground troops are no dumb machines and get mentally influenced by the events on battlefield too. The more comrades they lose in fight, the more they tend to lose moral and even panic!

We need laboratory time and money to research, if this panicking reaction can be triggered by intentionally lowering the enemies moral by conducting suppression fire. If our troops get scared by the sound of enemy fire, the enemy might too!

Cdr. Hoiba

In other words:

Do Phalanx-troops lose moral when civilians are killed, even if they don't see it happen? Or is it the enemy firing sound itself that causes the loss of moral points (even when no alien is spotted)?

And IF it is the firing of enemy weapons that causes this loss of moral does this affect the aliens too?

Yesterday I was hunting the last survivor of a downed UFO. All his comrades were all shot and he started panicking for 2 or 3 rounds, then recovered and I feared he could wound/kill my men again.

I knew where he was, but he hid himself and I wasn't able to shoot him. I had to approach his hideout under bad conditions (no smoke left and almost no cover). So I was pondering, if it is possible to lower the aliens moral by shooting the air to make him panicking again. This could be uses to 'simulate' suppressive fire.
Surely.. this would only work with aliens who already have very low moral stats. But in some cases (like my fight yesterday) it would be a useful opportunity to gain a little advantage in bad situations.


Newbie Coding / Re: sources 2.5 vs 2.6
« on: October 21, 2014, 01:08:20 pm »
Thanks for your reply. I just started the zip-download (master) from the mirror.

30min ago I did

git config --global core.compression 0
git clone --depth 1 git:// ufoai_complete

It's at 15% now and looking good so far.

If it completes I will continue with

git fetch --unshallow
git pull --all

Maybe this workes for the whole repository for me.



Failed at 20% with same error
Github Zip-Download completed :)

###Edit 2###

git clone --progress git:// ufoai-mirr

finished and completed sometimes last night

Newbie Coding / Re: sources 2.5 vs 2.6
« on: October 21, 2014, 07:50:52 am »
I'm trying to get 2.6 source from git, but as hwoarangmy said, it takes ages. Is there an alternative download to get the source? The torrent-file seems out of date and has no seeders.




Additionally I get aborts during git clone (see attachment). Last Night at ~38% ... today at 13%.

Tactics / Re: Flashbang tactics
« on: October 21, 2014, 07:31:13 am »
Yesterday I was able to FB a Sheevar. It was successful. No reaction fire the same round, no movement and RF the next round.

Tactics / Re: Flashbang tactics
« on: October 16, 2014, 12:25:44 pm »
My bigger problem is, I'm able to play max 45-60min a day ... so if a fight lasts longer I lose all progress. I'm already thinking about setting up a VM where I can 'snapshot' the system if I have to leave.

But back to topic: yesterday I had the opportunity to FB a Sheevar without lots of risk because of 4 units with reaction fire ready. The FB went off 1 field in front of him.. but when I ended my turn the Sheevar died of the wounds I inflicted in the round before.
Man.. if there is a FB-bug with Sheevars its a real struggle to figure it out  ;)

Tactics / Re: Flashbang tactics
« on: October 14, 2014, 09:49:00 am »
Well, yesterday I had the opportunity to FB an Sheevar, but I didn't want to risk the mission on this as I already had some wounded soldiers. So I just shot it.

Is it possible to save the game during the combat and reload it? Didn't find the option. Would be nice to be able to redo testing like the possible FB-Bug on Sheevars.


Just found the answer myself. No saving during battle  :-\

Tactics / Re: Flashbang tactics
« on: October 10, 2014, 08:19:30 am »
short reply from me:

at first, I think I have to correct myself. It wasn't a Taman which refused to get influenced by the FB.. it actually was a Sheevar! Sorry for my fault!

I was not able to confirm this in my last few combats. They were all long-range firefights. No use for FBs so far.

Tactics / Re: Flashbang tactics
« on: October 07, 2014, 03:39:30 pm »
I'll give some Sheevars a try too, just to be sure  :)

Tactics / Re: Smoake Grenades
« on: October 07, 2014, 08:30:17 am »
To warm an old thread up:

Please correct me if I'm wrong... I remember this was possible in XCOM: Enemy Unknown by 'pulling the grenades safety pin' and then placing it on the ground in the inventory menu. Would be a 'nice to have' feature in UFO:AI, but not a necessity.

Yesterday I used smokes for the first time (playing UFO:AI for a week now) after I read how useful they are. Well, they surprisingly are! I don't like the 'pop smoke, scout out, scout in, fire blindly through the smoke at spotted enemies' tactics. But for creating additional cover during critical situations, they are a great win!

Tactics / Re: Flashbang tactics
« on: October 07, 2014, 08:00:22 am »
No, "in front" and "back" refers to the Tamans front and the Tamans back. The first FB went off 1 field away from his feet right in his line of sight. The second one went off 2 fields right in front of the Tamans line of sight. I intentionally let them explode in his LoS because I already supposed it would only work when it happens in this 'cone of vision', as you called it.
But thank you for verifying my assumption!

Anyways... I'll give it one more try today and give feedback as soon as I have results. Maybe it was a one-time bug, the Taman had his tired eyes closed or wore sunglasses  ;)

Tactics / Re: Flashbang tactics
« on: October 06, 2014, 02:31:55 pm »
Hello everybody!

I just registered an account here, to share my first (and only) experience with FBs:

I started with UFO:AI (2.5 Win version) about a week ago, because I'm in love with XCOM for nearly decades now ;)

So, on a battle with some Tamans in the very beginning of the game I tried the FBs, because they were new for me and I wanted to find out, if they could be of some use or just junk which is not worth buying it.

There was one Taman just 10 fields from my squad on open ground, so this was the perfect opportunity, to give it a try. So I tossed 2 FBs at him, exploding within 1 and 2 Fields in front of him (btw.... does it matter, if it explodes in front or behind the enemy??).
When I ended the round, the Taman was not influenced by both FBs at all!! .. he rushed up to my squad and killed 2 of them with snap shots.

The FBs went out of my storage and squad equip within the next seconds, because I thought, they were completely useless. But now I read, they are a great thing to have in fight.... which confuses me a lot  :o

What went wrong with my FBs? Did someone else experience the same?



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