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Messages - DanielOR

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Discussion / Re: regarding gatling/minigun
« on: June 02, 2008, 08:38:29 pm »
Speaking of rocket launcher - is it me, or they do remarkably little damage to walls and terraini in general?  If I could blow wholes in building and saturate hiding spots with rocket fire, I would dramatically change my tactic, at least in early stages.

Discussion / Re: Melee attacks -- roadmap?
« on: June 02, 2008, 08:35:37 pm »
The question of adaptation from high to low G is a very interesting one.  I think we need a biologist or best - a NASA person who can tell us about coordination in low gravity right after departure from earth.  I imagine now overshooting every motion would take some getting used to. 

I would guess that reaction time to stimuly would remain the same, but the large movements would be faster - for this reason runners and some martial artists train/warm up with wrist/ankle weights and take them off right before competition.

Discussion / Re: Particle Beam Weapons: More Than Just Flashlights?
« on: June 02, 2008, 07:49:36 am »

good to hear you, man.  It sounds like a beam of particles in itself is even less deadly that I expected (due to a very small cross section).  had no idea about the Foulerines though.  Yet another application of carbon nanotubes and nanoballs - Foulerine shrapnel.

FAQ / Re: Shelter Mission
« on: June 02, 2008, 07:44:20 am »
Ha.  So it's a common thing.  OK, I will be checking the ramps, thanks!

Discussion / Re: Particle Beam Weapons: More Than Just Flashlights?
« on: June 02, 2008, 01:53:57 am »
very good point.  High Tc superconductors would go a long way towards making smaller (portable) particle weapons.

Feature Requests / Re: Local troops?
« on: June 01, 2008, 10:06:15 pm »
I believe such a suggestion was already brought up once - there are maps where the aliens are invading a military base and drug factory.  Both groups or armed folk don't do much that is interesting.  I think implementing some nice behavior is planned though.

Discussion / Re: regarding gatling/minigun
« on: June 01, 2008, 10:03:49 pm »
I humbly propose that all six barrels have bayonet fixtures.  Just imagine what this baby would do in hand to hand!

Oh, wait, wrong thread.  Sorry!   ;D ;)

FAQ / Shelter Mission
« on: June 01, 2008, 07:25:12 pm »
Currently stuck in a shelter mission - single entrance into an underground facility, gangplank around a cargo lift with a truck on it, dorms/locker rooms/conference rooms around.

One Ortnok was on the gangplank, to the left of the gate.  Four (!?) more were having a smoke at the bottom, by the truck.  Must been smoking something really good, since they did not notice much even as they got showered by gas grenades (pain to through over the truck, those).  Two more got popped on the top level as the poor guys were getting out of the shower and locker room.  So, I count total of 7 green guys, sorta living peacefully on the base, as far as I can tell.

So, can someone tell me, please: do I look for the 8th customer or just restart the mission?

Discussion / Re: Particle Beam Weapons: More Than Just Flashlights?
« on: June 01, 2008, 07:17:32 pm »
blondandy - just to add to your post...the bit of physics we are ignoring here is the strength of the magnetic field needed to make the damn particles go in a circle of a radius of an inch or two...For comparison: real accelerator rings are miles (often >10 mi) in diameter and involve magnets the size of furniture pieces.  And those are electric magnets that draw a fair bit of current.  Which is why most national labs have own energy sources (i.e. nuclear power plants).

Again, those in the field of particle/nuclear physics please, please correct me as needed.

Discussion / Re: Melee attacks -- roadmap?
« on: June 01, 2008, 07:08:34 pm »
Thanks, Darkpriest!

The Ortnok/Mutons are specified following the autopsy to be WAY stronger then humans, regardless of the original world.  So, the "1-2 combo of death" does sounds realistic, maybe provided the alien wins reaction/agility check by ALOT.  If he wins by some, just a bad stun + some injury (knockout/knockdown).  Gives our guys and gals a chance to duck.  The armor, I would imagine, would help some.  But, the reverse is true - kicking an armored alien, even a wimpy grey, is probably a looser.

Tactics / Re: How to Avoid Night Missions
« on: June 01, 2008, 10:11:00 am »
G-D I hate night missions...did in X-COM, still do here...I am solidly in the "hover and wait for daybreak" camp. 

Tactics / Re: interceptor weapons
« on: June 01, 2008, 10:08:25 am »
Thanks, guys!  Something to consider.

Any thoughts on later interceptors - what are your loadouts?  Do you use the particle beams?

Discussion / Re: Grenade Launcher
« on: June 01, 2008, 10:02:08 am »

that was my main source as well.  been a while since I've read it, though.  I see your point.  It does look like flechette is not going to be a main army round.

Discussion / Re: Particle Beam Weapons: More Than Just Flashlights?
« on: June 01, 2008, 09:59:10 am »
My degree is, indeed, in physics.  This has potential to be seriously embarrassing - I know for a fact at least one more Ph D lurks here.  Please, please correct me - it has been a while since I've taken relevant classes.

A particle's energy, the sort one gets in an accelerator, is on the order of a MeV - Mega electron Volt.  That's an electron accelerated though a field of 1,000,000 Volts.  The trouble here is "e" - the charge of an electron - 1.62 x 10^(-19) Coulombs - a very tiny number.  Kinetic energy of a *single particle* in Joules is tiny. 

By comparison, a 10 g (0.01 kg) bullet traveling at MAC 1 (134 m/s, close enough) has the kinetic energy E = m v^2 / 2 = just under 90 Joules

So, are particle guns doomed?  Not quite...  First, inside a particle accelerator particles travel in bunches (honest geek term), though I won't hazard a guess of how many (little help, my brethren?)  Main point: it ain't the kinetic energy of a particle beam/bunch that kills - at least not by blunt force trauma.  A particle beam flies through a target and all the particles have a great chance to hit the atoms that make up a target.  Resulting in other particles, more collisions, creation of X-rays and all sorts of radiation.  None of the above is healthy for breathing things.  Imagine putting Fluffy in front of a strong beam.  For starters, Fluffy gets a small-ish hole where the beam passes.  I imagine the area around the hole also gets well heated.  And if Fluffy is OK with that, the ionization (ripping away of electrons) of most of the tissue will do serious immediate damage to the nerves, and eventual death from radiation sickness.

What makes particle guns not useful as hand-held weapons today is
1) size - As Dr. J pointed out small particle accelerators don't do much (your microwave ain't no rifle) and the strong ones tend to need a very large room at least.
2) absorption by the atmosphere - the particle bunches travel (are stored) in accelerator rings that are pumped down to vacuum.  Shoot them in the air and they particles start hitting the air molecules and the beam looses lethality pretty quick.

Applications: best bet is space-borne platforms that shoot particle beams at missiles, damaging them by burning holes and melting the electronics. 
Limitations: simple dense cloud cover would be a limiting factor for effectiveness AND space weapon platforms are not too maneuverable, which means would be easy targets.  A bit on the expensive side for a disposable weapon.

Sorry for the rent.  Please, please check this for unintentional BS.  I will do my best to look up details if there is interest.

Discussion / Re: regarding gatling/minigun
« on: June 01, 2008, 09:28:13 am »
I have to admit, i really meant "tons of force of recoil".  I stand corrected on exact number, but not on spirit.

1. The Gatling guns (aka Vulcan, aka GAU family), of which a Minigun is a member, were mostly designed for aircraft and with high calibers DO produce recoil in access of 1 ton - with barrels rotating at 4,000 to 10,000 rpm.  Talking about A-10 Thunderbolt here - the airplane has a second engine for the express purpose of maintaining airspeed whilst firing. 

2. Flipping over a car.  Great point.  The high caliber ones would, for sure.  The ones mounted on HUMV-s are 5.56 or 7.62 mm (.223 and .308 respectively) + the barrels rotate much slower.

3. Hand-held implementations.  Tried.  Primary problem - weight.  The gun + thousands of round of ammo + motor for spinning the barrels + the batteries for said motor.  Also, (see links) the "modest" 1,000 rpm of the barrels firing 5.56mm round produces 110kg of recoil.

Wikipedia on Minigun, with links to both craft using the weapon as well as variants of the weapon

A great site on all firearms:

a couple more enthusiast sites

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