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Messages - Sarin

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Feature Requests / Re: Gun attachments and other ideas.
« on: April 18, 2011, 08:38:07 pm »
I think gun attachments are scheduled for quite some time, since equip screen actually has provisions for that. Some of those options could work, tho semiauto/manual reload is unrealistic, since there is no difference in power...some of weapons in game have folding stock/foregrip, those might work...however, there should, I think, be tradeoffs in most attachments. Silencers do tend to reduce power of gun significantly, tho I have no idea how you wanna silence anti-materiel rifle. so I'd scrap that idea....

Heavy attachments are, for most part, useless. GL is semiauto with burst mode, so full auto is generally useless...besides throwing all 6 grenades in one spot, that is quite a waste of resources and TP. And Ufopaedia gives a good explanation why Rocket Launcher is unguided-there is no man-made targetting that can fit into rocket capable of getting through the alien jamming.

Oxidizing bullets: unrealistic, unuseful.
Scatter shells: that's what flechette rounds are.

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Re: Crash/Freeze when killing last enemy
« on: April 18, 2011, 08:22:15 pm »
I managed to reproduce bug both in campaign and skirmish. Perhaps, as emergency fix, you could add the warning that appears once you kill the last alien...since it sometimes take quite some time between the kill and end of mission...

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Re: Crash/Freeze when killing last enemy
« on: April 18, 2011, 08:51:20 am »
I've been experiencing the same problem. To me, it happens in campaign, been happening every other mission. Save>exit to main menu> load before each mission seem to help against it.

System: Win7/64 bit, running latest Muton's build.

Tactics / Re: What's your favorite weapon?
« on: April 15, 2011, 11:29:51 pm »
My favorite is Machine Gun. Full auto can mow down any enemy on close range, even multiple enemies when placed right, and the amount of lead almost guarantees a couple of hits even across most maps. TU cost is just right for look-shoot-back to cover tactics...

Second is Grenade Launcher. Its huge power and area of effect can result in such extremes as six aliens killed by single soldier during one battle, especially at maps where some groupings of aliens occur.

Heavy Laser has been my primary sniper weapon for most of the game. Versatile, high powered weapon capable of hitting bullseye through entire map. Only problem is high ammo consumption.

Discussion / Re: Funny screenshots!
« on: March 15, 2011, 07:43:30 pm »
It's also interesting that the taman is using SMG.

Those interceptors require empty small hangar, not large. Those are not interchangeable. As for those reports, they are simply not yet done ingame.

Tactics / Re: Strength
« on: December 20, 2010, 05:01:16 pm »
Indeed it won't. In 2.3, all my soldiers went to battle with full backpacks, and they never had any problems with speed.

Tactics / Re: Strength
« on: December 16, 2010, 06:43:51 pm »
In 2.3, strength is not yet working. It will be in later versions.

Feature Requests / Re: HEAVY duty support!
« on: December 16, 2010, 04:23:01 pm »
Probably not. Aircraft weapons would cause too much collateral damage and kill civilians.

Offtopic / Re: Everything is connected about aliens
« on: December 02, 2010, 06:48:44 pm »
Doublepost, but damn, this is interesting.

In a short. Later today, NASA is gonna hold a press conference. Only few things leaked about the topic, but it appears that in Lake Mono, California, a new kind of bacteria has been discovered. It is very different from "ordinary" life, as it uses arsenic in quantity in its cells, like any other life on Earth uses phosphorous.

The conference will be held at 2.PM EST, and will be live streamed at NASA webpage. Here's link on the announcement

Offtopic / Re: Everything is connected about aliens
« on: November 30, 2010, 07:21:11 am »
Sigh...this thread shown effects of bad "sci-fi" on general population in fullest.

Offtopic / Re: Everything is connected about aliens
« on: November 29, 2010, 01:11:55 pm »
I'm not talking about mutagens and radioactivity. I'm talking about nasty bioactivity. Seriously, alien symbiotic microorganism can be for us more harmful than black plague or smallpox, because nothing on earth will have antibodies against it. There are prerequisites to it, but if aliens can live among us unseen, I'd bet that those prerequisites are met.

And vice versa, human walking among aliens could be a living biological bomb for them.

Tactics / Re: Snipers vs Medium-armored aliens
« on: November 27, 2010, 01:32:00 am »
On standard diff, against Ortnoks with medium armor, not even Coilgun can score a one hit kill.

And don't fire your snipers just yet. Take a good look if they can be reeducated on another weapon type. If they have high speed and mind, go for it. Later they can pick up sniping again and don't fall behind in stats compared to other team members.

Offtopic / Re: Everything is connected about aliens
« on: November 22, 2010, 11:14:57 pm »
Aliens living among us unseen, that's total bullsh*t. If the aliens are so similar to us that they have DNA like humans, can eat same or similar food as us, then...well. Every human, in fact every multicellular organism is home to large amount of microorganisms. Some are harmful, some are harmless, some even essential, like E. Coli. Speaking about that one, it pretty much makes my point. What happens when E. Coli gets from your intestines to other organs? Yea, it is nasty. Very nasty. Now, imagine what would happen if alien microorganism gets released on Earth. No living creature on Earth would have antibodies against that...effect would be worse than in 15-18th century when explorers carried common european diseases to america and pacific islands...common, harmless diseases like flu depopulated entire islands there. If an alien disease would be released upon earth, it could cause massive ecological damage....

And since some of those buggers are symbiotic and essential, don't even start on stuff like "they have no diseases" etc...some things you just can't get rid of.

Offtopic / Re: Everything is connected about aliens
« on: November 22, 2010, 12:29:27 am »
However, using high-energy weaponry would cause collateral damage.

If I'd want Earth without humans, I'd go for biological agents. Nothing like good ol' plague to bring the cost of property down...

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