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Messages - noob

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Discussion / Re: Optimization bug connected with language file
« on: February 16, 2008, 05:22:26 pm »
да много че пробовал =), у мня 1 комп к сожалению, протестить на другой конфе не могу... позырь на аг, тама соответствующая темка про уфо аи,
не только у мня эта трабла, старые дровы скорее всего непокатят, я много какие пробовал серии 4x, 6x и тд и бестолку, только тормоза лишние =) из автозапуска убирал однажды всё, не помогло. как пишут знающие люди проблема чисто в неадэкватности кода к утф8, хотя опять же хз, нужен русский проггер с похожей проблемой, чтобы смотреть код, я пару чуваков хотел сподобить этим заняться, но то некогда, то им влом)...
а какие дрова у тя дома?
вполне возможно что эта трабла только с серией жириков 6xx-7xx, либо она както завязана на винде, ее шрифтами и муи русиком для нее
все версии гонят дуру, как транк 2.3 так и все ниже до 2.0... баг так и не исправили ни в одной из них =)

Discussion / Re: Optimization bug connected with language file
« on: February 16, 2008, 03:53:18 pm »
hope dies last


from one russian fan forum(not my post):
"We should be honest - bug is very old. But, because it mention only on utf 8 languages: russian, сzech, сhinese, thai, i has ceased to trust that this will be fixed sometime."

Discussion / Re: Optimization bug connected with language file
« on: October 07, 2007, 04:40:31 pm »
tried last svn.. lol but its not fixed yet

Feature Requests / Small compile bug
« on: July 25, 2007, 01:20:12 pm »
yes.. not any visible problems after compilation

Feature Requests / Small compile bug
« on: July 25, 2007, 11:41:39 am »
how to fix...

dev c++


1033: duplicate value...

Discussion / Optimization bug connected with language file
« on: June 17, 2007, 05:16:27 am »
maybe... i am not a programmist so dont know, mb there is a way somehow to free memory after rendering text, all constants which was used something like free(all);
mb i said something stupid because dont know c++ =)

Discussion / Optimization bug connected with language file
« on: June 16, 2007, 04:22:40 pm »
i am not a programmist, user only =(
so i really dont know how to locate memory leaks in windows
visual project is broken so i cant use this

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <crtdbg.h>

its some kinda of memory debugger as some peoples said on some forums for visual c++ (if i understand right)
valgrind is only for linux...

mb i should use gdb somehow..., if youll help me to find good tool and say what to do ill try to locate this bug

i have also prog BoundsChecker 6.51 but dont know how to use it...(it's the best for windows as many said)
it doesnt see source of ufoai and it needs some kinda to locate them for this prog

about dev c++ memory debuggers i didnt find anything at all

Discussion / Optimization bug connected with language file
« on: June 16, 2007, 01:11:01 pm »
equipment menu and etc

fixed by turn off optimisation in nvidia control panel some days ago...
(ye it was this f.. nvidia driver problem)

but utf-8 bug doesnt fixed yet(slow fps with rus translation)
Mattn, maybe you will look this memory leak closer plllllz =(

Feature Requests / Quits on New Game
« on: June 15, 2007, 08:19:03 am »
ye.. my stupid error, rebuilding all helped

Feature Requests / Quits on New Game
« on: June 15, 2007, 06:59:50 am »
i used debugger... some additional info

Code: [Select]
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0ba51e5d in ?? ()
(gdb) bt full
#0  0x0ba51e5d in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#1  0x0ba52419 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#2  0x0044244e in CL_Sequence2D () at ../../src/client/cl_sequence.c:351
        s2d = (seq2D_t *) 0x18e08e0
        i = 0
        j = 2
        height = 0
#3  0x0044faa5 in V_RenderView (stereo_separation=0)
    at ../../src/client/cl_view.c:637
        tmp = {8.57040001e-033, 0, 1.40129846e-045}
#4  0x004419c2 in SCR_UpdateScreen () at ../../src/client/cl_scrn.c:739
        numframes = 1
        i = 0
        separation = {0, 0}
#5  0x00428b7b in CL_Frame (msec=222) at ../../src/client/cl_main.c:2573
        extratime = 0
        lasttimecalled = 0
        type = 0x48058a "\203=0v1\n"
        name = 0x22f9d4 "°р\226|    Lр\226|¦е\224|"
        text = 0x14 <Address 0x14 out of bounds>
#6  0x004599a9 in Qcommon_Frame (msec=232) at ../../src/qcommon/common.c:1100

Feature Requests / Quits on New Game
« on: June 15, 2007, 05:17:49 am »
same problem...
compiled rev 9111 using dev c++ win32

Code: [Select]
Shared Client/Server Info loaded
MN_PrecacheModels: Could not register model 'models/aircraft/ufo_big/ufo_big_body_closed.md2'
MN_PrecacheModels: Could not register model 'models/aircraft/ufo_big/ufo_big_engine_left.md2'
MN_PrecacheModels: Could not register model 'models/aircraft/ufo_big/ufo_big_body_closed.md2'
MN_PrecacheModels: Could not register model 'models/aircraft/ufo_big/ufo_big_engine_right.md2'
MN_PrecacheModels: Could not register model 'models/aircraft/ufo_big/ufo_big_engine_left.md2'
MN_PrecacheModels: Could not register model 'models/aircraft/ufo_big/ufo_big_body_closed.md2'
MN_PrecacheModels: Could not register model 'models/aircraft/ufo_big/ufo_big_wing_left.md2'
MN_PrecacheModels: Could not register model 'models/aircraft/ufo_big/ufo_big_engine_right.md2'
MN_PrecacheModels: Could not register model 'models/aircraft/ufo_big/ufo_big_engine_left.md2'
MN_PrecacheModels: Could not register model 'models/aircraft/ufo_big/ufo_big_body_closed.md2'
MN_PrecacheModels: Could not register model 'models/aircraft/ufo_big/ufo_big_wing_right.md2'
MN_PrecacheModels: Could not register model 'models/aircraft/ufo_big/ufo_big_wing_left.md2'
MN_PrecacheModels: Could not register model 'models/aircraft/ufo_big/ufo_big_engine_right.md2'
MN_PrecacheModels: Could not register model 'models/aircraft/ufo_big/ufo_big_engine_left.md2'
MN_PrecacheModels: Could not register model 'models/aircraft/ufo_big/ufo_big_body_closed.md2'
MN_PrecacheModels: Could not register model 'models/aircraft/ufo_big/ufo_big.md2'
MN_PrecacheModels: Could not register model 'models/aircraft/ufo_big/ufo_big_wing_right.md2'
MN_PrecacheModels: Could not register model 'models/aircraft/ufo_big/ufo_big_wing_left.md2'
MN_PrecacheModels: Could not register model 'models/aircraft/ufo_big/ufo_big_engine_right.md2'
MN_PrecacheModels: Could not register model 'models/aircraft/ufo_big/ufo_big_engine_left.md2'
MN_PrecacheModels: Could not register model 'models/aircraft/ufo_big/ufo_big_body_closed.md2'
Com_PrecacheCharacterModels: Could not register model aliens/hovernet/head01
Com_PrecacheCharacterModels: Could not register model aliens/hovernet/head01
...precaching 71 menus
====== UFO Initialized ======

Found 2 processors
...only use one processor
Com_GetItemByID: Item "craft_weapon_particle_beam" not found.
Global data loaded - size 4535596 bytes
...techs: 150
...buildings: 19
...ranks: 1065353216
...nations: 0

Activate stage intro
Com_GetItemByID: Item "craft_weapon_particle_beam" not found.
Initializing aircrafts and aircraft-items ...
...aircraft and aircraft-items inited
Changing to Singleplayer

with developer 1
Code: [Select]
RS_MarkResearchable: handling "rs_ortnok_extra".
RS_RequirementsMet: ORtech: rs_alien_taman_autopsy / 120
RS_RequirementsMet: ORtech: rs_alien_shevaar_autopsy / 121
met_AND is 0, met_OR is 0
RS_MarkResearchable: Done.
RS_InitTree: Technology tree initialised. 150 entries found.
Initializing aircrafts and aircraft-items ...
...aircraft and aircraft-items inited
ExecuteString: 'seq_start intro'
ExecuteString: ''
ExecuteString: 'music PsymongN3'
ExecuteString: 'music_start'
OGG_Open: Already playing PsymongN3
ExecuteString: ''
Changing to Singleplayer
ExecuteString: '-select 178 5895312'

Coding / svn
« on: April 20, 2007, 08:18:46 pm »

Discussion / Optimization bug connected with language file
« on: April 08, 2007, 06:27:45 pm »
ok.. its not only russian lang problem ^^
equipment menu(where you choose equipment for soldiers) have the same problem 10-15 fps and its not connected with language in this menu... memory pool?

Discussion / Optimization bug connected with language file
« on: April 08, 2007, 01:49:19 pm »
yeah... and its only happaned with russian language...(
when you will use lots of any letter from russian alphabet,
fps will heavy decrease

and i dont think somebody is interesting in fixing this =(

Discussion / Optimization bug connected with language file
« on: April 07, 2007, 10:00:08 pm »
Hi, long time i wasnt here.. decided to try a new ver of ufoai from trunk and it is looking quite good

but there are one f***en bug since first ver of ufoai,
when i tried to use my country language (russian) and looked ufopedia
fps decreased to 10-15, if you are using en translation fps is near 40-60, when you look on russian ufopedia translation fps heavy decreased to 10 or something like it
tried to delete from translation simbols like "--" "!", no effect, somehow its connected with mm font? maybe

win xp sp2
conroe 2 duo 2.1
2gb ddr2

i am not a programmer, but if you can explain me where and how to locate this error (debugging, disasembling, softice...) maybe i can find the reason of this?

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