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Messages - maackey

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Discussion / Re: 2.5-dev play through
« on: May 23, 2012, 06:28:36 pm »
I recently started up a campaign of the 2.4 version and I was shocked that three point blank shots from the GL flechettes did not take down an unarmored (at least I think it was unarmored) Taman. I remember a time where I killed a heavily armored Ortnok with the same blast 3 squares away.

Anyway, I'd love to be cannon fodder for your campaign, preferably as the GL (the cannon fodder becomes the cannoneer :)) as I've found they get all the kills in my campaign, regardless of how I try and get other troops to rack up some kills. Anything with incendiary ammo is also a plus ;)

Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / Re: Mission crashes when aliens die :(
« on: December 15, 2011, 08:36:13 pm »
Ah, thanks then. Its not game-breaking, as I can reload and play the mission again, but it sure is disheartening when you only have 2 aliens close to death and all your troops alive that you have to re-start the mission from scratch.

Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / Mission crashes when aliens die :(
« on: December 14, 2011, 05:50:54 am »
I was minding my own business, splattering some alien scum, when some big armored ork-nut comes to the window of a 2-story building on my left flank threatening to rip my guys and gals a new one. So naturally I let my explosives specialist hurl a grenade through the window to at least harm him for the next turn (all the rest of my troops spent all their TU's and shots on an armored Taaman who was still standing...) and the mission all of a sudden crashes.

I recall some aliens killing each other with friendly fire up there, so the ork-nut might have been standing on someone's body when the grenade came through... not sure though.

line 2762 of ufoconsole.log:
2011/12/13 23:21:55 [STATS] Chris (Tatu (Nitro) Takagi) kills alien (Morgh Uk Ohm Umhpf) with Snap Shot - Airburst of grenl_ammo
2011/12/13 23:21:57 ********************
2011/12/13 23:21:57 ERROR: Can't move, actor on team 7 dead
2011/12/13 23:21:57 ********************

attached is the rest of the log and save file, Is there any other file that would help fix this issue?

edit: added save file

Artwork / Re: mechs? other art contributions?
« on: April 05, 2010, 03:22:06 pm »
Oops. Linked to the wrong page... ish. This page opens up if you click on models:
And then if you select my name from the list of authors it still should be on the front page (or just search the names for m-1 or m-2 respectively)
Some of the info (like the licenses) is a bit outdated because there is no batch command to change them all. I am working on updating that info and cleaning up the directories (some have unneeded files, or perhaps an older version etc...) so please forgive the mess.

Bugs prior to release 2.3 / Re: Reaction Fire not working (r29126)
« on: April 04, 2010, 11:09:23 pm »
I'm also having troubles with reaction fire, using r29222. I can set the reaction fire type and have them reserve TUs for it, but when an alien comes their way they just stand/sit there dumbfounded and die (or just waste their TUs)

Also, I'm not sure if these two events are unrelated, but when I move a character, and an alien has reaction fire he can shoot at people in his sights. Not a big deal. What is a big deal is that when he reaction-shoots my helpless 0TU guy, when ever anybody moves to come and try and save him, they get cut off by the reaction fire and stop moving. If I try to move them again the alien shoots again and stops movement. Repeat until motionless guy is dead.

Artwork / Re: mechs? other art contributions?
« on: April 04, 2010, 09:16:20 pm »
@MCR: only if you want to ;) but now I've got a reasonable list that should last me a little while at least.

So for my first model I was thinking that I could make a base auto turret. Its not anything like tropical plants, but it does have some functional use.

668 tris.

Any thoughts? Does it need more/less polies? Is the style acceptable? Should I go ahead and start uvmapping/texturing it? How exactly are textures handled in the engine? Keep the texture to 1 uvmap?

I am also curious as to what I need to keep in mind for the animation. Separate pieces for object translation probably, but I'm not quite sure how to show the ammo belts looping. Should they be hollow cylinders that just rotate, or should the texture be repeated/shifted and different pieces would be swapped to emulate movement?

Tactics / How do you defend bases?
« on: April 04, 2010, 04:39:24 am »
I just got unlucky enough the other day that a UFO found my base and attacked. I stationed my guys around the nearest entry points, and waited. One of my guys got vaporized from out of nowhere from two soon-to-be-roasted aliens, but after that I waited for ~10 turns and didn't see anyone. I got impatient and marched my guys outside where they found two aliens just dawdling. One was right next to the main entrance, and the other was behind the radar tower. I killed the one at the entrance the second I saw him (pistols are a lot more powerful than they look) and the second guy was just standing immobile under the radar tower as I worked my way towards him.

Is there something wrong with the alien AI that doesn't make them all storm the base? Am I just not patient enough and need to let them take some time to come down? I should also note that defending is especially tedious as reaction fire still does not work properly for me :-\

Also, a sneak preview of my slowly growing feature request list:
auto turret defense guns for the base would be really nice. Is it just a matter of there is no art content? or does somebody think they'd be unbalanced?

I dunno If you were thinking of any more ideas for medals, but to expand upon your previous list I had some suggestions that you might've already thought up, but its nice to have a cohesive list to pore over when trying to visualize things.

NOTE: numbers are arbitrary and can be changed accordingly to fit the almighty, holiest of holies: "balance"

lifesaver -- healed 100+ points of hp during mission
toe the line -- lost 90%+ hp during mission
lucky kitty -- gained "toe the line" 9 times
marksman -- at least 90% shots hit during a mission (min 10 shots)
deadeye -- 100% shots hit during a mission (min 10 shots)
courageous cook -- burn 10 aliens to death
chief chef -- burn 20 aliens to death
pyromaniac -- burn 50 aliens to death

perhaps add some medals with bad effects as well?
indiscriminate -- killed 5+ citizens
lazy bones -- no damage dealt during the last 5 missions
bad shot -- less than 1/10 shots hit during a mission (min 10 shots)

NOTE: numbers are arbitrary and can be changed accordingly to fit the almighty, holiest of holies: "balance"

I really like the medals idea. I know it isn't exactly realistic to give them funny/silly names, but this is a game and not everything has to be super serious all the time. I also think that the names give a personification of sorts to the awards, and make players want to achieve them more than if they were some bland descriptive name.

Artwork / Re: mechs? other art contributions?
« on: April 03, 2010, 02:55:03 am »
@MCR: I'll get started on some tropical plants then. Perhaps a big banana tree? That should be simple and fun. We used to have some out back before this harsh winter killed everything  :'(

@Mattn: yeah, I know.. in my ideal little fantasy world I would get compensated for my work. I actually don't mind that much what people do with it, but it just feels weird to me that someone can sell something that they didn't make. If I really need to change the license to GPL its not a terribly big deal, but tbh I prefer CC a bit more. Doesn't GPL usually apply to just code? I was under the impression that one could use non-GPL artistic sources with GPL code.
I made my models cc-by-sa (instead of strictly nc) at the promptings of I think it was the ubuntu repository packager on the Spring forums. Primarily because it was "DFSG" and it could be stored in the repositories.
Anyway, all this talk of licenses and stuff is almost as bad as politics or religion  :-X I can make my stuff GPL, but I would prefer cc-by-sa.

@Destructivator: Thanks for offering the help! I'll probably take you up on your offer soon enough :P As for the modeling program that I use, I <3 wings3d. I am however trying to learn blender, as it does have a few things that wings does not, but the ui is abysmal and the learning curve is so steep its not even funny. So it might take me a bit longer than usual (beware I'm a pretty slow/sporadic worker) but eventually I'll have everything figured out.

Artwork / Re: mechs? other art contributions?
« on: April 02, 2010, 08:32:29 pm »
I have most of them uploaded already in a semi-completed state here hrmm... it appears to be down at the moment. If you have anywhere to upload them to I can do that. Seems to be up and working now. My apologies if the directories are a little messy; I've been meaning to adapt a more professional and presentable standard to my works, just haven't gotten around to it yet :P

They are CC-BY-SA I think. I'm not really too invested in all the legal mumbo jumbo. All I'd really like is that nobody uses them to get money (or if they do, I'd like a cut :))

Some are animated and textured, although not at the level that I'd *really* like them to be. But they certainly are passable imo.

They were originally made for the game Complete Annihilation -- which I've plodded along for a while now every so often adding units.

I'm not sure that the animations are compatible with UFO:AI, but I don't really have any idea how most of the stuff is handled here works, something that I'll have to pick up soon I suppose.

I have yet to learn how to do ambient occlusion and normal maps and some other advanced stuff, but I did notice some mention of them while lurking in the forums so hopefully I'll be able to practice :) Organic people and plants are also a bit foreign as the Spring engine doesn't really support mesh deformations (yet). So there is a lot of stuff I still need to learn, but I'll try and get some workable assets made and finished.

@MCR: heh... I knew someone would bring previous threads up. :P The thing is its kinda hard creating a model/texture of something if you don't know what it should look like. Which is why when someone describes something that they specifically want or have some concept art it helps a LOT. (that is if I don't already have an idea of what I want to make -- which I don't at the moment) I will eventually come up with something, I was just hoping to probe for a little push for inspiration ;) But yeah, playing definitely gives me inspiration, although sometimes it can take a while.

Artwork / mechs? other art contributions?
« on: April 02, 2010, 06:20:34 am »
I have some bipedal (and some quadropedal) mechs that I've modeled/textured/animated for another game, and was wondering if anyone wanted to perhaps use them as some sort of alternate ugv. If you have any specific ideas or concepts for a completely different UGV I could try and make that too. Even for something completely different, like guns or props or anything really. I've read the "models needed" a few times, but apparently a lot of things are already done, apart from humans, which I still feel I'm quite inadequate modeling/texturing/etc... so I'm not really sure what to start out on.

I also like to get requests because then when I inevitably fall behind, I have someone to remind me not to be lazy and finish what I was working on  ;D

Sorry I don't have an actual portfolio but here are some excerpts from my image dump:

Offtopic / Re: Other Free Games?
« on: April 02, 2010, 05:59:35 am »
Complete Annihilation -- An epic multiplayer 3d RTS inspired by Total Annihilation with spectacular graphics (especially for a free, open source video game) and fast action oriented gameplay. I've never been engrossed in any game as intimately as this one (even ufo:ai takes a close second :'()

Battle for Wesnoth -- A 2d turn based fantasy hex game with pretty nice graphics and good polish. Not nearly as good as CA, but it is a lot more popular. (lots of singleplayer campaigns and ability to join/spec in the middle of multiplayer games is pretty nice)

Liquid War -- A very unique and interesting game that involves liquid blobs battling/consuming the other liquid blobs to win.

Scorched 3d -- A turn based game where you shoot other tanks with an arsenal that will blow your mind away. Fun is exponential with the amount of friends playing at the same time.

Feature Requests / Re: some features
« on: February 08, 2010, 10:01:59 pm »
greever: thanks. I didn't know that the game autosaves -- there isn't any indication on the load game screen (which would be nice  ;D)

Mattn: thanks, I'll definitely have a look. Btw, I noticed that the assault rifle has aimed shot as reaction fire.. is this intentional?? none of the other weapons have aimed RF.

joe davis: I sometimes like to listen to (my own) music while playing games and its nice to just have the built in music off but still have the effect sounds. While yes, i can just go and re-set the sliders, its much nicer to just have an option to temporarily disable them or something, so you can save their position and not have to mess around with it later. Since a picture is worth a thousand words:

Feature Requests / some features
« on: February 04, 2010, 04:28:30 am »
 - AUTOSAVE - a before and after mission slot would be ideal. I don't mind not having saves during the actual missions (as has been discussed before) But I too live in Florida, in an area with extremely sub-par power service. Compounded with the fact that I am often too lazy and not used to saving constantly (the only games i've played in the last 6+ months have been Rome Total War and Complete Annihilation -- the first autosaves every round and the second is a multiplayer rts [also open source btw]) I never remember to save and it frustrates the living hell out of me.

 - There should be an individual "End Agent Turn" button/key so they are taken out of the loop when tabbing through soldiers during your round.
 - Fire weapon should have a keybind -- press fire to bring up menu, 1-5 or whatever to select type of shot.
 - Mouse sensitivity slider
 - sound checkboxes for individual items (ie. one for effects and one for music)
 - tooltips vs cursor tooltips??? unfortunately there is no tooltip describing either  ;)
 - scripted tutorials would be a worthwhile endeavor imo - especially for people who have never played x-com.
 - an ingame keybinding editor would be slick. i personally don't mind editing the keys.cfg file, but I can imagine some would be put off by this.
 - Is there a tech tree/list of weapons anywhere? or would that show unwanted spoilers?
On that note, I was glancing through one of the multiplayer templates (i think thats what it was) and noticed some very strange stats on some of the weapons (ie. the shotgun having more range than a sniper!?) Is there a good table of those weapon stats somewhere too?

Bugs prior to release 2.3 / some bugs
« on: February 04, 2010, 04:12:49 am »
hi. just started playing the other day, and thought i'd share some of what I found.

2.3-dev x86_64 Linux DEBUG
nvidia 9800gtx (latest default drivers)
4 gig ram
2.4 dual core amd cpu

 - Textures are mismatched, some transparent as well. Sometimes they appear normal, most of the time not.
 - At my third "encounter" with the aliens in the campaign (setting just below standard) Really bad hang. Happened multiple times. (not sure if it will happen next time or not. wouldn't be surprised if it did)

attached are screens of both issues. (uhh, well, i reached the attachment limit -- but basically that last image in the top right corner would be the geoscape or the main menu if i pressed escape. The loading map screen flickered constantly between black/loading screen)

 - Assault Rifles have the aimed shot as a reaction shot type -- most other weapons have aiming disabled for reaction shots, no?
 - Reserve shots button should really be a toggle (instead of dropdown list) for weapons with <3 different fire modes. (I only noticed this on the rocket launcher, really -- but it was a pain to select the only option from a dropdown list every time i wanted him to be able to move+fire)
 - I really dislike the game automatically assigning TU reservations for crouch/stand.
 - If weapons do not have multi-shot reactions than the reaction should be an on/off toggle instead of a 3-way one (where the last option is superfluous)
 - when crouching the origin of the weapon does not change (so you'd get the same angle of attack whether standing behind the barrels/boxes or crouching -- which doesn't seem right to me)

 - When I pick up items (like the ones off of dead alien bodies) occasionally I just crash. nothing in the ufolog to suggest why either.
 - IRC says I'm not registered, program gives me no way to do so, I cannot logon as a guest.

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