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Messages - Imposeren

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Artwork / Re: Concept art
« on: September 03, 2009, 02:12:44 pm »
2. UFO:AI is a sci-fi/horror game. A silly concept like having to have their shells trimmed doesn't really fit with a serious game, and is actually in complete opposition to all established canon/backstory.

Shells trimming is not a concept it's just a little extra to explain it's look. Almost any creature have something that they realy don't need but it was needed by their ancestors. Concept is simple: they are weak but intelligent creatures that depend on their techs and on controlling other creatures. They survived in long-long past because they were body-controlling parasites.

I told this "story" just to explain why do they look like this and why are they still alive

Does visual or "historical" concept not fit in existing content?
This was just first attempts. I can keep trying to make something new but I need some feedback to adapt easily.

P.S. Clumsy one is just a fighter-runner. Only needed thing for it are legs, hands and some sensors on "head". It doesn't care for anything else in it's body so they may have any appearance. All these mall things on it's body is just "decoration". This decorations will be just texture details on low-poly model. And those bubles on back are some sort of glands

Translating / Re: Russian translation
« on: September 03, 2009, 01:34:46 pm »
"-мёты" как-то тупо звучат
С тем же успехом можно назвать шипоплюй (=

Translating / Re: Russian translation
« on: September 02, 2009, 10:56:27 pm »
Ну уже предлагали вариант "игольник". Можно еще всякие варианты с "игольным":
игольное ружьё/оружие

Можно вообще отстранённо:

Feature Requests / Re: Armour names
« on: September 02, 2009, 08:45:34 am »
I can understand you. You mean that scientist can;t know in adwance if there will be lighter or heavier aliens armors, so real scientsts wouldn't give them such names

Light armor can be realy named so by Scientists if it cover small amounts of body.
Another armors can be named in same manner: Full Armor, Full 2-layered Armor, etc.

Artwork / Re: Concept art
« on: September 02, 2009, 08:14:45 am »
Nothing that falls short of those requirements is going to get my approval, I'm afraid.

The  first one is just a variation of what Shevaar may look like.

The last one even have a story.
Once this aliens were parasites that used other species as mounts and as tools. With evolution they learned to used their four oposed pairs of limbs as a "hand". When new techs were discovered there was no more need of live mounts. Their "shell" is just like human hair, they don;t need it anymore. In fact it makes their life harder, but they keep it to make something like "shellcut"

Artwork / Re: Concept art
« on: September 01, 2009, 09:52:25 pm »
Now these look nice, these really do look alien, which is something I think we need more of for this project.
Are you talking about shevaar-inspired model, or about "Picky-hand"?

Any ideas, recomendations? What do you think about Migels remarks

Artwork / Re: Concept art
« on: September 01, 2009, 08:25:27 pm »
P.P.S. How about more "strange" aliens?
(this one can't go by itself, it requires floating disk)

Artwork / Re: Concept art
« on: September 01, 2009, 08:20:14 pm »
Spooky One! It is great, but I think you should remove the "tail" and set legs closer - it will look more human-like. I know you don't want that, but now it look a TOO strange. I can help with texture and try to add standart animation.
Do you realy think that it'll be better?

And what about G-like pose?

Here is quick dirt grab-resculptings for your proposition and my mine.

P.S. Any recomendations for retopology? (Poly count, etc.)

Artwork / Re: Concept art. Shevaar inspired model
« on: September 01, 2009, 04:30:10 pm »
Inspired by shevaar. I can try retopo it to make a low-poly model.
But i'm infamiliar in texturing( and modeling and animating) so I'll need some time to make it usable or some help for it.

P.S. Why aliens are named so strange?
For example, if I had been a scientist I would name shevaar «lizard caecus alienus». And other aliens:
Capitus amplus alienus,
musculus amplus alienus
(I mean that name shoud represent alien abilities. Name can't be something meaningless)

Feature Requests / Re: Terror From the Deep (Something to think about)
« on: August 31, 2009, 08:38:32 am »
lasers are degraded by the density of the material they are passing through so a laser would be almost unusable under water.
Can't they just use other frequency for laser, for example UV which(i'm not sure) passes through water

Translating / Re: Russian translation
« on: August 31, 2009, 08:22:09 am »
Извиняюсь, за оффтоп.
Если считать снаряды шипами, то можно назвать пушку Шиповником (=

Мне нравится «игольник».
Хотя «иглострел» тоже неплохо

Artwork / Re: A (Finally!) proper low-poly head without the headache
« on: August 30, 2009, 10:22:04 am »
Model is good. Textures are not.

Good work. Keep going

Artwork / Re: Concept art
« on: August 29, 2009, 09:49:20 am »
theres always the possiblilty of "mounted" aliens. If I were better at drawing, I would sketch up my idea
Can you explain main difference from mere aliens?

Discussion / Re: Ammunition for Particle Beam Weapon
« on: August 27, 2009, 02:20:22 pm »
Only way to get them is to pick them up on battlefield

Feature Requests / Re: Dual - Cooperative Research
« on: August 27, 2009, 07:44:19 am »
The main purpose of yours proposition is to get work for all scientist. But I think that your method will slightly imbalance game.

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