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Messages - Gunner

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Feature Requests / Re: Epic Mode
« on: September 15, 2009, 09:57:35 am »
Just out of curiosity: How long in terms of ingame-time does it approximately take until i can "win"?
I didn't get there yet so i can't actually say how it works, but up to now you'll win by destroying the alien base if i got that right, yes?
Then it would be quite simple to play it infinitely... don't destroy that base ;) If you overpowered them and rid them of their foothold on earth - why shouldn't you have won by that? Those Aliens aren't stupid - if they get their asses kicked too badly then i suppose they'll go find some easier victims in another part of the galaxy :D

well as it currently stands you can't *win* just run out of story

Feature Requests / Re: Defenses
« on: September 04, 2009, 11:32:46 pm »
Aye, perhaps it just wouldn't work right, even with all the technology the aliens have.. It's just easier to build things that simply blow up bases rather than build things that take away effective means of defense or offense. It just would have been interesting to see in the late stages of the game, the most commonly used offenses or defenses be rendered unusable, and would cause the player to need to use different strategies nearer the end.. But, maybe that's a bit off topic. It is pretty crazy to create a way to counter the way the players keep using. It makes much more sense for humans to create ways to counter what the aliens are doing, since they're the ones with the more advanced technologies.

My suggestion originally was, given enough time, if the humans only used one way to attack or defend, to 'remove this one way, but leave other ways open. This would require the humans to change strategies eventually to keep defending and attacking as time went on, and this would be different for each player.

In other words, if one player favoured using sniper rifles all the time, to remove that.
If a different player used explosives mainly, to remove that.
If another ... oh wait... there aren't many other ways to effectively stop aliens.

Mmm, I guess it's a bad idea. There really aren't many different ways to attack the aliens to remove near the end of the game, and encourage a different tactic. Ah well. Weird thoughts while they lasted I guess. I guess it's a bad idea to research alien ways to stop specific attacks based on what certain humans might come up with, to encourage players to come up with completely different ways to fighting in the end. I guess we encourage one straight forward way of fighting..

the best way to do that would be to tweak the AI, so the aliens use different tactics depending on the your pasted actions, but that is quiet alot of work to change

Feature Requests / Re: Defenses
« on: September 04, 2009, 11:44:20 am »
there are 2 sort of explosive these days High and Low, low explosives (ignoring nuclear) don't explode they burn fast. so if you don't contain them they just burn and don't explode and high that will always explode if triggered.

black powder and nitroglycerin are high explosives, where as modern gun powder is low
modern explosives like C4 require so much energy to explode that only another explosive can trigger them

bullets use low explosives as there propellant as it is easier on the barrels and much safe to store mecause as was mentioned above with out the barrel to contain them they just burn so it is much saver to store the detonator with the explosive. it is the same with missiles. the fuel is a low explosive so usually burns rather than exploding (especially as to get it to burn or explode you need to introduce the oxygen that completes the reaction into the mix, which means that the containment it broken) so is unlikely to trigger the high explosive warhead. and the detonators for the warhead are either removed or mechanically separated from the explosives and need arming before they can explode.

so evening if you did find a way of sypathetically detonating the detonators all that would happen is that you need to insert a new detonator before they work

Feature Requests / Re: Armour names
« on: September 04, 2009, 11:01:28 am »
Okay so the types of armor I encountered in the game are:
  • Combat Armor
  • Nanocomposite Armor
  • Alien body Armor
  • Medium Alien Armor

The naming is a bit strange... So what makes "Medium Alien Armour" the "medium" armour? How do scientists know there is a heavier armour at the time of research? A different name would fix it. :)

Also are there plans for more kinds of human armor? Nanocomposite is hardly effective against later weapons.

Also is there an actual list out there for the ufopedia on which research & items actually do anything... No offense but I do not want to spend time testing incomplete stuff that isn't supposed to work at all, yet.. :)

well you could say the same about every item in the game really when you find a plasma pistol how do you know it A works with plasma and B is a pistol.

now Xcome named everything Alien Artefact until it was researched. but even in the stores they had to geve then the proper names.

the simple fact is that humans to be able to identify the items with out that the game is unplayable. would it be any better if you had Alien Armour Type 2? when you might not find type 1 until after type 2?

jyust take it as read that in the attacks that occurred in the intro we saw the aliens with 3 or more types of armour and we know that this is the medium one that we have captured

Feature Requests / Re: Epic Mode
« on: September 04, 2009, 10:46:08 am »
I think the game should be able to continue unendning, still spawning random ufo landings, even though the game is completed. Like the epic mode in civilization. Lets say game end, but you can click "keep playing" if you want, or just be happy you won. 

well on civ after you have global dominance there is no point in playing, if you get one of the fuzzy wins then you can keep playing for the dominance one as well.

with this one after you reach the stories end you already have all the weapon to take out the aliens with ease so what point is there to keeping playing

Feature Requests / Re: Defenses
« on: September 04, 2009, 10:38:57 am »
I wonder why Aliens don't have to research us. I mean, if I were an alien.. Err, maybe that's the wrong way to think of it..

If I were a human commander invading an alien world, one of the first things I'd be doing is researching their defenses, and trying to see if I can do something to cause their defenses to work against them. Exploding munitions would be great if I could design some way to trigger them.

In today's world, sure, we have safety precautions against accidental triggers and stuff, but what if I were making a device that would intentionally trigger these things? It's something I sure would try to do if I were human.

well that out be kinda like training the US cavalry to train bears to kill Indians. sure you can do it but why bother a rifle bullet makes them just as dead with much less effirt

actually thats a fairly good comparison for the entire game, the human race is the natives and the aliens are the invading whites.

Feature Requests / Re: Logging...
« on: August 31, 2009, 08:24:29 pm »
What do I do in code::blocks?

you need to build the code, the code::block IDE is new to me as well

Ctrl + F9 the build command, that should instruct code::blocks to create the exe file, however F8 should have a similar effect

Feature Requests / Re: Logging...
« on: August 31, 2009, 01:16:33 pm »
Oh you want me to launch the game through codeblock? Could you tell me the best way to do that (so that I generate the most detailed log). Compilers disable some options...

you compile the code then at the command prompt type "gdb ufo.exe" might need to add directories.

unfortunately my C days are a few years behind me now i'm a OO programmer

Feature Requests / Re: Terror From the Deep (Something to think about)
« on: August 31, 2009, 01:00:33 pm »
Can't they just use other frequency for laser, for example UV which(i'm not sure) passes through water

all lasers are degradeded no matter the frequency. but yes some frequencies are degraded more than others, microwaves are particularly susceptible so masers would be extremely poor, the ones least suspetable are the ELF used in some communication systems however their very nature makes then unsuitable for laser as they pass through targets with out losing very much energy. plus your laser would have to be several miles in size

grasers (Gamma Laser) might be effective to but would still be heavily degraded

Feature Requests / Re: Reactionary fire hell
« on: August 31, 2009, 12:51:09 pm »
I always cover my face... :)

Oh and typically I mind control the alien with the blaster launcher... Launch it up and directly back to him... Oh not even his corpse remain most of the time >:D

MC never played a huge part in the game when i played, but that's because the secoid leaders always trigger my reaction fire getting themselves killed leaving me waiting for the Ethreals to turn up

Feature Requests / Re: Reactionary fire hell
« on: August 31, 2009, 02:50:48 am »
Blaster bomb cannot be fired as a reactionary... :)

true but doesn't stop you getting a blaster bomb in the face before you can start the mission

Feature Requests / Re: Terror From the Deep (Something to think about)
« on: August 31, 2009, 02:47:52 am »
they would have but honestly they where over powered for the first game. the lack of ammo just made it too powerful and the gauss was a good replacement

Feature Requests / Re: Cure virus missions + injection-gun
« on: August 30, 2009, 09:28:02 pm »
All the best then Gunner! If u wan, i have a R25862 that is compiled for windows.
Thread for 2.3 Dev builts with R25862

Do check it out if u wanna have a feel. :D

thanks for some reason the code is throwing errors over std libraries being missing so looking like the compiler isn't setup correctly

Feature Requests / Re: Reactionary fire hell
« on: August 30, 2009, 07:20:13 pm »
About the "Locked up" Deployment (XCOM-UFO Style) I remember more than once sending a happy Marine out to check the area just to meet a gentle Snakeman and his gang camping outside of the ship. (I bet that that happened to some of you too)

usually armed with a blasterbomb launcher bang bye bye entire dropship

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