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Messages - Migel

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Artwork / Re: Redo of Soldier Body model
« on: October 03, 2009, 03:35:35 pm »
Well I think it will be something like this...

Artwork / Re: Redo of Soldier Body model
« on: October 02, 2009, 08:10:55 am »
I have one more question (must be for Mattn) about texture size - leave 2048x2048 or make 1024x1024? IMO 2048 it too much...

Artwork / Re: Redo of Soldier Body model
« on: October 01, 2009, 03:33:14 pm »
Yes, I have upwards of 30 to 40 or so different camo patterns actually.  How many can you handle?  I could also re-arrange the UV map so that all the camo parts are together in one area, and that one area could be re-placed swapping camo in and out, so that you only have to work on just one texture and not have to do the same work over and over again many times.
OK, let's skip that part for now =) First I need to make at least one. Drawing is about layers - I don't need to do the same work, I need only to change backgrounds once it's done.

Artwork / Re: Potential "Light Armor" model, WIP
« on: October 01, 2009, 01:17:08 pm »
IMHO the design of old light armour is fine. I think the best way is to remake it - stout jacket with many pockets and kneepads is fine and looking like a SWAT uniform you always talking... And this armor patches you can leave for adv. light armour or for med. armour.

Artwork / Re: Redo of Soldier Body model
« on: October 01, 2009, 01:09:36 pm »
Thanks for that fix, Destructavator. The model now looks much better. But there is a few more things to do...
1 - how about a buckle?
2 - UV map is fine, but can you please make the hands in one part (like the previous version), not in two.
3 - can you upload some more skins with different camouflage...

I can do this changes by myself, but it only make chaos then I make one thing while you make some other thing.

Artwork / Re: Redo of Soldier Body model
« on: September 30, 2009, 05:11:13 pm »
So, need I finish this one or not?
Yes - as i've said
I really get tangled...  Destructavator is changing the model right now - this skin may not fit the new model. So let's do it like this - I'll wait until Destructavator make his work and only then finish this skin (and make new one so everyone will be happy :D)

2Destructavator - I have a few wishes =) Whatever you make, please leave some spase between model parts in the skin. And one more thing - I'm waste a hell of a lot time to make texture joints less visible, but when you assign material in blender he solve this problem itself. So maybe I'll just use your skins as base or (and) upload few camo patterns I want to see on this model?

Artwork / Re: Redo of Soldier Body model
« on: September 30, 2009, 03:50:38 pm »
As it is right now it looks rather...historical, making the whole thing look more like something archaic from one of the world wars
Well, I think I should tell the truth - I want it to look that way from the beginning. It's not just brown Y belt (which is real WW2 equipment) and copper and sweater and buttons instead of zippers - the uniform itself is old style. I agree with all you said, but I was thinking it will looks cool. And that is why I wanted to make the "urban" one whole different - it would be modern style. One in the old style and one in the new style -  isn't it better than just full set of clone skins with different camo texture?
PS - So, need I finish this one or not?

Artwork / Re: Redo of Soldier Body model
« on: September 29, 2009, 05:50:41 pm »
as soon as you get a good model and texture that Winter is happy with, please attach it to a post or upload it, so that Vedrit and I can get to work on animating it
I don't think you need to wait me. In the end I just set texture a bit different and add the buckle and that's all. No radio, no dummy weapons. The last thing is pouches and holster you ask, but you see - big objects must be modeled and small can be drawn. If you want something like pouches and holster it must be modeled (like the one on the belt and legs), or eye will see the fake in any angle, different from 90. I can make them if you want, but I think there is enough of that stuff already. I just draw a few more pockets.
About texture set - you can't use your old skins anymore. What I did is set all parts more separately - it's easier to draw like this.

Artwork / Re: Redo of Soldier Body model
« on: September 29, 2009, 09:16:48 am »
And that's about radio on the back. And I'm sure that's how the light armour must be look like.

Artwork / Re: Redo of Soldier Body model
« on: September 27, 2009, 09:03:00 pm »
And a few words about chevrons. As I know on the left hand it should be soldier side (IRL it's country) - in our case it's a PHALANX. But on the right hand it should be soldier speciality - it's different for soldiers, pilots and scientists (if only they have a uniform somewhere in their lockers  ;) ). So I suggest crossed alien for soldiers and crossed ufo for pilots.

Artwork / Re: Redo of Soldier Body model
« on: September 27, 2009, 06:12:49 pm »
(Radio) I'll remove the radio, but the reason I add it is because it's actually visible. It can be a previous age technology, but for me 1st priority is to make a model look more interesting. I'm not a big fan of realism in games... It is like that - player don't think that soldier has a bluetooth codec in the ear, he see the big chunky thing (that surely is a radio) on the back and know that soldier have a radio.
(Camo) I always think that the "Forest" and "Urban" is some kind of basic of camouflage. Just then I finish this one I make an urban and it will be different somehow. All other can be clones - just change the texture, leaving all shoulderbelts, pockets and pouches...
(Grenades) Nice places for grenades is that shoulder belt. So good idea - make an addtitonal tag for grenades and pistol maybe - if soldier have one it is showed on model!

Artwork / Re: Redo of Soldier Body model
« on: September 27, 2009, 11:17:13 am »
I was thinking how to make this model a bit better and decide to make a buckle and a radio on the back (there will be hands-free microphone on neck collar and a cord to this radio). The texture of course will be different - I'm still not finished this skin even on half of what I want... But I think it's up to Winter to accept this changes or not.

Artwork / Re: Redo of Soldier Body model
« on: September 25, 2009, 07:36:10 pm »
Some more screenshot - I make an Y shoulder belt with copper buckles. Don't know if you like it, but I think it is better that way.

Artwork / Re: Redo of Soldier Body model
« on: September 22, 2009, 06:23:38 pm »
Just to show - I add fabric-like texture and draw simple belt... Actually I ask Destructavator to upload model without PHALANX signs, so maybe I'll start over this work. I also have an idea to discuss - I want to add some dummy weapon to the model, like gun in the holster on the leg or knife on the belt.

Artwork / Re: Armour types and their models - PHALANX
« on: September 20, 2009, 07:18:01 pm »
you added a lot of files that you should not even have touched
Maybe I add some old skin by mistake, but it should be only new skins and md2  ??? It should be head models in md2 (11 (+1 no cigar) for male 8 for female), their skins, and new body skins (6 male and 6 female - 1 for each camouflage you have, including cccp and yellow). If something is missing I can send it all by email.
why did you name it cccp
All skins named according the alliases in existed body model.
the anm files are missing, too
For the head model? There is no animation =) To make it simple you can copy "malemedium" and "femalemedium" folders and replase all files there by uploaded files. That is the quickest way to test it.
And since it is working like this I consider that nothing else needed =)
what i now need is the body models you used
The Body model is the old one, but I change one thing - texture size.
But I'm not sure it is change something in game - even before I did it skins was showed correctly. This must be about programming part - wat if the texture size in md2 is 256 and the texture itself is 512? Will the skin compres or size will change automatically? Anyway if you need this md2 I'll upload it!
and it would be sweet if you could provide the ufo script files entries for this
I'm sorry, I just don't get this part. Can you, please, explane what script you need and I'll make it.

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