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Messages - Bonzo

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Book two chapter seven online.

We've had some great ideas for the ending.

Good god have we had some ideas.

Heh. Heh. Heh.

All the links up to date with the first two chapters of AI:2

There is more on the way, fear not. Book one's being scrutinised by the Firedance crew presently so a full downloadable with a few extra chapters bolted on should be out soon.

As for the sequel, the beginning of that may be online as soon as next week if the sitemaster sees fit. Fingers crossed!

Well that's the final chapter online (a lot of fun to work on)!

User modifications / Re: Custom difficulty?
« on: February 25, 2013, 05:40:40 pm »
Sounds like a great idea. Sharing/collaborating over custom difficulties (and, of course arguing over which is best) sounds like a right laugh :D

Of course, a little knowledge of modding would let you do most of that stuff, but it'd be nice if it was more accessible so those without 't3h l33t hax'/'programming witchcraft' could join in.

On the other hand, I can imagine being halfway through a campaign, thinking 'this is too easy', jacking up the difficulties, accidentally unleashing an unstoppable alien armada on myself... and being too British to put the difficulty down again.

"I’ll fight till from my bones my flesh be hacked!"

The penultimate chapter is ready for your viewing.

So what're people's thoughts on a sequel?

(thought I updated this yesterday - I must have quit the window too fast or something)

Well, 21. Nearing the end.

Chapter 20 is online, and has the best title of anything ever.

Thanks for the feedback Cyber Killer! I'll make sure Gary sees it.

Your reward is... chapter 19 being up!

Chapter 18 is up!

Whoa, Chapter 17 guys!

The ~150 is pretty suspicious, yeah - the analytic suite we're using tends to behave oddly. There'll be a proper figure when we've found and fixed the issue, no doubt

I'll have a look at the analytics....

Seems to be a little over one hundred regular followers - ~95% from here.

Because the UFO-playing demographic is the best demographic :)

16th installment.


Chapter 15 ready for your viewing!

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