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Messages - Punkie

Pages: 1 [2]
Coding / Re: New Build System
« on: November 17, 2010, 10:49:18 pm »
I am supposing this means that the Makefile file in trunk/ufoai is the new one.
Some dependencies (theora,xvid headers) are checked but they are non fatal, dont result in errors.  Thus upon resolving the missing headers problem, the check isnt reperformed. I am assuming here that theora is a necessary dependency for building because it fails without. I thus suggest to make the check fail for some dependencies.

Linux / wiki dependencies
« on: November 17, 2010, 10:32:19 pm »
On compiling:
The debian and the suse wiki page each have a different (outdated) list of packages to install. The "Compile for linux" page completely ignores this problem altogether.
Maybe it could be usefull to keep 1 single list of the necessary packages which you can see on all 3 pages. Plus include version requirements. And for a different version of ufoai a different list.

The Suse list misses SDL_mixer-devel.

Fedora has no libxvidcore package, just xvidcore. The openal package is called openal-soft.

Linux / Re: More Packages
« on: November 17, 2010, 08:10:32 pm »
I add RPM Fusion, but it looks to only provide binaries? do you know if the package auto download the game content ?

The link given in the first post was for the binaries. There is also a package for the game data at the source directory. There is also an rpm with the code source on the same page.

Via the homepage you can browse the content of the repos. Note that the links given are for Fedora14. For previous fedora versions there are other rpms. Mind also the architecture, for i386 they built a different set of rpms:

Note that it is for users way easier to just add the repo and update via their yum/apt backend. This is the howto.

Linux / More Packages
« on: November 17, 2010, 01:12:27 pm »
The download page mentions ubuntu packages and sourceforge contains deb packages (for ubuntu?). There are more of course out there, eg pclinuxos has it in its repos (only 2.2.1 afaik).
For fedora there seem to be some troubles but the rpmfusion project hosts the latest rpm packages for fedora and can be added to the download page. Does ufoai still contains material with unsettling licenses?

Feature Requests / missing text
« on: June 24, 2007, 12:18:38 am »
There is no config file

typing in the console
 set s_language "en_GB"
gives the result:
 could not set to language: en_GB
 could not set to system  language

The result is that the language IS set to English though.
Note: this goes for ANY language. it IS set but an error is still displayed.

Typing the same cmd again yields NO error message.

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