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Messages - Eegxeta

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Tactics / Re: Is there really any point in equipping armor?
« on: December 20, 2013, 06:59:23 pm »
Sorry, I repectfully disagree. The bolter and coilguns are game changers, simply down to thier wall/ground penetration. Hell, you can fight off entrie alien base assault teams by shooting through the roof into them with either gun. AM rounds can take even heavy armour ortnoks down in one hit if the random number god is on your side.

Well I quite frequently start new games, so I haven't used the coil gun or AM rounds yet. I replaced my sniper with a grenade launcher which so far has been one of the most effective weapons I have used. I particularly like using it for area denial and indirect fire. Pulling trick shots off with it is fun too. So far my guys using grenade launchers have always racked up more kills than anyone else and my snipers the least. I have also found that my assaults have been able to out snipe the snipers.

Feature Requests / Re: 2.6 - Radar coverage is very unclear
« on: December 18, 2013, 11:03:56 pm »
The UI is a work in progress in 2.6. I'd play 2.5 it is done. 2.5 does have lines showing the radar coverage.

Tactics / Re: Is there really any point in equipping armor?
« on: December 18, 2013, 06:31:29 pm »
I really don't use snipers anymore. I found that they take too long to setup and are not very adaptable also I have found that my assaults end up out preforming the snipers significantly they get a higher hit chance at a much lower cost. Yeah the sniper can one shot a guy but generally by the time my sniper has gotten into position, the alien is already dead or moved. Early in the game snipers are useful as they do better at long range than the starting assault rifle, but as soon as you get plasma weapons that accuracy advantage quickly disappears as plasma assault rifles preform quite well at medium to long range and unlike the sniper rifle they also preform well as close range. Snipers to me are just not adaptable enough, yes they are better for long range firefights but they are practically useless at closer ranges when they don't have the time or the space to setup. Snipers are like artillery they are big, bulky, slow, and only really useful out in the open. I wish it wasn't so because my general tactic is to engage the enemy at long range, but you can't do that everywhere and I like to have my team be extremely adaptable.

Duke you should design the website to snare spambots into a trap that makes them try to calculate the last number of pi. If you find something that the spam bots do automatically then use that as the snare and give a work around that is not too complex, but has a factor the spam bots can't account for. Like if they automatically activate the account as soon as they can then make it so you have to wait a day before activating the account otherwise it sends them to a page that make them try and calculate the last number of pi to continue. That would annoy the heck out of the people running the spam bot and they would move on because it is too much work. Or you could spam the spam bots make them download tons of junk data or well you get the idea. Make a trap that spam bots won't see.

Tactics / Re: Is there really any point in equipping armor?
« on: December 14, 2013, 02:07:52 am »
In my experience my soldiers have always been better off with armor than without. I honestly think I over equip my soldiers a bit, but it has always paid off because I'm almost always equipped to deal with anything that gets thrown my way. It gets a little rough when plasma rifles first get fielded, but my guys always have the equipment to adapt. I came up with a standard loadout that has yet to fail me.

Well I'm going to answer this like any new user would. "Who the heck is Duke?" or "How am I supposed to know what his girlfriend's name is?".

Seriously I haven't the foggiest idea of an idea of what the answer could be.

I would change the question to something related to the game or maybe add a mail you get a month or so into the game that gives you the answer.

User modifications / Re: Where is the installation limit per base defined?
« on: December 04, 2013, 06:52:29 pm »
A modification I made is a campaign that is basically the regular campaign except you get a little more money.  I don't like fighting the weaker aliens in the easier campaigns because I'm pretty good at the tactical part of the game and fighting the weaker aliens is boring, but I'm not very good at the budget/management part so I made that easier while keeping the aliens from getting weaker. I don't think that is a unreasonable change I just wanted a difficultly that matched my uneven skills so the game doesn't get boring or too difficult. I think the game is well balanced and makes for a good challenge. I just mixed and matched that balanced to create a difficultly that is challenges my skills appropriately.

The reason I wanted to know what the installation limit is, I was curious and the fact that I couldn't find it made me more curious. I honestly didn't have any plans on changing it.

User modifications / Re: Where is the installation limit per base defined?
« on: December 02, 2013, 11:55:00 pm »
No no... ok yes sometimes but only in ways that make the game more fun or to help me get pass a level I'm stuck on.

But really I was wondering because it was mentioned on another topic and I didn't know exactly what the limits are. Plus I find it fun to tinker with stuff and see what the results are. In Cortex Command I gave a gun so much recoil it made your head explode when you fired it. I also managed to pull a head shot off on myself, too.

User modifications / Where is the installation limit per base defined?
« on: December 01, 2013, 09:16:11 pm »
I started looking for where it is set just out of curiosity and I haven't been able to find it.

Discussion / Re: Unable to build more than one radar and SAM site
« on: November 28, 2013, 06:30:28 pm »
To prevent people from spamming radar towers and SAM sites.

Feature Requests / Re: A few ideas for bases
« on: November 12, 2013, 04:59:30 pm »
Glad to know it is on the todo list. Do you have any thoughts on my ideas for workers?

Windows / Re: "[2.5 is stable]" - H-Hour
« on: November 07, 2013, 04:19:29 pm »
Ah, I didn't know you used linux.

Feature Requests / Re: A few ideas for bases
« on: November 07, 2013, 04:16:04 pm »
Well the original idea was to allow your workers to help in construction to make it go faster.

Still I think being able to place where buildings are going to go even if construction can't begin on them right away would be a nice feature. You wouldn't have to keep going back and placing buildings if the entrance ends up in a weird spot and you can't build on every side of it. More for convenience than anything else. 

Windows / Re: "[2.5 is stable]" - H-Hour
« on: November 06, 2013, 07:08:39 pm »
I haven't had too many problems ether. Also if you can't find the download link it is 2.5 on the first line in the stable section on the download.

Feature Requests / Re: A few ideas for bases
« on: November 05, 2013, 05:40:48 pm »
Early on you have plenty of space.  So in terms: The combined base is not as good as the stand-alone base is not as good as the advanced base.  And if the advanced Base is mid-term and separate, why does it matter? ( when this early on base space doesn't??)

Well, it may not have a impact on a early game base but what about a dedicated workshop or research base. You might not put a advance radar in because it takes up space that is better used on other things.

One and two percentages seem low, but otherwise I like the idea of being able to assign work focus, how to make it work?
Base building kinda blows.  Once you know what you are doing; or what you are doing with this base... honestly base building should be harder.  Does this make Base Building harder?

The current repair rate of aircraft is 1% per hour, so no 1% or 2% per hour is not low. Anyway just think if a worker could repair at say 10% per hour ten workers would be able to repair any aircraft no matter how much it is damaged in less than a hour. Which would be game breaking as you would need significantly fewer aircraft, especially on the harder difficulties. I mentioned that you would assign them in the production screen. Workers would be assign ether to base construction, aircraft repair, or workshop. If they have nothing to do they will work in the workshop by default and if the workshop is doing nothing then aircraft repair, this could be changed by the player in the options menu. Unless workers are required it would really only speed things up a bit.

This is how it could work if workers are required for base construction and aircraft repair:

Base construction you be able plan where the buildings are going to go, which costs nothing. Before construction of the building can start you need to have a power plant, a command center, storage and living quarters planned in a way that they are connected to entrance and have workers assigned to the base. Before a living quarters is built you can only assign about ten workers to a base. That number also would also be the amount of workers you would need to constructed a building with their current/base build time. You can only have the amount of workers needed to reduce building time to half the base working on the construction of a single building. All of this would be managed on a tab in the production menu. Workers can be assigned to base construction in the building menu and the queue can also be accessed.

Aircraft repair would worker in a similar way. The aircraft needing repair would queue up and you assign workers to repair them. Only 10 workers can be assigned to one aircraft. It would be managed on a tab that is available in the production menu and the aircraft menu.

The queue for both can be reordered like the production queue, but the queue items cannot be removed and are added in a different way. You can also set how many workers will be assigned to one queue item. Workers would be assigned to items from top to bottom. So the queue might look something like this:

Try to picture this on the production screen.

                                                                                              /\(Max number of workers assigned to one item)
(Queue item 1)(numb workers assigned)
(Queue item 2)(numb workers assigned)                                         /\              (Queue item 1)
(Queue item 3)(numb workers assigned)                                         \/                  picture
(Queue item 4)(numb workers assigned)

Say you have 20 workers and the set max for each item is 8 it would look something like this.


(Queue item 1)(8)
(Queue item 2)(8)                                                                       /\              (Queue item 1)
(Queue item 3)(4)                                                                       \/                  picture
(Queue item 4)(0)

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