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Messages - cyllan

Pages: 1 [2]

thanks geever , so the limit is 16...... can it be changed up?


Discussion / changing number of off-base installations/ mods
« on: June 20, 2011, 10:34:43 am »


does anyone know how to change the number of installations from the current  max limit of  16?

also is there any mods with this game

thanks in advance for your replies

hello geever,  i have windows 7 64, i cant find any saved games in the ufo folder, game saves, roaming/ app data folder... windows search...., nothing...... no saved games folder either, ....... very frustrating......

i  got 16 already...... dont know why the limit.


cant build sam,  radar ,  ufo  storage, nothing after building the last 2 bases at the same time, both bases fully operational for 1 month+ , is weird i had no problems with the other 6......

Discussion / Re: STUCK!!!!!
« on: June 15, 2011, 08:28:48 am »

i cant find the saved folder...

Discussion / STUCK!!!!!
« on: June 15, 2011, 08:14:58 am »

I have researched everything i could, i have antimatter from a ufo, but there are 4 alien ship topics which cannot be researched........ i dont know what to do,  all i do is shooting more ships, etc, but i never seen a baseship/supply ship, or an enemy base......., what should i do?


Discussion / Re: ecm and armor for ships
« on: September 21, 2010, 07:48:19 pm »

Discussion / ecm and armor for ships
« on: September 18, 2010, 12:42:41 pm »

can i use 2 ecms or 2 amors in ships, do the effects stack or only 1 is useful, thanks

Discussion / bugs
« on: March 18, 2006, 09:15:04 am »

I have tried to play the game but the equipment for half my squad disappears before the mission, and a lot too after it. so i cant really play it and had to delete it

i am surprised nobody mentions it.

also it would be a good idea if you "lowered" the perspective a bit since it is too high,  it is nearly top down.

otherwise it could be a cracking game

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