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Messages - vedrit

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Artwork / Re: Redo of Soldier Body model
« on: September 05, 2009, 07:00:45 pm »
The bone connections, or lack thereof, at the hips is whats concerning me most about the skeleton. How it is now, the bones in the hip will move in relation to the entire scene, rather than to the bone that it stems from. Did you start making the skeleton from the waist up?

Artwork / Re: Redo of Soldier Body model
« on: September 05, 2009, 08:10:13 am »
I encourage learning animation. I think its fun, and not all that hard to do. You just have to understand how the body moves, and how the clothing will impeed movement (Normally, something called Paint Weighting would be used, and that would affect how the clothing moves and bends, etc, but its very complex, far beyond my comprehension)
Handles are only there to aid in animation, but arent necissary. We can split up the list of animations. That way, the list gets taken care of a little bit faster, you learn to animate, and I stop slacking

Artwork / Re: Redo of Soldier Body model
« on: September 05, 2009, 07:48:33 am »
if we could get a rigger to do a quick rigging job, that would be awsome.
If not, then I can take over and stop my slacking

Artwork / Re: Armour types and their models - PHALANX
« on: September 04, 2009, 02:18:18 am »
Vedrit (a skilled animator here) also built a skeleton for animating it already.  You're welcome to download that one and base something off of it anytime.

To be honest, I've been majorly slacking, and with no reason, half ass or not. Yes, we have a bone structure, properly named and all, but for animating purposes, and the part I am struggling most with, there are no handles (Or rigging, as its called in the industry) (Things that can be moved and affect corresponding bones in a specific fashion), that make the animating easier

Bugs prior to release 2.3 / Re: Laser defense crash
« on: September 03, 2009, 08:24:34 am »
wait, someone got the laser defense to work? I thought it wasnt fully implemented

Artwork / Re: Concept art
« on: August 30, 2009, 09:46:27 am »
faster, carrying larger weapons. Tanks, but without the machine. But if they are out of the question, then OK

Bugs prior to release 2.3 / Re: ERROR: Actor is still moving
« on: August 30, 2009, 01:51:41 am »
looks to me to be mainly the civvies that keep moving. That is team 7, right?

Artwork / Re: Concept art
« on: August 29, 2009, 12:57:15 am »
theres always the possiblilty of "mounted" aliens. If I were better at drawing, I would sketch up my idea

Windows / Re: UFO: AI 2.3.x download windows - Where to get it?
« on: August 28, 2009, 04:00:22 pm »
I thought it was still upwards of a gig. Maybe FileFront can be a weekly thing, with an install that doesnt have the source or map building stuff. You can always do seperate files

Windows / Re: UFO: AI 2.3.x download windows - Where to get it?
« on: August 28, 2009, 05:23:10 am »
I keep pushing to have the installer put on FileFront again

Bugs prior to release 2.3 / Re: Are these bugs or design changes??
« on: August 24, 2009, 07:40:40 pm »
This is afaik fighter_crash map, and it doesn`t have any dropship`s model by design of the map.
May be it is just old map (since pre 2.0 branch).

Strange. I was usuing R 25745, and recall seeing it in previous versions.

Bugs prior to release 2.3 / Re: Are these bugs or design changes??
« on: August 24, 2009, 01:19:43 am »
Something Im wondering about is if the PHALANX dropship was taken out of this map (See attached screen shot)

Bugs prior to release 2.3 / Re: ERROR: Actor is still moving
« on: August 24, 2009, 01:12:14 am »
Im playing R.V. 25745 and getting these

Just on a note, I think no one downloads the changes for that reason above, and that they cant unzip it. I cant.

Artwork / Re: Soldier Uniform Colors for new solider models
« on: July 01, 2009, 08:34:30 am »
couldnt u, for example purposes, just slap the camo on the soldier, put it in-game and take a pic? I would voulenteer, but I dont know how and dont have the stuff.

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