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Messages - DanielOR

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Tactics / Re: Your Tactics
« on: June 12, 2008, 10:09:25 pm »
Does there have to be an "expendable" pair?  I think slow and careful progress allows everyone to come home. 

Discussion / Re: What mistakes the aliens did?
« on: June 12, 2008, 10:07:00 pm »
Agreed, a combined rush of the alien force would pause a significant threat to the human team.  The real trick, I think, I to make the AI flexible - if ALL they do is rush, the defense would be to use the drop ship for cover and lay down heavy fire with GL and machineguns, as well as snipers.  The rule that in a straight-in rush the attacking force looses 3:1 is still true.  With aliens not suing medikits, they would take heavy losses, retreat, and be hunted individually. 

having AI choose and implement the appropriate tactic is the hard stuff. 

Coders, how does one even begin controbuting to the possible new models of AI behavior?

Offtopic / Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
« on: June 12, 2008, 05:57:49 pm »
Hate to break the fantasy, but...the processor was put together by a large group of geeks.  Was then and is still.  The thing is too damn in-ellegant and requires manual labor in designing the chip layout.  Just knowing how they are made somehow does not seem to fit with the ability to travel between the stars...

Feature Requests / Re: Can't walk up the stairs to UFO
« on: June 12, 2008, 05:54:01 pm »
Alien hide boots...what an idea!  I love it.  We can't sell coprses, but can I set my engineers to making leather jackets, wallets, etc?

To be eco-friendly...a restaurant?  Ortnok steak, anyone?  I mean, it comes from the field already partially cooked - depending how close to the laser burn, from raw to well done.

Tactics / Re: Your Tactics
« on: June 12, 2008, 05:49:22 pm »

well, you better figure out production, brother - armor does rule. 
Medkits - equip in the off-hand, stand next to wounded dude/gal, choose "heal" (as oppose to "throw" - thwoing a medikit at the head of a wounded soldier is not an approved healing technique).

I am with you on two element teams.  If I am not clear on where the enemy is and need to explore, that is how I break up - two teams, one weapon of each kind in each.

We differ on machine guns.  I love those things.  I think your life will be easier if you embrace the machine gun instead of SMG, for now.  Eventually you can switch your GL guys to SMG + granades (same skill as GL).  For now - use the superior range.

Tactics / Re: Help for beginner
« on: June 12, 2008, 05:44:09 pm »
Far as interceptors: yes, in the beginning of the mission, that is how it works - you mostly loose your fighter.  There are two distinct schools of thought here.
1. Overwhelm from afar.  Use either type, though in the beginning the extra-gun on the stiletto helps.  Your weapon fo choice is AA missile rack + computer.  You stay far away and just unload and hope it hits.
2. Close in and swarm.  Here Stiletto is definitely the way to go, as 2 vs. 3 weapons becomes abig deal.  You use SHEVAR cannons with HEI ammo and Rocket Pods, if you have 'em.  You send a swarm of fighters in so they hit at the same time.  You will loose 1 or two, but likely will hit the target.

Either school calls for multiple (3+) interceptors per UFO, as your fighters stand no chance alone.

Full screen - ummm..I will check later.  I recall finding it without much difficulty, somehow.  Look around the menus carefully.  Little help, anyone?

Production - each item in the production list, if you click on it, will show you number of hours needed (man-hours?) and $ cost to produce.  Guess they did not make it yet.

Discussion / Re: regarding gatling/minigun
« on: June 12, 2008, 09:12:20 am »
IT LIVES!  It has rizen AGAIN!


Offtopic / Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
« on: June 12, 2008, 09:11:12 am »
BAM: I suspect there is indeed some sort of gov. agency that would at least look at "alien" authored e-mail.  I would, however, wager you a drink that the first person to look at such a mail is a shrink, with vast majority of "contact" e-mail coming from either sick or badly confused people.

Far as other life...  The view I heard, and I cannot substantient with any figures at all at this time is the following: density of life-sustaining planets in the universe can be computed.  The liklyhood that there is life (let alone inteliigent life) on a planet at any time can also be computed.  That there is other life someWHEN and someWHERE is alsmot a certainty.  For contact, however, we need: life, intelligent life, very highly tech-evolved inteligent life, close enough to spot us, and near to us in time - on universal scale the solar system's existence is not that long of a time.  The liklyhood of all of those odds occuring at the same time...tiny beyond comprehension.

Far as anyone out there - I would honestly prefer we never meet them.  G-D knows we have a hard enough time getting along here.  The odd chance that compared to green or grey aliens we will all see ourselves as borthers and human first - now, THAT is a small probability!

Feature Requests / Aliens with human weapons?
« on: June 12, 2008, 08:58:01 am »
Not sure if it is a bug...playing on stasndard level, second time around.  Last two times I shot down the harvester the distinctly Ortnok crew was armed with two sniper rifles and two SMG's.  I later found a 7.62 mm pistol and several very human issue combat knives in my inventory (which weren't there before). 

personally, this makes my life somewhat harder as my style is based on advantage of sniping from afar.  Having bad guys with sniper rifles does not help.  Have to admit, I replayed the mission when the bad guy took out one of my gals with a head shot.

All in all, it is a fun challenge, though I am not sure it fits well with the narative of the game - plenty of space ships, but shortage of plasma guns leaves aliens raidning my own supply depots at night?

Feature Requests / Re: Item duplication on transfer bug
« on: June 12, 2008, 08:53:00 am »
Darkpriest: thank you, though this compliment speaks somewhat to the number of hours spent with that game.  I suppose everyone here is, to some degree, guilty of addiction to the XCOM series.   ;D  Geeks, unite!

Tactics / Re: Help for beginner
« on: June 12, 2008, 08:48:46 am »
EchizenR: hang in.  Let me take this in order (sort of)

Full screen - under video options, I believe. 
Moving the view within the screen: mouse wheel or up-down arrows zoom in and out.  Mouse against corner of screen moves the camera at same angle.  left-right arrow rotate teh view.  Finally, the blue button on the left of the game screen show you different levels (eg different floors of a building)

Objective is to kill all the bad guys.  Saving civilians is a good thing, "fo sho", but persoanlly - I value my soldiers way more.  As your fightin unit becomes better and wipes out the aliens faster, so will the civilian survival rates rize.  Until then - DUCK.

Training: yes, for now you just watch all the way through.

Combat:  well...  There are multiple threads about this.  General rules (according to your truly) - duck, crouch, use cover.  Always end a turn with all your soldiers covered, never in the open.  Move slowly and never alone.  Soldiers should cover each other and focus fire.  Do not engage close in.  Your weapons have an edge at high distances (especially the sniper rifle and the machine gun in capable hands).  use grenade launchers - they helps lots in the beginning.  Armor helps a bit, but you have to wait for the next one for it to be effective.

Well, good luck!

Discussion / Re: regarding gatling/minigun
« on: June 12, 2008, 08:37:47 am »
Aiki-Knight: oh, "to death" does not begin to cover it.  "death" was about 3 pages ago when the dev(s) said "no way" for the first time.  Since then the topic has been resurrected and beaten to death multiple times.  This string should be renamed "necromancy".

Feature Requests / Re: Research Complition
« on: June 11, 2008, 06:18:22 pm »
blondandy: you are right, I did not think about that.  Crap.  Maybe if a base finishes, you go to *their* research screen?

Darkpriest: I think the option of stun grenades being launched from GL was already mentioned - it seems like a very good option to me - if we can convert plasma grenades to GL ammo, gas should be no prob.  And using GL-launched gas grenades a very realistic option, making GL a useful tool again, all the way to the end of the game.

Feature Requests / Re: Item duplication on transfer bug
« on: June 11, 2008, 06:15:00 pm »
eeek.  Maybe I will try hard level, next.  Very Hard looks somewhat rediculous a this point - the quarter damage us / quad damage them.

Before I am accused of being a whimp, I play UFO:EU on "superhuman" only, with hardly ever a reload.

Discussion / Re: Particle Beam Weapons: More Than Just Flashlights?
« on: June 11, 2008, 06:11:02 pm »

suppose I might, but they, in return, will know everything about me, including what I had for breakfast two weeks prior.  :)

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