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Messages - criusmac

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Design / Re: Medikits
« on: August 01, 2009, 01:54:29 am »
actually i meant this more like... even if the damages are reduced, shots will still have different damages, some higher, some lower.

so, the "main" health bar shows the sum of damage to all bodypart health bars?

Basically, yes. Although the bodyparts do not have health bars that are visible to the user.

trying to think along, some points seem to attract attention:

given enough time you should be able to bleed to death from any untreated bleeding wound.
therefore, if your total health is 100, your arms should have health 100 too, right?
otherwise you couldn't bleed to death from a shot to the arms.
but if your arms get blown off in an instant (100+ points of damage to arms), i somehow feel that it should still be possible to save you if bleeding is stopped quickly.

It might be possible to save a person who has had their arms blown off in real life.. I'm not sure of this. I didn't plan to allow it in the game however. Arms get blown off, you're dead was the plan..

also, wound grows as it bleeds, but i somehow feel that bleeding has a tendency to stop instead.
when you cut your finger and the wound was untreated, what happened?
the bleeding stopped by itself, right?

Yes, if you cut your finger, you will usually stop bleeding and be ok. This was the plan as well in the game. If you suffer a wound of less than 10 points, you will not bleed from that wound. It isn't treated, but it won't get worse by itself, no matter how much time passes.

Since a human can survive more than 10 cut fingers, I will assume each wound from a cut finger is less than 10 hit points of damage. Once you start getting into the higher damages, you start to encounter things like internal bleeding (which doesn't stop as far as I know), or actual bullet holes in the body (which you will tend to die from before it can naturally stop bleeding), etc.

and one more thing, maybe i missed it somehow, but is there any idea how bleeding wounds and treated wounds will be shown to the player?

Yes, the idea was that you would see your main health bar decrease.. You wouldn't see the individual wounds however. There was no plan to show the player any of the wounds, but this may need to be changed..

to summarize:
1) is it correct that you are instantly dead when your arms get blown off?
2) what about doing it so that bleeding creates treated wounds, not bleeding wounds?

1) Yes. The proposal is you are instantly dead if your arms get blown off.
2) This is an interesting idea. This should be asked of the developers.

Design / Re: Medikits
« on: July 31, 2009, 08:32:42 am »
Before I forget, I'd like to mention I can't see any way to do this completely via the weapons.ufo file. These changes seem too complex to allow the medikits to operate like any common weapons.

I've also been unable to find any code for medikits in any of the files, so it looks like the medikit was used completely based on the weapons.ufo file, which indicates it does -40 hit points of damage for 20 turn units.

Design / Re: Medikits
« on: July 31, 2009, 08:07:02 am »
My fault since I did not explain the exact mechanics I was expecting to implement at first.

My plan is:
When you get hit with any weapon, laser, projectile, explosion, whatever, I pick a random body part that it will hit. There will be an equal chance to hit any body part. That chance is 25% for each location since there are 4 possible locations that can be hit. For example, if you walk up to some person, and hold a shotgun to their chest, you stand an equal chance of hitting their chest, legs, head, or arms. We can say this might be realistic since the person getting shot doesn't want to, and may grab the shotgun aiming it down, or block with their arms, or start to duck, or something.

When the person is hit, there is damage done to their body part that was hit. This will always create a wound of a certain amount, unless the armor completely blocks the damage. This wound will (for now) always bleed, and the additional damage done each turn will be equal to 10% of the wound's damage. This damage is truncated, so any wound under 10 hp will not cause blood loss. (Let me know if you want this changed). Even if the wound is caused by laser, it will still be bleeding. (If you want, I can look into making all laser wounds already treated, but for now I won't).

I disagree with treating the wounds in the order they were created -- I feel it would be better to treat the worst wounds first, but I will do as the proposal states. Please change this though. It feels silly to treat a non bleeding 5 hit point arm wound when there's a 30 hit point head wound gushing blood just because the head wound was done after the arm wound.

The hit points of the person will decrease with any wound suffered, no matter where it is. If the total number of hit points in wounds equals/exceeds the total number of hit points the person has, they will die. No matter where the wounds are. IE: If the person gets shot in the arm for 50 hit points of damage, and they only have 30 left, they're dead.

To find out how much a skill has decreased due to damage, you take the total number of wounds on the body part, and divide that by the total number of hit points the person has. The result of this division is the percentage of skills reduced. IE: If the person has 100 hit points total, and has 20 hit points of damage in the arms, they will have a 20% decrease in their accuracy with any weapon, and a 20% increase in the turn units needed to use any weapon/item. If they have 50 hit points total, and 10 hit points of damage in the arms, they will be affected the exact same amount as the person with 100 hit points total, and 20 hit points of arm damage.

When they are cured with a medikit, they will recover 20% of the hit points of that wound, and the wound will be considered treated. This is subject to change, but it's the number I randomly picked. IE: If they have 100 hit points total, and have an untreated arm wound of 20 points of damage, that is immediately treated by a medikit, they will then have an 16 hit point arm wound that is now treated, and will no longer bleed. They skills will increase by about 4% accuracy for all weapons as well, and their turn units for using the weapons will decrease by 4%.

So, in summary of my current plans:
If they have 100 hit points total, and a 20 hit point arm wound that's untreated, they will lose 2 hit points per turn until they are treated. They will have a 20% decrease in accuracy with all weapons, and a 20% increase in turn units to use any weapon/item. If a medic doesn't arrive for 5 turns, the wound will have reached 30 hit points of damage, and the person will start losing 3 hit points per turn until they are treated. When the finally get treated on the 6th turn, the will then have a 24 hp arm wound that is treated, and they will have a 24% accuracy decrease, and a 24% increase in turn units to use any weapon rather than 30% (before treatment).

I would like to change it so that people can treat their own wounds, but last I saw, this can't be done, and there's probably a reason.. So I won't change this unless asked to.

So, to answer your questions directly:
Every hit causes a wound. The shot damage is applied to the body parts. All damage done to body parts is subtracted from the main health bar. There is only 1 health bar. You can do unlimited damage to any body part, and the person will die only when all the body part damages equals or exceeds the main health bar's hit points.
1) high damage shot --> has little health left in the main bar and is bleeding a lot.
2) low damage shot --> has much health left in the main bar and is bleeding a little.
Both can be true.. But it is more likely 2, since damages will be less after balancing.

The shots create wounds on the body, but the wounds affect the health bar as well. IE: If you take a 20 point wound in your arms, your main bar is decreased by 20 as well. Bleeding affects both the wound, and thus the health bar as well. If you bleed and your wound is 2 points worse, your health bar also decreases by 2 points.
You can calculate the value of the health bar by:
The max hit points of the person minus the value of each wound on every body part.

Shot damage directly affects the main health bar. Since there is only 1 health bar, it may be confusing to keep calling it the main one.
There is a second bar, a stun bar, but it has nothing to do with the health bar. In other words, the stun bar also takes the same amount of damage to deplete, regardless of the health of the individual. There already appears to be some stun code in place, so it will probably just use that.

Please let me know of any changes that need to be made, or if you have any other questions about my plans.

Design / Re: Medikits
« on: July 30, 2009, 04:29:28 pm »
It's a good point, how to test the wounds without inflicting them. :) I decided every hit would create a wound, so I will be adding wounds to weapons, I just didn't change that in the post.

Thanks, I couldn't find the medikits anywhere (And oddly I thought I had looked right inside weapons.ufo).

Ok, I'll drop the reaction fire from medikits for now then.

Design / Re: Medikits
« on: July 29, 2009, 11:21:14 pm »
Herein lies my current proposal, let me know if it is ok:

I will create a linked list of wounds in the actor object.
I will change the medikits to have 3 different firing modes.
--I will base this on weapons.
--All medikit modes will take the same number of turn units.
--Reaction fire will not affect enemies (to stun them more). They will only affect allies.
--The player must set the reaction fire mode of the medikits in the same manner as weapons.
I will add bleeding to actors.
--The bleeding will add additional damage to the wound that is bleeding.
I will try to add ammo capacity to the medikits.
--I will set the initial amount to 10, since this is a common number of uses of medikits in most games I've played.
I will code in the effects of Treatment of wounds.
I will code in recovery of morale.
I will try to code in stunned friendly recovery.
I'm thinking it might be too tough to code in stunning of enemies, but I'll give it a try for now.
I will try to add the effects of wounds on the body (reduced abilities).
--The amount of reduced abilities will be the current value of the wound as a percentage.
--IE: If the wound currently is 20% of a person's total hp, they will receive a 20% penalty to all associated abilities.

I won't balance the weapons.
I won't balance the armors.
I won't add wounding to the weapons for now.
I won't change the size and weight of the medikits.

Someone else will need to look into the things I won't be doing.. Or, given enough time, I might eventually try to do it myself. All these decisions have been made without looking at the code at all though.

Feature Requests / Newbie coders forum
« on: July 28, 2009, 09:06:48 pm »
Split from the "Proposal for 2.4 TODOs (Unofficial For Now) "-thread by Duke.

I'd prefer something C or C++ oriented. It's been about 5 years since I last used either language, and so I really need to get back into it. I have about 10 years of C and C++ programming experience (excluding the last 5 years, and any breaks I took in between), but I seem to have forgotten a lot of it for making my own programs from scratch. So, anyway, chances are good I can work on difficult to read code without a problem, I'd just rather not code gigantic multi-file changes that can affect a lot of things should they go terribly wrong.

Medikits looks very easy for me to code whenever the proposal gets written.
Visibility is a bit too complex for me for now. I've been unable to make the new files from scratch since I can't remember how to do it.

So, basically, for now, I'd like to simply change existing code until I get better at it.

Feature Requests / Re: Proposal for 2.4 TODOs
« on: July 26, 2009, 12:38:10 am »
I'm all for helping code stuff, but it has to be fairly easy sadly. I'm up for coding anything though, just let me know what the priorities are. My skills are a bit lacking, but they aren't absent. :)

Feature Requests / Re: Antimatter storage
« on: July 19, 2009, 03:33:51 pm »
So, why is antimatter not able to be created in the game? I mean, we create this stuff today, in real life, right? We just don't have a way to store it once it's created...

Design / Re: Medikits
« on: July 17, 2009, 11:25:38 am »
Might be, maybe it will seem simpler if I list the differences from the 2.2.1 (and probably the development version) instead?

Differences from stable version:
New variable that tracks how many hit points a person has been healed in the mission so far.
Remove ability for people to be healed to over their maximum hit points. (bug fix)
All hit points healed by a medikit will be removed on mission end, but they can not die from this.

Those are the total differences from the stable version, as far as I can tell.

If we go with the alternative proposal, then it starts getting a bit complicated, but that was based on the threads listing what people wanted.

Design / Re: Medikits
« on: July 17, 2009, 10:26:19 am »
Ok, here is my proposal then:

Medikits can be used to restore all the hit points of a soldier they are used on.
I will change it so that they can not restore more hit points than their maximum.
If stun damage exists, they will reduce stun damage by the same number as hit points.
If bleeding damage exists, they will reduce bleeding damage the same way as stun damage.
If stats are decreased when hit, there will be no change to them upon healing.
A new variable will be created to keep track of the number of medikit hit points restored.
Any medikit hit points on a person will be removed upon mission ending. Full recovery must be done in a hospital.
If medikit hit points exceeds maximum hit points at mission end, the soldier will be reduced to 1 hit point, and death will not occur.
If a soldier enters a mission with under full hit points, they will have no medikit hit points. They can be healed to full hit points upon use of a medikit (more than one use may be required). (This one I'm having trouble with since it would make more sense for a soldier to start with full hit points, and possibly be healed on the way, for example. I don't know how we should handle this.)

This ends my proposal...
As an alternative, to help prevent over use of medikits, I can have medikits heal only up to 50% of hit points instead, and the rest be marked as medikit hit points. (Medikit hit points would not be added to current hit points in this case, but would accrue at only 50% the proposed rate)
Under this alternative, medikit hit points would still vanish on mission end, but the soldiers would not be as badly hurt since the current hit points would be 50% higher, in general. This means getting treatment in the field would reduce hospitalization time, which it wouldn't under the original proposal.

Please let me know if you want the original proposal, or the alternative (and if a different percentage is wanted for the alternative).

Design / Re: Medikits
« on: July 16, 2009, 09:25:38 pm »
Great! ^^

I wasn't clear on my actual plans of what I was going to do -- sorry about that.

I won't be changing how weapons affect people, only how medikits affect people. If weapons do not already add stun damage, they won't add stun damage after I'm done either.
I won't be affecting how damage affects people. If they do not lose stats yet, they won't lose stats when they are injured when I'm done either.
I will not be adding bleeding damage to how people are injured. If bleeding damage already exists, I will code medikits to be able to heal it, if that is wanted. Pretty sure it doesn't exist yet though.

What I am willing to add is a new variable to track how much healing a medikit has applied to someone so far, and limit how much more healing it can do based on that.
I am willing to see if stun damage exists, and if it does, medikits can heal some stun damage, if this is what is wanted. If stun damage does not exist yet, my changes will not allow medikits to heal non-existant damage. That will need to be added when stun damage is added.
I am willing to change how many hit points a person will need to recover in a hospital after a medikit has healed them.

I'm sorry about my post, most of that post does seem to suggest I would have been coding everything. I was very specifically only willing to change how medikits worked though, in my mind. >.<


    * Where did you download the version of the game and what version(-number) is it. Please be as verbose as possible here.
UFO:Alien Invasion > Technical support > Windows (Moderators: Mattn, Hoehrer, Winter, Zenerka) > Links for 2.3 Development Binaries - Full Builts & Incremental Builts Only
UFOAI Developer's Built 2.3 R25071
« Reply #80 on: July 09, 2009, 05:41:23 AM »


    * What operating system do you run UFO:AI on?
OS Name   Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
Version   5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 Build 2600

    * What computer and graphics card do you have? (graphic driver version if you know)
Processor   x86 Family 15 Model 55 Stepping 2 AuthenticAMD ~2204 Mhz
Name   Sapphire RADEON X1600 PRO
Driver Version

    * What architecture does your system use (e.g. like i386, x86_64)
System Type   X86-based PC

  What happened before the bug occurred? Is the bug reproducible?

The bug itself is often just a symptom of things that happened right before (or often even a long time ago).

Some things to check:

    * The first thing we ask you is to check if you can reproduce the bug. The simpler the reproduction-steps are, the better.
Every time you try to enter a mission when playing in full screen, the game vanishes, and does not continue. You can enter the mission if you are not full screen. If you try to change to full screen during a mission you began in windowed mode, the game is at the geoscreen when you return from the options, and your dropship is at base, as if it never moved.
    * Does the bug also happen when starting a new game or only after loading a saved game (most likely a bug in the load/save system)
The bug happens during new game or load game, and it happens every time I've tried it.
I attempted to take a screenshot since while running with the ufo console, the game appeared to freeze with a mostly uninitialized screen. It still exited, but took a while longer.

As requested here are the ufo console logs. I had to split them in two due to the 1024kb size limitation on attachments. After I had done so, I learned that 1 meg was the total compression size, which a zip file couldn't reach even at best compression. As a result, I had to rar the files. I had to rename the file since the rar extension is not accepted. Please let me know if you need a different file format, and I can make multiple posts in that case.

This is a rar file, not a log file.

Design / Re: Medikits
« on: July 16, 2009, 03:43:01 am »
I'm willing to try to code this. It looks a ton easier to implement as opposed to visibility, which is something I want to eventually do. This is on the todo list, so it looks like people want this done. I did not see any indication that this is already being coded.

Has a decision been made on how this is to be yet? I've read every post, and there seems to be some disagreements still.

I would like to keep this system simple. As stated previously, tracking 5 different values is painfully complex.
I agree with the 1 hit kill problem.
Hopefully someday armor becomes good enough that it'll take 2 hits to kill you.
If you want medikits to return only a percentage of hp lost, a new variable will need to be saved for how much medikit hp is currently present. Is 50% what is wanted? Or 75%? Or does this need to be configurable?
Is stun going to be included?
Is bleeding going to be included?
Are we planning to give 3 turns to revive someone? I think that's rather unrealistic, but realism may not be this game's goal... Fun is, right?
Are we reducing stats based on damage?
How well can armor protect against a hit? Today we have armor that can stop most of our weapons effectively, right? Alien weapons maybe ought to kill us easily, but currently, I think our own weapons kill us easily. (Not sure on this though). Should this be changed?

And more, but you get the idea..

Basically, I'm willing to attempt coding this, but I will need a decision on how it should be implemented.

Unfortunately, the dev version I downloaded crashes every time I try to enter combat, so until this is fixed, I won't be able to test any changes I make.

In general, this looks like an easily coded change, and should not take long to implement, if it is decided what exactly medikits will do. Please let me know. (I'm just asking for horror spam, aren't I? ; ;)

Feature Requests / Re: Production time
« on: July 12, 2009, 09:32:41 pm »
Ok, it is done. I discovered by default CodeBlocks doesn't use tab characters, and so it was converting all my tabs to spaces. I have changed this editor setting, so white spaces should now be better.

I have added the white spaces around the operators, added MINUTES_PER_HOUR to common.h, and used it in place of the 60s. The paths will still be wrong, but best I can do without more details. I am including the patch file here again rather than the patch logged since the previous patch was, sorta wrong, and shouldn't have been entered with those mistaken defines.

Feature Requests / Re: Production time
« on: July 12, 2009, 09:09:34 pm »
Oh, before I forget, the 60s I wrote in are actually MINUTES_PER_HOUR, not SECONDS_PER_MINUTE. It'll be wrong if they are not equal. (They are correct for now only since SECONDS_PER_MINUTE and MINUTES_PER_HOUR are equal.

I'll modify the patch to fix this, and recheck the white spaces better.

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