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Messages - Sarin

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Offtopic / Re: It's About Time! 16 Years!
« on: May 16, 2011, 12:30:43 am »

Sweden got us in the semifinals, I'm glad that you managed to beat em.

Well, bronze isn't bad either. At least we kicked some Russian ...backside again.

Tactics / Re: Where/why/how many bases do you build?
« on: May 15, 2011, 01:18:43 pm »
I go for 6 bases, in pairs. One is radar/interceptor/dropship/SAM base, while the other is pure workshop. First base is focused on research instead of SAM.

Placement: First goes to mediterran, around Cyprus. Second goes to USA, somewhere in north Texas or that...third is placed at New Guinea. This way, with radar bases at south Africa, south America and northeast Siberia, I get a good coverage of most of inhabited landmass...

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Re: UFOPaedia or UFOPedia
« on: May 14, 2011, 03:08:48 pm »
I'm in favor of american spelling. It's shorter.

Design / Re: UFOpaedia errors, etc...
« on: May 12, 2011, 09:31:07 pm »
Material advances? Yea, but in a wrong way....according to UFOpaedia, it uses (fictional) 20x140 HMG cartridge, same as loaded into SHIVA cannon. It is described as new cartridge using new high-velocity power. So apparently, the round has more power than "ordinary" 20mm rounds, whose muzzle energy is around 50 kJ. For comparison, .50 BMG has around 15-20 about overkill, if it really would be such 20mm, it could go through five walls and pin the armored Ortnok on the sixth.

I personally vote for (maybe upgraded) .338 Lapua Magnum caliber. It's more powerful than common 7.62 NATO, designed specifically with sniping in mind.

Design / UFOpaedia errors, etc...
« on: May 12, 2011, 06:42:51 pm »
I've been reading it a lot, and noticed some errors and logical or reality problems.

1. Our old good sniper rifle. 20mm caliber, that is totally weird. 20mm antimateriel rifles exists, but only few, and firing one from standing or crouching position is downright impossible. Judging by performance in game, I'd say its caliber is probably .338 Lapua, it isn't powerful enough to be .50 BMG.

2. I know it's probably too late to change, but operation of M/AM engines as described in game is unworkable. Rocket/jet engines operate on classical action-reaction basis-high velocity mass goes one way, plane goes the other way. But M/AM anhillation produces no mattter, just energy. There is almost nothing to push the craft. The best solution for this would probably be mentioning that there is additional fuel, some dense gas, and antiprotons are injected into the stream of this, creating a high temperature plasma stream capable of propelling the craft. If you just use some common gas, all that would be needed is to change some entries and it's fixed.

3. Why does frag grenade description states it has smooth surface and model looks like pineapple type?

4. Another caliber rant, 25mm grenades for GL? Oh come on, even underbarrel launchers today use 40mm. 25 mm grenades are kind of "hybrids" between normal ammunition and grenades, sacrificing power for range...and ingame GL is nowhere near long range.

5. UFOpaedia clearly overestimates the weight of plasma blaster. If it is supposed to be a weapon useable by, although only some, human soldiers, it can't weigh more than average human can take on a cart.....

Well. I might add more as I notice them....

Tactics / Re: What's your favorite weapon?
« on: May 12, 2011, 04:34:10 pm »
Speaking of weapons, I got a question. I got already a good team (ranks from Major to Colonel), and looking for a general purpose assault rifle. Been trying out Bolter, Plasma Rifle and Laser rifle....what do you think is best?

Windows / Re: Stuck, trying to play 2.4
« on: May 11, 2011, 10:35:20 pm »
Yep, they boosted the initial is good tho, they at least hit broad side of barn from the beginning. And they do upgrade faster, pick the right soldiers and you can have colonels in team after less than 150 missions....

Tactics / Re: Pace of game
« on: May 11, 2011, 06:47:59 pm »
There appears to be a phase, and it was as long as I can remember, where after fielding all plasma technology and medium armors by aliens, there is a long pause, where you are allowed a buildup of forces and research while aliens do nothing but slowly increase their activity without any new technology.

For comparison, I am in this phase in my game, half of october first year, and my main (and so far only) team already had over 200 missions, with three soldiers reaching to rank colonel.

Feature Requests / Re: Couple ideas
« on: May 11, 2011, 04:55:37 pm »
looking forward to AM rocket warheads...even plasma rockets would be good, pity they aren't in yet....

As for IFR, most modern fighters have provisions for it, and I doubt that would change in the future.

Feature Requests / Couple ideas
« on: May 11, 2011, 03:29:14 pm »
Couple new aircraft, possibly when the bases are expanded so there can be more hangars...

1. AWACS. Large radar, large fuel supply, no weaponry.
2. Fuel tanker. Capable of mid-air refuelling or your aircraft, possibly not for antimatter (no idea how could AM be transferred in the air).
3. Gunship. Loads of weapons, but slow, capable of dropping 6-8 soldiers and troop support-you can designate an area on tactical map and it will be sprayed with heavy machinegun and rocket fire...just watch out for civilians in target area. Also capable of totally demolishing a crashed UFO in case you don't want to bother with mission.

Associated with this, patrol routes, aircraft grouping.

Particle beam defenses, both base and offbase.

More late game explosive weaponry. I miss capability of long range indirect fire, and RL just don't cut it against armored aliens. Either give me plasma warheads, or some totally new freakish weapon.

Newspaper stuff isn't gonna happen, if you read the backstory, PHALANX is supposed to be kept secret....

Tactics / Re: What's your favorite weapon?
« on: May 10, 2011, 07:13:34 pm »
I've been messing with plasma blaster, and found MG superior to it. Out of plasma weapons, pistol is best because it is sidearm, greatly complementing laser weaponry or sniper type weapons. Rifle is okay general purpose weapon, kinda deciding if I should use that or bolter. I know some people like laser rifle, but I found its lack of damage against heavily armored enemies quite problematic.

Mapping / Re: Your least favourite map and why?
« on: May 09, 2011, 07:06:31 pm »
Bridge, Fighter crash, oriental small/medium/big, big city. I get a lot of those first three because I build my main base in mediterran, so a lot of UFOs fall in Sahara and middle east areas.

FAQ / Re: Newbie guide?
« on: May 09, 2011, 07:03:28 pm »
81. Selling and buying prices are different in 2.4, so you lose money everytime you do it.
83. I find secondary weapons quite useful, especially for soldiers carrying limited range weapons like flamers, GLs...a few times I drew them even with other soldiers when primary weapon ran out of ammo and didnt have time to reload. Depends on playing style, I guess.
87. Shemale, maybe? Lots of things can happen till 2084. Nice find tho, didn't noticed that.

FAQ / Re: Newbie guide?
« on: May 09, 2011, 02:13:22 am »
Actually, I just had mission (Africa-Harvester) where I encountered 9 aliens. 6 of em bloodspiders, so it was more or less a turkey shoot.

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