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Messages - jerikojerk

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9] 10
Discussion / Re: fueldump mission
« on: June 14, 2010, 02:04:16 pm »
i like your answer  :o

i did not understand i had to stay in the cloud during the activation of the bomb, i feared to be wonded. but always, i observe 2 suicides during the game?
so here comes my questions:
- why do yes try to shot through walls?
- why do you they uses grenades if grenade can not reach me? ( cause they see me through the wall or some wall's joins defect.
- why do they prefer killing civilian if they can shot me instead?
- why can they have beter reflex fire ? (they can fire when i move soldier behind a wall) that's nasty.

aliens are not normal humans :)

Discussion / Re: fueldump mission
« on: June 13, 2010, 10:58:52 pm »
ok i succed in blasting the gate. However as soon as i step in i get a gave over.

i also see a alien suicide. What happens in this building?

Discussion / Re: Fuel Pods are they worth it?
« on: June 13, 2010, 09:46:25 pm »
they have some use: it's a trap for beginners.

Discussion / fueldump mission
« on: June 13, 2010, 09:36:46 pm »
i'm in a fueldump map.

there is a rescue zone, a bomd on the outside of a building, some civilians too,  but aliens are locked in the building i don't know what to do.

usualy it's kill them all, so it's simple but here i realy miss a point. thanks for your help.

Tactics / Re: What's your favorite weapon?
« on: June 13, 2010, 09:18:46 pm »
1) rocket lancher.
i have soldier quick enough to fire and reload in one turn. i did shot alien in the opposite border of a big map in two turn. it's rock.

2) grenade launcher
i kill tree aliens in one turn thanks to that.

i prefer RL on openmap ( it's not realy usefull went you are in a stair...) but alien takes damage if they are in the area of the explosion, that's great.
i prefer GL in case you don't want to enter a building. you send the 3 grenade rafale and the place is secured,  more over it does not aim in streat line, you can play with rebound...

i had this kind of bug, not on your platform however.
in my case it was a defect in pk3 file.

it's easy to answer: 178422 ms. it's 2.9 minutes.

i did retry this map and it reload quickly.

Mattn do you mean i must check bug tracker first?

all is in the title.

==== InitGame ====
SV_AssembleMap: Sequential map assembly in 178422 ms
CM_LoadMap: "-oriental/or_ +craft_drop_firebird +house_a +shed_a +house_b +well +house_f +mosque +craft_ufo_harvester +house_h +well +house_d +house_a +house_a +well +trees_b +trees_a +trees_b +trees_a +trees_a +trees_a +trees_a +trees_a +house_d +stand_b +house_d +trees_a" "-24 0 0 -24 -24 0 0 16 0 -32 -24 0 24 16 0 8 0 0 -24 16 0 -8 -32 0 16 16 0 -16 -16 0 24 8 0 -32 -32 0 -32 -8 0 -16 -8 0 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 8 0 -16 -32 0 24 -8 0 -8 16 0 24 -32 0 -32 0 0 -8 24 0 -32 8 0 -32 16 0 -32 24 0"
Rerouted for RMA in   0.0s
checksum for the map '+oriental': 2495259145
ufo script checksum 4131267222

i add a screenshot of the first layer.

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / [trunk 3044x] bad TU decount
« on: June 10, 2010, 11:37:20 pm »
During alien's turn, a green alien appears in front of me. I shoot it with my plasma rifle (-16TU), but the count is still at 33TU, allowing to select all the fire modes, allow to aim but deny to trigger the fire..

If i move my soldier to next tile, the counter is correctly (re)set.

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Re: tile error
« on: June 10, 2010, 06:14:54 pm »
maybe it's a local issue. i just meet this:

Code: [Select]
==== InitGame ====
ERROR: Could not find tile: '+craft_crash_harvester' in assembly 'small' (maps/farm.ump)
Shutdown server: Server crashed.
==== ShutdownGame ====
music change to van_geoscape (from ufo2)

what can i check ? is that a missing file or corrupt file? i'm playing on the trunk, svn info display rev 30446 (trunk) and executable says 30394 don't know why... 

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Re: [trunk 30394] crash after fire
« on: June 10, 2010, 03:07:25 pm »
sorry i did not understand what to do immediatly.

this building in this kind of situation. aliens where 3 red ones and the one on ground floor was already dead.  i remember there was just one opened window.

i did put my soldier in front of the door, and get just enough back to have green aiming line.

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Re: [trunk 30394] crash after fire
« on: June 10, 2010, 02:50:44 pm »

i will do it new time i meet this bug. i get it tow time on the same kind of map, so it will come.

It was the trough a window (the building with a market) in the village, the building where i always get 1 alien on ground floor and two on first.

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / [trunk 30394] crash after fire
« on: June 09, 2010, 05:37:57 pm »
I tried to shoot a taman a first floor trough a window with a rocket lancher.  i don't think i killed myself, the rocket has touches the target and my soldier have more than 95 HP and nanomolecule armor.

==== InitGame ====
SV_AssembleMap: Sequential map assembly in 23 ms
CM_LoadMap: "-village/vil_ +c01 +c04 +craft_drop_firebird +craft_ufo_harvester +s01 +d03 +h02 +h03 +d04 +s03 +r03 +d06 +s03 +s08 +d07 +d07 +d05 +d04 +s02 +d03 +s02 +s15 +s02 +s02 +s04 +s07 +d05 +d02 +d02" "-8 0 0 16 -16 0 -32 16 0 -24 -32 0 8 0 0 24 0 0 16 24 0 0 16 0 24 16 0 -32 -24 0 -8 24 0 8 8 0 -32 -16 0 -32 -8 0 16 -24 0 24 -24 0 -24 -8 0 -16 -8 0 16 -32 0 24 8 0 24 -32 0 -32 -32 0 -24 -32 0 -16 0 0 -32 0 0 -24 0 0 -32 8 0 -24 8 0 -16 8 0"
Rerouted for RMA in   0.0s
checksum for the map '+village': 2628781771
ufo script checksum 1919914435
Created AI player (team 0)
Created AI player (team 7)
Connecting to localhost...
connection attempt from loopback connection
load material file: 'materials/village.mat'
added light, ambient=0.476837
Starting the game...
jerikojerk has joined team 1
music change to PsymongN5 (from van_geoscape)
music change to MarineStrikingIntoTheUnknown (from PsymongN5)
(player 0) It's team 1's round
jerikojerk has taken control over team 1.
Team 1 ended round
Team 7's round started!
[STATS] alien (Mnookk Pt Mrlkuk) kills civilian (b c) with Snap Shot of plaspistol_ammo
[STATS] alien (Tranok Np Zlrok) kills civilian (b c) with Snap Shot of plaspistol_ammo
[STATS] alien (Akrokk Mt Trekluk) kills civilian (b c) with Snap Shot of plaspistol_ammo
Team 7 ended round
Team 0's round started!
Team 0 ended round
Team 1's round started!
[STATS] jerikojerk (Super Assaut3 L1) kills alien (Akrokk Mt Trekluk) with Snap Shot of plasrifle_ammo
[STATS] jerikojerk (explosif3 L1) kills alien (Mnookk Pt Mrlkuk) with Aimed Shot of rpg_ammo
ERROR: Can't move, actor on team 7 dead
Shutdown server: Server crashed.
==== ShutdownGame ====
music change to karlmacklin_geoscape (from MarineStrikingIntoTheUnknown)
Code: [Select]
0x81aa3c3   trunk/src/ports/unix/unix_main.c:543
0x81490b5   trunk/src/common/common.c:276
0x809ff80   trunk/src/client/battlescape/events/event/actor/e_event_actormove.c:80
0x809e2b1   trunk/src/client/battlescape/events/e_parse.c:139
0x814ae88   trunk/src/common/common.c:1167
0x81a8f03   trunk/src/ports/linux/linux_main.c:53

is that related to autofire?

thank you.
i don't have the problem any more. sometime it should ba a issue between my keyboard and my seat :(

note: the solution was to do "make clean".

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / tile error
« on: June 08, 2010, 11:26:01 pm »
it meet a tile error, i'm sure there is a way to fix it, but i can figure out by myself.

==== InitGame ====
ERROR: Could not find tile: '+craft_crash_scout' in assembly 'ufo_small' (maps/village.ump)
Shutdown server: Server crashed.

i try to upgrade my maps with, it looks ok, so i don't know where to look and what to do. i'm running rev 30394.

thank for your help.

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