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Messages - Gren

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Sounds and Music / Re: [WANTED] misc/breakelectric misc/breakwood
« on: April 08, 2010, 09:40:37 pm »
we only have one glass effect - and one metal effect. some more would be useful ;)

OK Mattn - I thought the glass breaking sounds would be easiest to produce and I figured you would have had loads of submissions by now.. but I've already set up quite a few - I'll re-visit and create the .oggs.

In the meantime I've attached the Metal Breaking effects - although they don't really sound like breaking - more clattering and banging, but it's the nearest I could get without spending a deal of time - see what you think ;)

Sounds and Music / Re: [WANTED] misc/breakelectric misc/breakwood
« on: April 08, 2010, 07:46:17 pm »
IMHO these sound perfect now !  ;D

Nice!  ;D - Looking at some settings to produce metal..  ;) I guess you have enough Glass effects.

Sounds and Music / Re: [WANTED] misc/breakelectric misc/breakwood
« on: April 08, 2010, 07:18:08 pm »
No Worries MCR ;)

I've re-made them and included .txt file to also cover the first 6.

Try these..

Btw - thanks for the welcome back - but I didn't go anywhere....  :D ;D ::)

Sounds and Music / Re: [WANTED] misc/breakelectric misc/breakwood
« on: April 08, 2010, 06:16:55 pm »

I like them, although I think the electric-ones should be maybe a little bit shorter & if you could remove the hall-effect from the wood-samples those would be perfect IMO. Really sounds like cracking wood  ;).
Maybe just leave the electric ones like they are & make some additional short ones for comparison in-game. But this is all just opinion here...

I can remove the slight room-echo from the wood samples, but although I have created and saved the patch, I will have to output the files again without the effect, so they may not be in exactly the same sound format as the first lot.

I'll re-do them and see what they come out like.

Same with the electrical ones - but shorter?

Sounds and Music / Re: [WANTED] misc/breakelectric misc/breakwood
« on: April 08, 2010, 06:09:13 pm »
Hello Gren !
Welcome back  :D
Why don't you use the link I gave you for the uploads ?
I have to wait for the downloadlink to appear every time  >:(

Hi MCR - I've set up the host you gave me the link for - I didn't realise that you had to wait for the download.. I'll use yours next time ;)

Sounds and Music / Re: [WANTED] misc/breakelectric misc/breakwood
« on: April 08, 2010, 06:06:33 pm »

patch tracker item opened - what is the license for these files? cc-by-sa again?

Sorry mattn - yes it is - forgot to include the .txt file

Sounds and Music / Re: [WANTED] misc/breakelectric misc/breakwood
« on: April 08, 2010, 04:31:14 pm »

Sounds and Music / Re: Track - Return Journey
« on: April 05, 2010, 07:20:57 pm »
This is really cool stuff!! - thank you both.  ;D

I was unsure of the little guitar riff at 1:51, but I have also thought about changing the Acoustic Guitar voice for another (more futuristic) instrument. The riff can be removed and I can drop into the next section a bit smoother.

Whilst looking at drum loops I also discovered some old soundfont files I had stored on here since before 2000  :o - (probably restored from one of my back-ups) and I've been looking at importing some of the options with those - some nice voice samples there.  :D

Not much progress on the drum track yet... but I'm thinking of attempting to enhance those ambient sections more AND retain the futuristic feel in the middle, instead of the medievil theme.. I think it's mainly the Acoustic run-in that may be the cause - I have a heavy lead synth voice running in that section, which I'm thinking of substituting with a nice Melotron voice re-discovered today.. :)

See how we go -  ;D ;D

Sounds and Music / Re: Track - Return Journey
« on: April 05, 2010, 03:39:35 pm »
I agree the drum track was initially a basic beat-keeper, but I did add a few rolls and variations, but obviously not enough to notice. I didn't really want to use sequenced loops - but maybe I had better explore the idea.  :o

Your preferences are different to Hertzilas in that you seem to like the section that begins with the wind (the acoustic guitar fade-in) and Hertzila seems to think it sounds out of place and not associated. I'll look again at this section.

The only other point you raise is re the ambient section and filtering - do you mean pan effects/modulation/after-touch or are you suggesting adding more instruments/synths? If so, I would need to daisy-chain another 14:2 mixer.  ;) If I do that, I may just make that re-visit to look at sampling the patches on my O5/RW, which means it will be a while before I upload another version.

Thank you for the input MCR - much, much appreciated...  :D ;D ;D

Offtopic / Re: Good Ol' Times. Who remembers this ?
« on: April 05, 2010, 03:13:24 am »

Were those REALLY 5 1/4" floppies?  ;D :D ;D

Sounds and Music / Re: Track - Return Journey
« on: April 05, 2010, 02:59:09 am »
Hey MCR - I'll revisit the track as many times as is needed if you point me in the right direction for any suggested  improvements.. I don't mind at all.  :D It looks like the deviation with the Acoustic guitar section didn't work too well. (although I like it)  ::)

I'm working on a new track atm (experimenting with choir pads and stuff) to try and stop myself whistling bits from Return Journey - it kinda hooks into you after a while..  :D

Some of the Midi work I did with Cakewalk PA9 (now Sonar - my version is a little outdated, but I found Reason much cheaper and with a much wider scope for sampling and patching)

Normally I leave my tracks EQ Free, but I patched in a 2 band EQ for one of the synths and played with that for a while - nice :) There are also some nice voices on my old Korg O5/RW module, but I need to revisit the tuts to re-sample them - all good fun I guess.

Please feel free to throw suggestions/crits at the tracks - I will take it the right way hehehe!  ???

Sounds and Music / Re: Track - Return Journey
« on: April 04, 2010, 09:29:01 pm »
commited the updated version to trunk - thanks for the work

Thanks Mattn - no worries..  ;)

Sounds and Music / Re: Track - Return Journey
« on: April 04, 2010, 09:28:11 pm »
Great work Gren! Very nice track! The original parts are perfect (the new piano sounds great!) and the stuff in-between is good.

Thanks Hertzila  :D
Now the more negative comments: Sorry to bug you with this yet again but the 1:58-6:48 could use a bit more variation.
I really do agree that this section is lacking instrumental variation, but it's just an attempt at putting together a period of background interval, that plays when the mission is in full swing - not good to just sit & listen to....  :(
The part that begins at 4:40 sounds somewhat... disconnected. Like it doesn't belong in this track. It doesn't ruin the track but neither does it sound good IMO.

Sorry you think it sounds out of place.. probably I could have integrated it a little better.

But still:
Thank you! - I do appreciate your input  ;D

Sounds and Music / Re: Track - Return Journey
« on: April 04, 2010, 09:12:45 pm »
Hey Gren !
I love the ambient part, this is EXACTLY what this game needs regarding the background music during missions.
It is an opera now ;)  ;D :D !

Oh thanks MCR! - but it's no opera. (I can't really sing  :D :D )

BTW, I found that this is quite nice for uploading stuff:
Maybe you want to check this one out 4 your next upload.

I've bookmarked this & will check it out later - ty!

I thought it would be a nice idea to have something like a dynamic soundtrack, which changes depending on the situation on the battlefield, but that would require quite some work from the coding side, but also from the artists' side, because they would have to revisit their tracks & make shorter different loops of the same tracks suited for not yet defined 'situations' on the battlescape ;)

So this whole stuff would require lot of work, but the effects would be quite nice IMHO..

Well just like Map Designers and Graphics artists, we musicians like a little guidance too, so ideas of format come in very handy when approaching a writing task.  :-\

Thank you for the input - it's really great!!  :)

Sounds and Music / Re: Track - Return Journey
« on: April 04, 2010, 06:12:01 pm »
Return Journey r03.

Not quite 20 minutes though MCR ;)

Extended to 3 times original length, so it runs for around 9 minutes. Added some unexciting ambient sections and incorporated another idea/impression somewhere in the middle. Fade-in Acc Guitar with other instruments and a heavy lead synth joining in.

I changed the Old Grand piano voice for a standard Grand and routed it through a reverb unit with a medium room setting - came out not too bad and makes the voice a little more interesting. (I know you liked the piano bit!)  :D

File is a little over 10 MB (9.91 zipped)

I was really wondering, rather than trying to create really long tracks, which end up being quite large files, wouldn't it be better/operationally economical to have smaller tracks with track changes during a mission?  This whole track mixed down to a 150 MB .wav. The ogg conversion took it down to around 10. But even so, there must be some kind of effect when loading?

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