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Messages - vedrit

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Discussion / UFO:AI User-submitted-video ad!
« on: October 28, 2009, 02:34:39 am »
Ok, so I was just sitting at my desk, playing games that required no thought, when the idea of putting together an ad for UFO:AI came to me, and I thought it would be particularly cool if it were made of vids other users had made, be it acutal in-game, or videos made from importing content and making a video that way.
If anyone is interested, here are some rough guidlines:
Please no low-quality videos. People have to be able to see whats going on
Please keep the videos to about 30 seconds. I dont want it to be a long ad, but it still needs to look cool.
Give name for both video, map (if playing the game), and you (real or screen-name are acceptable)
Upload video in a compressed folder somewhere for download

Artwork / Re: Took another try at this (Aircraft cinematic demo)
« on: October 27, 2009, 05:06:59 am »
Do you mean some type of gradient with the high peaks a different color compared to the lower ground parts?

Artwork / Re: Took another try at this (Aircraft cinematic demo)
« on: October 27, 2009, 01:34:01 am »
It would be really interesting if you could color the wire-fram, for like altitude indications.

either way, it can still be done, and would be an interesting thing to use.

Bugs prior to release 2.3 / 2 things in R26705
« on: October 25, 2009, 07:57:31 pm »
First things first, on the tropical map, I got this

Code: [Select]
Connecting to localhost...
load material file: 'materials/tropic.mat'
music change to PsymongR3 (from van_geoscape)
Starting the game...
Vedrit has joined team 0
(player 0) It's team 1's round
Vedrit has taken control over team 1.
music change to PsymongR2 (from PsymongR3)
[b]ERROR: Game Error: Could not find any living player on team -1[/b]
Shutdown server: Server crashed.

Then, later on a different mission, a scout crash, the game suddenly crashed. I checked the console log, and found no errors.

Code: [Select]
Connecting to localhost...
load material file: 'materials/ufocrash.mat'
music change to David04 (from karlmacklin_geoscape)
Starting the game...
Vedrit has joined team 0
(player 0) It's team 1's round
Vedrit has taken control over team 1.
music change to David04 (from David04)
and just ends

If you want to create new animated shaders for additional map textures, I'm sure we could use them, although I don't know how bsp shaders are constructed, its probably different than using any standard modeling program.
Well, Im not sure about Blender, or about .bsp files, but Maya accepts a wide variety of formats. If you already know how to do this in Blender, Destrucavator, then some hints would be awsome. As for the file itself, depends. We could either get someone to draw it, or someone to model it (A personal project of mine will be using videos for people walking behind windows, which will be modeled and animated sperately)

Offtopic / Re: Movies as a Maya texture
« on: October 25, 2009, 06:53:02 am »

I dont know if its supported, but something I've been fiddling with is textures using video files. A sign could be made thats snappy, eye-catching, and poly-lingual, using this.

I would think offices/factories/heavily populated maps would be in higher demand. After years of peace, one would assume that there would be massive city growth, and so a diminishing of rural areas.

Offtopic / Movies as a Maya texture
« on: October 23, 2009, 02:36:38 am »
As some of you may not know, I use Autodesk Maya 2008 for most of my modeling and animating. One of the personal projects Im working on required the use of a video as a model texture. For nearly a month, I simply couldnt figure out how to get it to work. Then, today, while visiting my former animation class, I played around with some of the options, and checked a box that is unchecked by default.
If anyone wants to see the result, I'll post the link to the file

Offtopic / Re: Why English is So Hard (Lafters)
« on: October 19, 2009, 07:27:09 pm »
Japanese is fun. The spelling is all phonetic, and everything has 4 forms. A few particles (Things that dont really translate into English, but designate topics, direction, etc)

I got Aion, and saving up for GW2

Artwork / Re: Animations
« on: October 16, 2009, 08:04:19 am »
Beggining animations

List of completed animations

Walk (Re-worked it, and now it is much better. Smoother, and slower, though its still 2 steps/second. Frames 2-28. To frame 30 ends in standing.)
Crouch (This proved to be quite simple, actually. Works forwards and backwards (For crouching and standing). Frames 31-121)

Artwork / Re: Redo of Soldier Body model
« on: October 16, 2009, 07:58:49 am »
Depends on what your doing. For cycles, you can first do it through action, and that gives you a good stating point. But IPO is where you can line up the starting and ending poses so it repeats seamlessly.
The animation teacher I had for 2 years said that there are more ways of doing animation and modeling than just one or two. And none of them are wrong.

Artwork / Re: Redo of Soldier Body model
« on: October 16, 2009, 07:03:36 am »
Im going to add to your list, though I believe that deleting key frames is alt + i, though my fingers know it better than my mind, heh.
For cycle animations, such as walking, the IPO Curve window in the Animation mode helps. ctrl+r. click to add a sort of key frame (have yet to figure out how to delete it though....)

Edit: After completing a very fast (visually and work-wise, under an hour to do, and 6 steps in 3 seconds) walk cycle, I started to play more in the IPO window. I find that adding a point by ctrl+r. click was not the right way to do it, rather, i works better. hitting tab allows me to adjust the IPO curve controllers, giving me finer graphical control over the animation.
Within this mode of adjusting the controls, is where the ctrl+ r. click comes in. I can add a point, move it, and adjust how it curves the line

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