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Messages - DanielOR

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Windows / Re: CPU problem while playing
« on: June 18, 2008, 12:05:20 am »

Thank you for the detailed post!  It is true, the machine needs more RAM and I am guilty of taking a somewhat lazy approach.  *sigh*  Time to get serious about this.

Tactics / Re: Use of flamethrower
« on: June 18, 2008, 12:00:08 am »
Oh, I see.  And fully agree on the flamethrower use.  I recall reading that in WWII flamethrower guy had a great chance of gong up in flames from a hit on the fuel canister.  The hand-held unit was not used after Vietnam, right?

Discussion / Re: The Necromancy
« on: June 17, 2008, 11:57:39 pm »
Poor, poor aliens...  They are trying to achieve the objectives while underfunded, underequipped, and clearly weakened by the smelly atmosphere...

Poor buggers

Windows / Re: CPU problem while playing
« on: June 17, 2008, 09:00:01 pm »
This seems like a good place to ask the wizards...

XP, 1.8 GHz, 512 RAM.  Lately the system has developed a memory leak.  Game freezes ocasionally.  One time I saw it hit 460MB of virtual memory - UFO:AI alone.  Now, the problem, I believe, is not limited to UFO:AI.  After a few days IExplorer got to bee 210MB of virtual memory too.  If I close things, the game runs fine (did last time), but it doea hang if I run it concurently with other things like firefox or explorer.

So, I suspect the problem is with the system.  Before you ask: firewall is on, McAfee is updated and running, spybot used regularly, and comes up clean.  The resident tray is pretty empty aside from the McAffee and SpyBot.

Question: any recommendations on fixing memory leak other than reinstalling windows?  Been a year and a half since I formatted the drive. 

Discussion / Re: The Necromancy
« on: June 17, 2008, 08:40:49 pm »
Or tougher (more hit points) aliens.  Before I get told to play on harder setting - everything else I would leave tha same.  No need to downgrade a MG to a pellet gun, make each alien gun THE ULTIMATE PISTOL OF DOOM, or turn each alien into a certified terminator.  Just give Otnok's monstrous health and maybe toughen up alien armor.  Suspect over all it will shift the flavor of the same somewhat, with human doing scout work and UGV saturating the target, maybe with the help of human snipers.  The close enagagements will become less favorable.

Feature Requests / Re: Aliens with human weapons?
« on: June 17, 2008, 08:12:47 pm »
my bad.  running 2.2.1 - latest "full" release

Tactics / Re: Your Tactics
« on: June 17, 2008, 08:08:35 pm »
all true

Tactics / Re: What's your favoret load out?
« on: June 17, 2008, 08:07:23 pm »
screw the plasma - low range.  sniper and SMG are great, indeed.  the assault rifle, I find is indeed not that great but it feels a gap - an intermediate weapon.  clears rooms, has a chance of shooting across open range, can be used to hammer nails too.  lasers make assault skills more viable.  I always ahve 2 people on my team use assault weapons.  Their the "jack of all trades" guys, sometimes clearing rooms, sometimes laying (weak) cover fire.

I also like machine guns (later replaced by heavy laser) - deadly at medium range, good chance of hitting at even high range on reaction fire.  Sure, not every shot hits, but that is what the 60 round mag is for. 

1 soldier - 1 med kit.  with you.

Tactics / Re: Some help with original xCOM tactics please.
« on: June 17, 2008, 08:03:05 pm »
Agreed, the blaster launcher was rediculously powerful.  as a matter of principle, just for grins, I once made a breack in a UFO hull, then sent in the "flying armor SWAT team".  another time two blaster launchers - one to punch a hole, another to send a missile down that hole.  Definitely something to do once.  ;D

now, how about a much weaker version of same for humans?  It would make a RL much more appealing if there was some control of the missile once it left the barrel.  And the tech is about what - 30 years old today?  An anti-tank missile with a thin cable or lately - radio controlled.  They can be made VERY expensive, but ain't nothing sweeter than seeing and alien snipe, duck around the corner and saying "guess what I have?  the around-the-corner-shooter!"

Tactics / Re: Help for beginner
« on: June 17, 2008, 07:57:05 pm »
after armor, I would do laser rifle, maybe heavy laser.

do not ignore alien autopsy - do at least one!  it gives you the options of reasearching stun rods.

then breathing apparatus (I think) + live captured alien will give you gas grenades that quite rock the house. 

Tactics / Re: Use of flamethrower
« on: June 17, 2008, 07:54:37 pm »
hey, look, the aliens can't be good at everything.  The arcane art of a barbecue ahs been lost to the Galactic Consortium.  With all the plasma/particle tech around, why, there has not been an open flame seen in centuries!

Tactics / Re: As capturing aliens living (with that weapon)
« on: June 17, 2008, 07:52:27 pm »
well, stun rods are in the game already.  zzzzzz!

the gas grenades for the GL - I'm a huge fan of the idea.  would give the weapon a new lease on life, far as I am concerned.

Tactics / Re: Blades
« on: June 17, 2008, 07:50:23 pm »
Short cut scene of an armored soldier dueling with an Ortnok on Kerr blades.  Another shot of a soldier throwing a plasma blade at a Taman and hitting him square in the head.  A slightly longer shot of a wounded, kneeling Shevar and a soldier standing over it with a Kerr blade raised in two hands.  The soldier yells: "In the end, there can be only one species!"  As the blade begins to fall, the screen goes dark.

                                 Highlander: Alien Invasion.

Coming soon to an Earth near you.

Discussion / Re: The Necromancy
« on: June 17, 2008, 07:44:28 pm »
UGV carrying space is entirely separate from soldier carrying space, the two don't overlap at all.


thanks!  this rocks!

will the incrased firepower be compensated by larger numebrs of aliens?

Tactics / Re: Your Tactics
« on: June 17, 2008, 02:54:23 am »

For those hell-bent on not using the GL: the roof top situation is indeed very tough. 
option 1: get clost to the wall, try to toss in a gas grenade - may not work much above 2nd floor.
option 2: SMG or MG fire at that window in general - it should bother the bad guys enough that you can get close in and start clearing the building.  Imperfect, I know. 

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