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Topics - noob

Pages: [1]
Bugs prior to release 2.4 / 2.4 ending
« on: November 04, 2011, 06:35:56 am »
Is there any ending implented in current 2.4-dev revision?
or after researching all game will just go on..

Coding / codeblocks compile warnings
« on: October 28, 2011, 10:55:13 pm »
||=== ufo, windows ===|
C:\Games\UFOAI\src\client\battlescape\..\renderer\r_image.h|111|warning: 'libintl_printf' is an unrecognized format function type|
C:\Games\UFOAI\src\client\battlescape\..\cgame\cgame.h|91|warning: 'libintl_printf' is an unrecognized format function type|
C:\Games\UFOAI\src\client\battlescape\..\cgame\cgame.h|152|warning: 'libintl_printf' is an unrecognized format function type|
C:\Games\UFOAI\src\client\battlescape\..\cgame\cgame.h|153|warning: 'libintl_printf' is an unrecognized format function type|
C:\Games\UFOAI\src\client\battlescape\..\cgame\cgame.h|188|warning: 'libintl_printf' is an unrecognized format function type|
C:\Games\UFOAI\src\client\battlescape\..\cgame\cgame.h|213|warning: 'libintl_printf' is an unrecognized format function type|
C:\Games\UFOAI\src\client\battlescape\..\cgame\cgame.h|217|warning: 'libintl_printf' is an unrecognized format function type|
C:\Games\UFOAI\src\client\battlescape\..\cgame\cgame.h|218|warning: 'libintl_printf' is an unrecognized format function type|
C:\Games\UFOAI\src\client\battlescape\..\cgame\cgame.h|219|warning: 'libintl_printf' is an unrecognized format function type|
its ok or something wrong with codeblocks 10.05?

Artwork / New default soldier model
« on: July 06, 2008, 12:38:44 am »
Some time ago decided try to create new default model of Phalanx soldier for this project... (btw i am not professional modeller, just noob but..) ok

here are two versions, ill upload them in .max format if youll like it:

soldier without armour

soldier with armour...

anybody interested in it?

Feature Requests / Small compile bug
« on: July 25, 2007, 11:41:39 am »
how to fix...

dev c++


1033: duplicate value...

Coding / svn
« on: April 20, 2007, 08:18:46 pm »

Discussion / Optimization bug connected with language file
« on: April 07, 2007, 10:00:08 pm »
Hi, long time i wasnt here.. decided to try a new ver of ufoai from trunk and it is looking quite good

but there are one f***en bug since first ver of ufoai,
when i tried to use my country language (russian) and looked ufopedia
fps decreased to 10-15, if you are using en translation fps is near 40-60, when you look on russian ufopedia translation fps heavy decreased to 10 or something like it
tried to delete from translation simbols like "--" "!", no effect, somehow its connected with mm font? maybe

win xp sp2
conroe 2 duo 2.1
2gb ddr2

i am not a programmer, but if you can explain me where and how to locate this error (debugging, disasembling, softice...) maybe i can find the reason of this?

Artwork / Tank01
« on: September 30, 2006, 02:58:54 am »
i tried to make some kind of tank for ufoai if you needs in it.. )
so its first version and needs normal texture

Artwork / M-150
« on: September 23, 2006, 10:26:35 pm »
m-150...(future variant)
changes original assault..  :)

Artwork / Ak-120
« on: September 23, 2006, 03:27:15 am »
mm i am new in modelling kinda noob :)
tryied to make somekind of ak-104 or something like future modifications of it.. but  haven got a texture
so.. mm opinions, advices, can it be use in project?..

Discussion / MULTIPLEER
« on: September 22, 2006, 08:49:47 pm »
can i play with my friend in internet?(win32)
we tried to do it but after he created a server i couldnt connect to him(but in reality his ping with my comp is quite good)
it was looking like:
connecting.. connecting.. connecting... nothing happened
and is there some kind of lobby?
or player connects in a midle of game?

or only lan works?

Coding / snd_sdl.dll not fixed
« on: August 01, 2006, 08:22:32 pm »
the problem is snd_sdl.dll for win (rc4 last ver)
when i use it with windows game often fall down at start, i cant run the game,
for example tree times this:
and only one time normal run, like snd_sdl.dll is unstable
if i will delete it, all will be stable, but no sound :(
its need to be fixed

now i am using snd_wapi renamed to snd_sdl
is there another way which make game understand snd_wapi.dll?

Coding / Q_strncpyz error
« on: July 29, 2006, 07:22:13 pm »
... ok finally i compiled everything with devC++ with no problems
but when i tried to start a game windows error appeared
i think its connected with this bug in ref_gl which i fixed:
[Linker error] undefined reference to `Q_strncpyz'
[Linker error] undefined reference to `Q_strncpyz'
[Linker error] undefined reference to `Q_strncpyz'
[Linker error] undefined reference to `Q_strncpyz'
[Linker error] undefined reference to `Q_strncpyz'
more undefined references to `Q_strncpyz' follow
ld returned 1 exit status
C:\Documents and Settings\Joe\My Documents\space\src\ref_gl\ [Build Error] [../../ref_gl.dll] Error 1

what i did:
i added in every .c file in which said about "underfined reference" this:
Code: [Select]
#define Q_strncpyz(string1,string2,length)
and all compiled without problems, but game doesnt start normaly and fall down :(
what i did wrong?

Pages: [1]