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Discussion / Thanks and some suggestions
« on: February 10, 2010, 03:25:44 pm »

First, thanks for a great project. X-Com is one the best games ever, and this project is paying it due homage.
Good work so far, keep it up.

Now for the unavoidable suggestions i came across while playing:

-Research % status as an indicator shown around base icon on the geosphere

-Underwater missions - X-Com2 TFTD? Yes, i realize this is a ton of work on the content side, but the only problem TFTD had was excessive difficulty.
Past that, was as great as the original. I also realize this is not a remake of the original. But the the planet is 70%+ water, so underwater missions wouldn't be too far-fetched.
Submarine backgrounds, maps, equipment/ships might be trickier. The other game logic should remain pretty similar - units can't swim up or down without proper equipment,
occlusion/collision/path finding, strategies shouldnt be much different - if at all.

-More simplified compilation environment. You (the devs) are familiar with it and have it already set up. Newcomers have an incomplete wiki entry that results in non-working environment due to missing libraries and dependencies (like directmusic one, but thats just one.). It would be much better for the .zip file with the code::blocks gui to be properly configured, even if it meant it had to be installed to a definite location on the harddisk (like c:\codeblocks or anything else). This is just a -suggestion-. I'm not nagging or attacking your work, simply trying to help getting it better, because the devs are just "too close" to the project to see some problems that newcomers can face. This is as true here as in any software development project.

Hope i didnt offend anyone with those suggestions, and if i did, well, not much i can do about it.

Again thanks,

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