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Topics - Danible

Pages: [1]
Discussion / How do skills and attributes work?
« on: November 03, 2011, 09:59:10 pm »
Yeah I tried searching for it but couldn't seem to find anything.

The main attribute I'm wondering about is accuracy. I know all the weapon skills increase with use, though I don't know if it's per attempt or per hit.

But the accuracy of some of my veterans are still unexpectedly low. And this only seems to happen for my assault rifleman. Snipers and even submachinegunners seem to get a good accuracy boost after several missions, but just not my riflemen. Why is that and what actions increase my accuracy skill?

I know using up TU's improve speed(but I don't know if it's per TU used or that I have to use up ALL TU per turn)
I know Healing, surviving, and killing improves mind.
I know strength doesn't work yet.

Could use some info on accuracy, thanks!

Discussion / Do IR goggles decrease accuracy?
« on: October 29, 2011, 01:33:26 am »
Just 2 quick questions (for now) about the game:

1) I know how to use IR Goggles and I know they see through walls, but I sometimes hear they reduce accuracy of soldiers. Is this true, and if so how much? Is accuracy only reduced when the soldier wears the goggles? Can I just keep goggles in my backpack and put them on to scan then take them off to shoot? Or do I lose my tracked heat sigs if I do that.

2) What's the point of a knife? Or for that matter what's the point of any small arms weapons overall?

Yeah I know it was more like 10 questions but you get what I'm sayin 

FAQ / Quick Questions
« on: October 28, 2011, 06:44:16 am »
Just 2 quick questions (for now) about the game:

1) I know how to use IR Goggles and I know they see through walls, but I sometimes hear they reduce accuracy of soldiers. Is this true, and if so how much? Is accuracy only reduced when the soldier wears the goggles? Can I just keep goggles in my backpack and put them on to scan then take them off to shoot? Or do I lose my tracked heat sigs if I do that.

2) What's the point of a knife? Or for that matter what's the point of any small arms weapons overall?

Yeah I know it was more like 10 questions but you get what I'm sayin  ;D

Windows / Crash to Desktop
« on: March 08, 2010, 08:21:18 am »
Geoscape works fine, but when I try going into tactical mode, a fatal error occurs and the game crashes to desktop.  Since then I've deleted the old version in for another.  But I'm wondering if it's the game or my PC.  I ran 2.2.1 fine, but perhaps I need some 3D accelerator turned on for the 2.3 dev version? 

I'm sorry I forgot which version I dled.  But for my part at least, can someone tell me how I can turn on my 3D thingy or at least find out if I have one?  And in case I do not have one how I might obtain one.

Thank you.

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