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Topics - Andrey.F.

Pages: [1]
Windows / update the Code::Blocks package
« on: September 27, 2010, 12:50:19 am »
(2.4-dev last the update included by me from Sun, 26 Sep 2010 3:02:44 PM across Greenwich (time))
At compilation I had following errors:
||=== ufoded, windows ===|
D:\Downloads\Ufo_AI\PortableGit\ufoai\src\ports\windows\win_main.c||In function 'Sys_Init':|
D:\Downloads\Ufo_AI\PortableGit\ufoai\src\ports\windows\win_main.c|48|warning: implicit declaration of function 'timeBeginPeriod'|
.objs\ufoded\src\ports\windows\win_main.o:win_main.c|| undefined reference to `timeBeginPeriod'|
||=== Build finished: 1 errors, 1 warnings ===|

If a line for to make comments then on such errors:
||=== ufo_tests, windows ===|
.objs\client\src\tests\test_ui.o||In function `testTimerDataStructure':|
D:\Downloads\Ufo_AI\PortableGit\ufoai\src\tests\test_ui.c|65|undefined reference to `UI_GetFirstTimer'|
D:\Downloads\Ufo_AI\PortableGit\ufoai\src\tests\test_ui.c|68|undefined reference to `UI_GetFirstTimer'|
D:\Downloads\Ufo_AI\PortableGit\ufoai\src\tests\test_ui.c|71|undefined reference to `UI_GetFirstTimer'|
D:\Downloads\Ufo_AI\PortableGit\ufoai\src\tests\test_ui.c|74|undefined reference to `UI_GetFirstTimer'|
D:\Downloads\Ufo_AI\PortableGit\ufoai\src\tests\test_ui.c|79|undefined reference to `UI_GetFirstTimer'|
.objs\client\src\tests\test_ui.o:D:\Downloads\Ufo_AI\PortableGit\ufoai\src\tests\test_ui.c|80|more undefined references to `UI_GetFirstTimer' follow|
.objs\client\src\tests\test_ui.o||In function `testTimerDataStructure':|
D:\Downloads\Ufo_AI\PortableGit\ufoai\src\tests\test_ui.c|86|undefined reference to `UI_PrivateInsertTimerInActiveList'|
D:\Downloads\Ufo_AI\PortableGit\ufoai\src\tests\test_ui.c|87|undefined reference to `UI_GetFirstTimer'|
D:\Downloads\Ufo_AI\PortableGit\ufoai\src\tests\test_ui.c|88|undefined reference to `UI_GetFirstTimer'|
D:\Downloads\Ufo_AI\PortableGit\ufoai\src\tests\test_ui.c|89|undefined reference to `UI_GetFirstTimer'|
D:\Downloads\Ufo_AI\PortableGit\ufoai\src\tests\test_ui.c|92|undefined reference to `UI_GetFirstTimer'|
D:\Downloads\Ufo_AI\PortableGit\ufoai\src\tests\test_ui.c|93|undefined reference to `UI_GetFirstTimer'|
.objs\client\src\tests\test_ui.o:D:\Downloads\Ufo_AI\PortableGit\ufoai\src\tests\test_ui.c|96|more undefined references to `UI_GetFirstTimer' follow|
||=== Build finished: 13 errors, 0 warnings ===|

As the program from "make_UfoAI_win32 (all in one win32 build script)" temporarily doesn't work (it alter under git).
Most likely at me the compiler "has become outdated".
Prompt as to me to update "in manual" packet Code::Blocks.
Please write a simple language.

P.S. I ask applications the automatic translator used.(ru)
P.P.S. in places doesn't represent the facts any more. 1. The archive has become outdated. 2. The specified method of independent update of a packet has become outdated...

Mapping / Maps from 76 version to 77...
« on: March 30, 2009, 10:11:25 pm »
First sorry from my English.  :'(
I am trying to rebuild all maps to new version. The will rebuild, but:
How rebuild it correctly? (if it not hard)
p.s. Please answer in the easy English if it not hard.
p.s.s. Sorry if I not found the answer.

Pages: [1]