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Topics - Darkainious

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Design / More on the Storyline/Game mesh
« on: April 26, 2009, 04:39:56 pm »
Well all of this storyline hubbub is very interesting but something has to be done. The storyline just doesn't fit and neither does the aliens background. I know it will be difficult, but unless a solid decision is made, then its going to be even more difficult to change later on. If an entire city is devastated then the world(probably at least 10 billion people right?) isn't going to just sit around watching it happen. Action would be immediate from every nation and they would all take some serious precautions. One option I could see implemented is that United America has the one of the first responses and starts PHALANX up again almost immediately after the attack. Doing this, After much success you start getting funding from other nations and then you go and protect them. Doing this, however, would sort of give United America the most say in PHALANX matters. It has also occurred to me that you should be working with NASA and whatever UA has of an army. It would be like the police and the SWAT team. The local national guard would surround the area and work to get most of the civilians out. There would be some straglers like we see now, but there should also be a number of hostages held in room and you have to try and hurry to save them from getting infect or killed.
    The other nations would all have varying degrees of success on their own. The ones with large armies would deploy them everywhere and just try to keep them from landing. In nations with less firepower there would be similar efforts as PHALANX. Let compare to the movie Signs. If what happened in the movie actually happened, the world would never be the same. Every country would put funding into alien protection and space programs, and panic of another attack would be widespread. It would be on everyone's minds every day. In combat don't you think we should see downed Nation Guard? Or blown up Army trucks? If there was a massacre like the one in Mumbai and the whole world knew about it, then response would be instantaneous. Panic would sweep the streets and every civilian would have a gun. It also explains why the aliens don't use there technology, because they don't want to damage the planet and they know we would respond with nuclear weapons. This explanation works well with the current story.
    However, I do see other options. We don't have to bend the game to fit the story, we can just bend the story to fit the game. If that were the case though and the aliens were being much more covert, the how/why would PHALANX suddenly be organized by an entire world? I think they should already be up and running as a top secret organization in United America. After the wars and economic recovery the UA decided to start funding some special research projects. They could sort of be a futuristic war research team, and have soldiers in case they went up against someone with a lot of good technology.
    Another option is PHALANX could become a much larger scale project with more frequent alien attacks. In that case it would be an instant worldwide effort, because I really don't think people would sit around talking about it for days while the aliens got ready for another strike. I'm not trying to deliver offense to anyone, but there is some truth here. Please discuss storyline/game options.

Linux / Combat is painfully slow.
« on: April 18, 2009, 10:30:54 pm »
Yesterday I installed UFO:AI from the trunk. I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 and everything worked great. 2.3 is a lot better, but when I get into a battle the mouse becomes very unresponsive and jumpy. It does the exact same thing in a skirmish. Auto battles seem to work fine but it's impossible to get your mouse where you want it and click at the right time. Everything else seems to work fine except I can't bring up the manage UFO yard thing.

Feature Requests / I think we need to have more types of aliens.
« on: August 08, 2008, 05:16:59 pm »
By the time you play through the game 2 or 3 times the aliens really start to get monotonous. They should start out with the weak aliens then slowly get new and better equipped aliens. There should be like a very strong version of  the bloodspider that can move very far. Towards the end you should like start running into "the mother aliens babies" or something then bring down the mother ship and have to fight some huger alien.

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