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Topics - Mayhem

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / Radar and Satellites
« on: July 25, 2008, 10:17:47 pm »
A minor point with regards to the story - something needs to be said about the ineffectiveness of the worlds network of surveillance sattelites.

Why else are we totally unable to use them, instead having to build ground-based radar installations.

Either the aliens must have destroyed them upon arrival, a la independence day, or the aliens are somehow cloaked from the satellite tech.  Either way, it needs mentioning in the story.

The question of why the tech used in the ground based radar can't be put into orbital satellites also needs to be answered - do the aliens detect and destroy them (or any attempt to launch them)?  If so, why does it take them so long to do the same to the ground based radar installations?


Second point - a feature request, really, to do with the radar installations and proposed SAM installations. 

It is assumed that most countries would build their own defences and radar installations - who would want to be reliant on protection from outside?  Instead of having to build off-base radar and SAM sites, it might be cooler to have countries with a happyness over a given level to offer the output of their own radar facilities to PHALANX.

This would give the same effect as building the radar installations whilst at the same time explainign why no ground crew are required for said installation.  At the same time, it would give  a reward/motivation for keeping nations happy - if you don't perform to their satisfaction, they'll cut you out of their radar net thus decreasing your coverage.

Similarly, at a really high level of happyness they might trust you so much that they are willing to turn over control of their SAM sites to PHALANX - or even their own interceptor bases (which would be launchable but not "editable").

Running 2.3 dev in safe mode (as ordinary mode always screws up the textures for me).

When equipping stilleto interceptors with weapons, I am fine for the 1st and 2nd hardpoint, but trying to equip the third always causes a crash with the message:

Assertion failed!

Program C:\program files\ufo-2.3-dev\ufo.exe
File D:\Games\UFOAI\src\client\cl_mapfightequip.c
Line: 193

Expression: airequipselectedslot < aircraft->maxweapons

Feature Requests / 2.3 Hangar bug
« on: July 23, 2008, 03:10:35 pm »
On the way back from a mission, my firebird looked like it was going to run into a UFO.

I clicked on it, and chose "new home base", choosing a base that was much closer and apparently had hanger space.  No problem.

However, the base in question, whilst it had a completed hangar, did not have a completed power-plant.

As a result, after landing my firebird was no longer available.


The script for changing a home-base whilst in flight needs to check not only hangar space, but that the hangar in question has a functioning power-supply.  And, presumably, it would also need a functioning living quarters with room for the troops that are currently on board.

Feature Requests / Flashbangs not visible?
« on: July 05, 2008, 05:44:31 pm »
3.2 on Windows XP:  When throwing a flashbang there is no graphical representation of the grenades transit, just a short pause followed by a flash of light at the point of presumed impact.

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