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Feature Requests / A few things to make the game less annoying
« on: October 05, 2012, 11:18:55 pm »
Guns that fire in range not any old range and at nearly 100% accuracy in the aliens' favour. Them being unable to fire through windows, gaps, impossible angles etc just like I can't.

Economies of scale or a useful economy so it doesn't take forever to make things that you can buy anyway, even though perhaps you shouldn't be able to e.g. coilgun.

A useful autocombat system, if you're going to have it, not one that chokes as soon as you get 9 or more aliens because troops on 90 or more missions' experience should be more than cannon fodder.

Retrieval of dead troops' effects if a battle is won - see above on economy.

Saves for the battlescape. 2.5 hours of careful planning gone to shit because the game crashes and there is no save is not a good idea.  People might also have lives and have to go out in the middle of a battlescape game for a reason. Troops are immensely precious, hard to train - well, there is no training but this is a work in progress - and once they get to a certain point if one's lost it's the 'retry' button which is tedious and then the auto combat sucks so it's back to ... ad nauseam.

A nice little readme that says 'Don't enter the baddies' base just yet' so we know not to end the game prematurely.

A few more TUs for the troops just so we're only 5000 short of the aliens - it's not like they don't know where you are all the time, can shoot through walls, are almost perfectly accurate and can shoot through solid objects and somehow end up there being more of them than you in the middle of an open field with them all already having reaction shots primed (which work accurately all the time unlike the player's) etc. In short, revisit the combat - at times it f-g stupid. And I'm playing on super-easy level and yes, I've played TFTD etc so I know the score with these games so quite how I end up with 8 of them just pounding the shit out of me can only be down to poor game design. Note this is 2 moves in, it's not as though I've had the chance to make any dumb moves.

And why do I get no credit for my workers in item costs? That means they're costing me money!

And you have to have a fair number of bases the same which really limits your options if you intend to cover everywhere with radar as is a good idea. Then if you have the requisite 50 workers in order to disassemble those ufos in any practical time at all there's no room for anything else.

And the spawning of troops in base defenses is dumb. They spawn so far away from the entrance I moved the hospital to get them nearer as they spawned there and the command centre. Then they all just spawned in the CC anyway - ffs!

And the descriptions need to bear some resemblence to what happens e.g. "The cc is important, put it at the back" (so it takes 5 turns to get to the entrance in a well-designed base or "If you have too many power-guzzling rooms, you might need a second power plant" except that once you've built one you can't build another and ... anyway, back off to try those dumb-arse maps again, see if I can last 3 rounds.

Game's promising but I wouldn't buy it as it is. Sort out the things above and when it's finished provided it is playable  - yeah, I'd buy it even though I've played a lot of it already.


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