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Topics - noctilucus

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Discussion / Rich selection of maps
« on: September 25, 2012, 11:09:28 pm »
Just wanted to share that I've been very pleasantly surprised lately by the wide array of maps that are being used in UFO:AI (especially now that I'm playing 2.4, even though most if not all of those maps already existed in 2.3)

I've finished a game in 2.3, coming across some of the more rare maps very late in the game which made for a nice change.
And now again, maybe 2 years into the game in version 2.4... just when I started to have the feeling that I was seeing mostly the same locations over and over again, I get a few maps I've never seen before in those hundreds of missions I've already gone through, featuring a different kind of lab, a small multi-storey house with a pool, ...
I even had one location that featured the metro station that was part of a very early demo where we didn't even have a geoscape yet, bringing back good memories.

Just wanted to say thanks to the developers and artists involved. All the work you've put into those locations is much appreciated and adds spice to the game!

There was a terror mission in Vienna (and looking at the map it's indeed in Austria), a message popped up mentioning that the terror mission was in Vienna, Britain.
Consecutively, the mission map loaded was Britain, the one with the telephone cells and postal boxes.

Sorry, I don't have a ufoconsole.log as my pc crashed shortly afterwards - not related to the game. This should be easy to fix though, it must be in the decision point which map is loaded when.

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