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Topics - Sepherose

Pages: [1]
Artwork / Well, hello everyone
« on: April 09, 2012, 10:28:17 pm »
Hello! I know, this is my first post and all, and I'm already trying to show something in the hopes of it being liked..
Anyway, I cobbled together a new opening loading screen today, and I thought it looked pretty decent considering I don't have much experience with making 2d images, although I have some experience making textures for Fallout 3/New Vegas, Oblivion, and a little with Skyrim.

It's attached to this post, just wanted to get opinions, and also, hello :)

Also, I used the Ortnok concept art and altered it a bit for the image.. I thought that would be alright, hopefully I didn't step on any toes >.<

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