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Topics - ultimbro

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Linux / saved games
« on: April 06, 2012, 12:12:41 am »
hello, i was using ufoai 2.4 on my 11.04 ubuntu then I needed to format my HD and then I reinstalled linuxmint 12 with ufoai 2.3.1

I had keep my SAVE game folder which I transfert on the 2.3.1 folder but 2.4 saved games doesnt seem to work on 2.3.1. it gets me back to the main menu every time i choose one
is there a way i can get my saved game back?

I tried to install 2.4 through source code but I only get 2.5 now and I et a error msg with my video :

Code: [Select]
------- video initialization -------
SDL version: 1.2.14
I: desktop depth: 32bpp
I: video memory: 0
I: Available resolutions: 1920x1080 1776x1000 1152x648 1440x480 1280x800 1280x768 1280x720 1152x864 1152x648 1024x768 800x600 720x480 640x480 (13)
I: video driver: x11
I: setting mode -1
I: set multisample buffers to 0
I: set swap control to 0
]X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
  Major opcode of failed request:  130 (XFree86-VidModeExtension)
  Minor opcode of failed request:  10 (XF86VidModeSwitchToMode)
  Value in failed request:  0xaa
  Serial number of failed request:  131
  Current serial number in output stream:  133

so either way someone tells me how to restore my saved game or gives me a way to make 2.5 work I 'll be happy (if 2.4 saved game work in 2.5)

sorry for the crappy english , this isn't my 1st language

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