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Topics - danninemx

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / Employee Management Hot-Keys
« on: October 17, 2013, 07:44:32 am »
AFAIK, there are no hotkeys for employee hiring (and "unhiring", as the game puts it) a la Gmail.  Instead, UFO:AI seems to allow right-clicks to perform initially "unhire" and then "remove" -- the latter of which deletes the particular employee from the list.

I somewhat see the value for this -- it might be useful if there were soldiers with uselessly poor statistics that you simply wanted to make room for another.  This doesn't happen often, however, and the same reasoning does not apply for workers or scientists, as they all have identical stats. (at least so far in 2.5 dev version)

Could you (dear developers) possibly deploy a hotkey system of some kind to address this? For example:
  • Tab: : Next employee
  • Shift + Tab: Previous employee
  • Space bar: Check/uncheck hiring box
  • Delete: Remove selected employee from list (Do not implement this for workers & scientists)

A hotkey setup such as this would allow the player to manage employees much more easily -- without tiring that index finger from over-clicking or forcing the right hand off the mouse.

Again, if I am missing any existing hotkey system, please enlighten me.

Thank you!

Bugs in stable version (2.5) / Scientist cannot be hired?
« on: October 07, 2013, 02:53:53 am »
I just installed the latest Dev version("2.6") for the first time in months to try it out.

Maybe I'm missing something very simple about the new UI... but I cannot seem to hire new employees in this version.

Attached here is a screenshot of the scientist hire screen at my home base, where neither the HIRE nor the FIRE button reacted to my clicks. 

Of course, being the first base, there is already a complete laboratory in place, and there is a vacancy for 10 more employees. (30/40 default occupancy)

Is this a bug?

Discussion / 3 Things to Change Back... (v2.4 suggestion)
« on: May 02, 2012, 11:46:31 pm »
I updated from 2.3.1 to 2.4 only days ago.  So far, I am enjoying many new impressive changes.

That said, here are some strange (i.e. bad) changes I noticed:

: In 2.3.1, I have never seen a country give up on me. Whenever it would approach "Giving Up" ("Mad", "Upset", etc.), I would sell them UFO and they would respond well.

 In 2.4, the approval rating changes all of a sudden and for no apparent reason.  My first 2 campaigns came to an abrupt end because apparently I wasn't keeping them happy.  I really don't get it though, because my approval rates were all pretty high, and I never lost a battle with aliens.  Even worse, the settings were "EASY" and "EASIEST", respectively.

: In 2.3.1, I could pretty much count on my troops to initiate attack on moving targets upon appearance.

In 2.4, rarely do they react to enemy appearance, even when they are fairly experienced (upgraded).  Sometimes, the aliens would simply walk past my troops, and neither side would do anything.  I don't know how exactly this was changed, but frankly, this engagement dynamic was better in 2.3.1.  The latest version feels broken. (Or was the idea that aliens simply have better motor skills than humans do?)

: Didn't 2.3.1 have auto-battle option for when aliens invade the base?

It was fresh and fun for the first couple of times, but in the end, you don't change the base that much.  This means each time an invasion occurs, you have to re-do the exact same moves you made last time.  It just gets boring and meaningless.  Could the auto-fight option somehow be enabled?

Thanks again to the team for the great new version, and I look forward to viewing public comments on these points.   :D

Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / Corpse overlap => no loots
« on: March 26, 2012, 03:44:11 pm »

When multiple alien corpses occupy the same space/tile on the battlefield, the dropped items all seem to disappear when a soldier stands on the corpses and opens inventory.

The attached screenshot was taken right after the aliens were killed on the same spot. (3 corpses, actually).

I did not try to reproduce it, but it did happen a couple of times by accident, and each time I noticed there were more than 1 dead body on the tile. (** Often happens on narrow door/pathways.)

On the bug importance scale mentioned by the bug report sticky, I suppose this is a 6 ("A minor feature doesn't work: the application is usable, but it's less fun").


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