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Topics - johnman

Pages: [1]
Windows / Base stops working after mission
« on: July 08, 2010, 04:46:31 pm »
Just came across a bug so I thought I would share it with you. Just got back to base after a mission and all the options like reasreach and production are greyed out, saying I dont have the right buildings. Before this mission everything worked fine, and while the mission was a base attack (that looked remarkly like my base) it took place in india, and this was only the second mission of the campagin.
All the regular reaction fire problems as well.

Discussion / Reaction fire in 2.3
« on: July 08, 2010, 10:43:30 am »
Loving the new release so far apart from 1 extremely annoying problem, Rection fire rarely seems to work. At first I tough it was just me being a fool and screwing up by reserving TU's instead of reaction fire, but I did a Skirmish game where I lined 4 soliders up, alien pops out, fires 5 shots and kills a guy, and in return one of my troops fires and misses completely, this was an improvment on the campagin where my guys wouldn't shoot back at all. Same turn a bloodspider waltz's up and down in front of my guys nibbles at one of their boots and walks the longest way back in my soliders FOV. Is there a bug with reaction fire or am I missing somthing here?

Edit: Looking on the other pages I see I am not the only one with this problem, sorry for creating new topic.

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