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Topics - biodojo

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Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / (fixed) Game Crash on Startup-Ubuntu 11.10
« on: December 29, 2011, 08:42:20 pm »
Game just began to crash while trying to start. (regular mode and safe mode both)

I have been playing the game just fine on 11.10 using an A8-3500M CPU and AMD Radeon HD 6750M. I have the proprietary graphics card drivers installed but haven't been able to install the post release updates to the driver. 

I installed some Ubuntu updates via the update manager yesterday, but I played the game after that and it worked. The log file just has one line:

2011/12/29 11:30:46 FS_RemoveFile: remove /home/colin/.ufoai/2.3.1/base/keys.cfg

Any ideas would be appreciated as I am on break right now and absolutely love this game!

UPDATE: I reinstalled the game and it still didn't work. However, reinstalling didn't remove the files in ~/.ufoai
So I removed that folder (after copying the save game folder elsewhere) and the game started. I copied the saved games back into the folder and all is well!

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