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Topics - Moonbane

Pages: [1]
Linux / Is that a bug?
« on: February 14, 2011, 09:37:38 am »

somehow I get Map(display)-errors but I am not sure if that is a bug or just a display glitch with my hardware.

If someone could confirm that as a bug, I would then file a proper bugreport.

Thanks in advance.

Version: 2.4 dev from source
OS: Debian wheezy/sid
Nvidia 260.19.29 Drivers

Linux / No Language with Debian packages?
« on: February 17, 2008, 09:12:28 pm »
Hello there.

After my initial problems with the startup, the Game runs very well on my PC.

I use Debian/Lenny and after one or two attempts to use the compiled game, I switched to the .deb's.

compiling/installing runs really smooth, however after installing the .deb's the Game had no language.

Okay, it was rather easy  to solve, i just had to copy the i18n-folder to /usr/lib/games/ufoai/base (after doing a "make lang").

It seems, that the languages are not included into the debian-packages.

Any Hint, what I did wrong?

I first searched for a "make deblang" or so but was unable to find that in the /build-dir or anywhere else, so I presume, it doesnt exist :)

Linux / Tactical Missions won't start
« on: January 31, 2008, 10:10:09 am »
Hello there :)

Half a year ago, I tried the rc3 of Ufo:ai.

Compiling, Installing and running went flawlessy. I thought it kinda hard to play, but fun anyway.

Because of work and upgrading my PC, i had not the time to play a little.

Lately i gave it another try. Compiling and installing went smooth.

Also I can start the game, however if I want do play any tactical mission (singleplayer), I get the same Errormessage in my ufo-console and the terminal:

(It's only the meaning, i am at work and dont have the errorlog)

Connecting to localhost
Bad connectionless from loop interface
Unable to connect
Shutting down

I've opened the multiplayer port, described in the wiki. But it seems, the game cannot connect to its own tactical server.
So I believe it to be a network error, but i can't figure out where.

Im running Debian testing with Vanilla-Kernel 2.6.24 on a intel c2quad with 4GB RAM, nvidia 8800gtx. 3D graphic works flawlessy, i can play ut2004, doom3, wow (wine) with high fps.

thanks for your help.

Pages: [1]