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Topics - Crashdown

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I have had a problem with a large number of maps, wherein you suddenly find yourself back on the world map view. I can't define a particular action that precedes this as it has happened the moment I have shot an alien, picked up something etc. Also, it happens on maps from the farms to even the alien base. ???

My apologies if this has been resolved in another instance already.

Discussion / Building new bases. Request.
« on: November 01, 2011, 05:59:10 pm »
When building new bases, part of said new base is unusable. Sometimes as many as four blocks. Is there a way of removing this feature from the game as I find it is irritating and senseless and really detracts from the enjoyment. Here I am running the protection of the world and my base choice seems to involve handing uncle Barney the family drunk a sixpack and some sandwiches and telling him to find a flat piece of ground to build on. ::) Not at all realistic and no fun when you have half your new base as a screw up from word go. I am all for realism but for this can we pretend there are fewer idiots in 2084. ;D

Discussion / Raptor Troop carrier and Corrupter.
« on: October 28, 2011, 01:47:37 am »
Love the game. ;D

I found the ability of the Raptor to handle enemy fighters really well to be a bonus. If anyone attacks you on the way, just shoot them down and they become your next mission. One bit of bother is that despite it being high off the ground, my guys still seem to have to run around it. At the same time they seem to be vulnerable to fire as they now have nothing to hide behind. Anyone else have some feedback and ideas?

On the corruptor, I seem to have difficulty taking one that is intact. Folks tend to come barreling down the ramp to the second deck rather aggressively. By the time I kill them off, inevitably at least one of my squad members is dead which sucks when they are really experienced troops. :'( Any ideas on that one?

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