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Topics - JHawx

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Feature Requests / feature request: crop circles & investigation teams.
« on: September 27, 2011, 09:56:48 pm »
1. General idea
2. Helipad
3. Investigation agents
4. Gameplay concept

1. May sound lil old, but what id like to see is that when some area is showing increased alien activity, the appearance of crop circles would also increase on these areas. 
1.2 Also maps of farm areas with crop circles and mutilated cows would be nice.
1.3 Purely cosmetic you say? deffo not. When you see theres a report of increased crop circle sightings, it would also tell a presence of harvesting base nearby the area. This could also trigger a map tag: a symbol where the crop circle has been detected. (see sections 2 and 3) Now you can send your anti UFO airplane there to scout OR you could send your jet/copter with investigation agents.

2. I suggest new type of building and a new type of buyable vechile. This would be a non-militaristic vechile, a helicopter of sorts with a turbine engine to make it lil faster, it would land on a helipad on the base for refuelling purposes.
2.1 What it does it is to be sent to crop circle areas to seek out hints of possible alien bases and to seek out new hints for alien origins. As a nonmilitaristic craft, this UNARMED vechile could transport a team of investigation XBI agents (similarry to FBI, but Xeno Biological Investigation) to the site, and if there is a alien base nearby, they would detect it. They could also possibly find something like alien unmanned propbes, old crashsites or dead aliens from the site...

3. XBI (Xeno Biological Investigation) agents, part scientist, part highly organised damage controll and panic suspencion unit designed to investigate paranormal extraterrestial activities on earth. Trained from agents onboard other 3 letter organizations, theyr mission is simple: Seek out hints of alien activity amongs the civilians, and suppress panic caused from theyr sightings.
3.1 What effect they have? a.) They help out to find alien bases nearby b.) they lessen the damage to budget cuts that alien invasions cause on countries contribution to xcoms operation c.) they could open up a new kind of storyline on research and bring valuable researchable and sometimes even moneymaking items back to base
3.2 What they dont do:
- they dont participate on battles, these are civilians operatives and they are only armed with conventional guns, weapons and chemica... memory reduction medicines.
- they cant shoot down ufo:s
- they are not so fast: they travel by helikopter, not by jet, so sending a team to investigate takes 3x longer and they visit the area for couple of days, before returning to the base.

4. How this works in theory?
- First you will research an investigation tech tree
- Then you can buy an helikopter (heli for short) & buy civilians for XBI agents training
- Train those agents for different purposes (each agent could have attunement for interogation, media sensitivity, internet hacking, scientific investigation etch)
- Occasionally you receve a report of crop circle in some area (similarry to raid report of alien invasion)
- On the map appears crop circle symbol, which you can send your heli to investigate.
- Heli will stay in the area for certain amount of time, there wont be a mission on it, agents will do what they do in the area untill the mission is done.
- After they return to base, the investigation results could be told to you: they could find a dead alien bodies, some unmanned probe remains, broken down alien tech, or hints if there is a alien base nearby: they can find it directly or tell if further scouting in the area is needed.
* you can send these agents in the area without crop circles also, and they will perform scouting in the area, but without crop circle sighting, you wont do the media suppression act, which will lower down the uneasiness of the civilians due alien activity.
- This will improve the relations of country towards xcom, affecting partially to the budget, more aliens in the country, more frequent the crop circles will become.

* There could be some ancient alien sites (like egypt or mayan, stonehenge) where these investigation teams would get some storytelling data, hidden easter eggs, so to speak.

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