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Topics - m4gill4

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Nation Relations
« on: September 19, 2011, 08:25:17 am »
Hi, I'm having trouble finding any documentation on relations with the nations in the game, how to influence them, and what effects they have.  I did find a page where somebody mentioned that selling UFOs will improve relations with the buyer while harming them with everyone else.  Other than that, this aspect of the game is a big mystery to me.  Therefore I wonder can any kind soul attempt to answer the following questions?

1.  How do relations affect the player?  What are the benefits of good relations and the drawbacks of poor relations?

2.  Can anyone list the various ways to influence the relations with other countries, whether positively or negatively?  

3.  Is there some documentation of this aspect of the game that I have missed somewhere?

Thanks to anyone who can help answer and also to the developers of this impressive game.

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