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Topics - tulma

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Feature Requests / Problem with resolution
« on: November 21, 2007, 11:13:22 pm »
Hi all,

I tried your game today. It seem to me really fantastic.

However, I post here because I've a problem to change the resolution : Everytime I try to change the resolution of the game, it return to windows (without error message).  :(

Except this problem all work fine  :).

I've the latest drivers from nvidia and I use the "ufoai-2.2-dev-win32" version.
My computer :
nforce 680 sli
Geforce 8800 GTS
4 Mo RAM
Windows Vista 64

Is there a solution or a way to change the resolution manually in a file ? I didn't find  :-\

NB : I don't know if it's important but actually I launch the game with the parameter : ufo + set snd_init 0. Without this, my fps on the tactical map are about 3-4 when a soldier is at the center of the screen.

Thank for your help  :) and good luck for your work

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