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Topics - Flyshberg

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Winning strategy?
« on: May 27, 2012, 10:46:48 am »

I've read much about tactics, but I'm interested in an overall winning strategy, not in battle tactics. I won the game with version 2.2, but in version 2.3 I stopped playing when I lost South America despite of winning all of my battles. Now I'm looking for a winning strategy.

Here are some hints what a winning strategy might include:

- where to build the main and the minor bases (base extensions)
- how to develop the bases (which sections to build and how many of them)
- focus on research (order of research)
- base defense
- organization of air combat (number and types of aircraft)
- prevent countries from surrendering
- production

I just like to have a feasible solution.

Best regards,


Feature Requests / I'm playing AI the First time - IMPRESSIONS
« on: November 02, 2007, 03:32:39 pm »
I just played alien invasion the first time and I was surprised about the quality of the graphics and the level of detail of the descriptions. I think it is very well done.

But I played similar games before and so there was just a disadvantage of the game I immediately perceived.

When I was in combat e.g. I did not even know which weapons and items my soldiers were carrying. If you don't know which image represents which ammunation for which weapon, the game isn't so funny any more. I'm sorry.

Isn't there a possibility to progam it that way that you get a short information about a item when holding the mouse cursor over it or by right-clicking on it?

This would be an immense upgrade for the gameplay!

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