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Topics - MunkeyMission

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Wow great game.!!
« on: October 17, 2007, 04:08:23 am »
  ;D  And look at these buttons on the message box!!  ;D Thats a great game.
So, here is one happy free customer. I thought it was half past ten and its a quarter to three. So much for the important stuff of the day and on with the important stuff of the day.
It's great. Most space games of the last few years lack a lot unless theyre inspired by Duke and Doom. There were lots of diamond platform on the old tv home computers but I havent seen a good one to suit the all powerful pc (Snake Eater wasnt very good what was it Rainbow or something?).
This one is. Thumbs up. Radar on.
Good forum.
I would suggest the improvements but I dont have one.

;D  Much gratis. ;D

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