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Topics - smitje

Pages: [1]
« on: August 25, 2007, 11:13:43 pm »
Hi There

After some digging in the ubuntu forums I got sound, but it is terrible :(
there is a horrible fluttering sound, like it keeps turning on and of real fast.

I got sound by turning on PCM (and turning up the PCM volume in the sound controlls.

does anyone get the same, and more inportant what can I do to solve this.

Cheers Smitje

« on: July 08, 2007, 12:11:27 pm »
HI, there and congratulations on building a great game.

Im just having some difficulties getting the text to show :(

I am on a lunux box (ubuntu)
in the Netherlands (nl)
Installed the game successfully

but when I run it I keep seeing TXT_STANDARD_CAMPAIGN and BOLTER_TXT etc. in places where there should be a description.
so after reading some on the forum I tried: set s_language en
but I stil get the same
I allso tried set s_language

and made a copy of i18n/en and named it i18n/nl
so far nothing worked, it looks like the text is not being found

Do jou have any surgestions

Cheers Smitje

Pages: [1]