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Topics - Punkie

Pages: [1]
Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Production time displayed as 0
« on: November 29, 2010, 09:29:58 pm »
In production, each tab contains 2 lists: the list of the items being queued for manufacturing and the list of items one can choose to add to the queue. Upon selecting an item in the second list, the detail pane on the right displays the details, amongst them the "Production time". The time is always zero, '0'. Mark that the details of the items in the first list, the queue, are displayed correctly, thus not zero.

The version is from 24th of November,
commit dd30499e279c61b8bd85814bead98b79f7784b5f
git describe --tags
The 27329th commit since ufoai_2.1-dev1(rev gdd30499) :)

Coding / "git describe" or svn revision numbering style
« on: November 19, 2010, 10:51:55 pm »
It is kind of hard to refer to a particular revision in git. Not only are they 40 chars long (although the first 7 are quasi unique)  but they are not a monotone increasing sequence. As a result ppl are not referring to version numbers anymore and it is hard for developers to remember a version or to know where in the timeline it is situated. But behold, numerous ppl value those same properties and they suggest the following

"git describe" as explained here and here.
In short what i understood of it:
Code: [Select]
[punkie@fed ufoai]$ git describe --tags
This revision is 27183 commits seperated from the last tag (ufoai_2.1-dev1) which is identified by the first 7 chars "g3be0bf3". In other words, we can identify this revision as 27183 though we can reset the counter whenever we can. Via a hook this string can be added to the log.

Coding / Trailing blank lines
« on: November 18, 2010, 12:56:47 pm »
gcc needs one, git reject two.
It is possible to check, and adapt, any file automatically using git hooks. As this mail illustrates it can happen client side. I suppose that saveguarding the official git repo of ufoai should be useful, shouldnt it?

Is there some mechanism that might push those hooks to the clients? Such that everyone can have this enabled on their own gitclone?

Linux / wiki dependencies
« on: November 17, 2010, 10:32:19 pm »
On compiling:
The debian and the suse wiki page each have a different (outdated) list of packages to install. The "Compile for linux" page completely ignores this problem altogether.
Maybe it could be usefull to keep 1 single list of the necessary packages which you can see on all 3 pages. Plus include version requirements. And for a different version of ufoai a different list.

The Suse list misses SDL_mixer-devel.

Fedora has no libxvidcore package, just xvidcore. The openal package is called openal-soft.

Linux / More Packages
« on: November 17, 2010, 01:12:27 pm »
The download page mentions ubuntu packages and sourceforge contains deb packages (for ubuntu?). There are more of course out there, eg pclinuxos has it in its repos (only 2.2.1 afaik).
For fedora there seem to be some troubles but the rpmfusion project hosts the latest rpm packages for fedora and can be added to the download page. Does ufoai still contains material with unsettling licenses?

Pages: [1]