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Topics - gravy21

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Linux / Gentoo SDL_image error notes
« on: November 29, 2010, 04:01:43 pm »
After installing the ufo-ai-2.3 from portage, I kept getting signal 11 with the following stacktrace:

SDL_image version 1.2.8
Could not load environment map 0
FS_RemoveFile: remove /home/xxxxx/.ufoai/2.3/base/keys.cfg
Error: Shutdown

My first thought that my SDL config was hosed when I saw SDL_image version 1.2.8, which is not installed (I had 1.2.10). I ran a revdep-rebuild on my SDL packages to make sure none were compiled against an old version of SDL_image. Once that was done, I restarted ufo-ai and got the same error.

I noticed that there was an update in portage for sdl-image (to version 1.2.10-r1). After updating, I re-ran and the game loaded up perfectly. As a test, I downgraded to sdl-image-1.2.10 and received the same stacktrace as before.

After downgrading, I reinstalled my SDL packages and ran a revdep-rebuild to make sure I didn't miss any mismatches. I ran some other SDL games to verify they worked, but I still got the stacktrace. After upgrading SDL_image to 1.2.10-r1, it started working again.

After a lot of back and forth trying to proved the solution, I just keep coming back to the same point. For now I am going enjoy the game (since I found what works for me), and hopefully if someone has a similar problem this will help them out.

- I did not file a bug because I have not really put this through the ringer, and never for sure determined it was a problem specific to me.
- I received a warning that I had a libPNG mismatch (1.2 vs 1.4). Anyone who has been using Gentoo lately has probably run into this with other packages. Still get the error while the game is working though.
- I suppose it's possible that SDL_image 1.2.10 is not linking to libPNG 1.4 properly, but the reinstall should have fixed that, and other games that I think are using seem to be ok...
- If it comes down to an SDL_image requirement for sdl-image-1.2.10-r12, then the ebuild needs to be updated to reflect (current dependency is just sdl-image version unspecified)
- It is entirely possible this is a SDL configuration problem, a version mismatch, or even a compile vs runtime mismatch. revdep-rebuild should have solved that, but it is possible.
- Searching this forum for my error I noticed stacktraces here and there that looked like they cascaded from game startup through InitImages.  The InitImages is what led me to check libSDL installation. Maybe checking the SDL installation if the #1 video card drivers, and #2 xorg.conf suggestions don't pan out is a good suggestion, maybe it's Gentoo specific, or maybe it was just my box. Who knows...

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