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Topics - Tantalus

Pages: [1]
Bugs in stable version (2.5) / Base defense map
« on: May 01, 2013, 05:28:08 pm »
Hi there,

i've just run into a bug at base defense map. It seems that installations that are two tiles wide (dropship hangar, alien containment) get partially overwritten by the next installation. The first screenshot shows the dropship hangar, which is mixed up with a interceptor hangar, the second shows half of an alien containment.
Savegame attached will encounter a base attack after ~6h.
Happend with latest nightly from May 1st.


When switching to desktop either by pressing alt+tab oder windows-key, mouse pointer is stuck in upper-left corner. After switching back to game, i can't save game anymore.
Operating system is Windows Vista SP1, 32bit. UfoAI-Version is 2.4-dev, build 1303213072 downloaded from here (dated April 19th).

Mapping / How to make street bends?
« on: August 12, 2007, 09:06:42 pm »
Hi all,

once again the "pain in the neck" has a question.  :wink:

I'd like to create a street bend for my next map. but I don't know how to do this if I don't want it to be a sharp 90° corner. I've made some experiments with street elements rotated at different angles, but I just dont't get them fit together.

Any idea?


Feature Requests / 2.2-dev doesn't start under W2k
« on: August 11, 2007, 10:48:54 pm »

I've downloaded the 2.2-dev and the installer runs without any error, but the game doesn't launch. An error massage says
Code: [Select]
Prozedureinsprungpunkt "freeaddrinfo" wurde in der DLL "WS2_32.DLL" nicht gefunden

Any idea how to fix this? I couldn't find anything about this in the wiki or forum.


Mapping / Mapping-Noob Questions
« on: July 12, 2007, 09:36:05 am »
Hi all,

after working through Wanderer's "Mapping for Dummies" (great work, btw.) I've started work on my first map, and as you can imagine, I've some stupid questions.  :wink:

1. What is the maximum brush count a map should have? Currently my map has about 330 brushes, and until it's finished I think ther will be more than 1000 brushes. Is this still Ok?

2. Is it possible to set a "starting level", so when the map is loaded in the game, the player's view is set to level 2 instead of level 1 (background: the "ground level" where the dropship will be is level 2, while level 1 is the basement)?

3. Is it possible to "intersect" (i think it was the phrase in UnrealEd) brushes, what means to cut off one brush exactly at the edge of an other brush, no matter of the shape of the two brushes?

4. How can I play the map for testing? (very stupid question, i know. Sorry)

I've decided to make a map of a power plant (a conventional one, no nuclear as suggested in the wiki), maybe it is also helpful for your plot (attacking the infrastructure is a realistic strategy when attacking a planet, and what would we do without electricity?). As soon as the map is in a playable state, I'll set a download-link here, so maybe one of you "mapping geeks" :wink: can test it.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Feature Requests / Scroll in Equipt-Screen?
« on: April 08, 2007, 10:35:49 pm »
Hi Guys,

first I want to thank you all for the great game you've created.
But there's one big problem I've found (at least I think it's a problem) when equipting soldiers:
If there are more items in your base than fit onto one page, ther's no chance to show the rest of your stuff. For example, if there are 20 Plasma guns and 10 Laser Rifles in your base, there is no chance to equipt a soldier with a Plasma Blaster because it is not visible. Is there any way to show the rest of your equipment, e.g. by scrolling?


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