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Topics - Indie Winter

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Antimatter storage
« on: August 08, 2010, 09:55:24 pm »
quick question: I now have the ability to build Antimatter Storage rooms in my bases. Do I need to build them in the same bases as the ones I disassemble captured alien ships in? Or is it possible to transfer it from one base to the other? Or am I getting this all wrong, and the Antimatter is supposed to come from someplace else?


Discussion / A few questions from a beginner
« on: July 09, 2010, 08:16:41 pm »
Hey there. I've recently downloaded UFO:AI, great game, having a blast with it. I do have some questions though, and I didn't seem to find the answer to them in the the game, so I'll post them here.

1) How can I research captured UFOs? When I get them on the research screen it always says "object is unavailable for research" and I cannot do anything with it. Do I need a special facility, or to research something else first?
2) How many UFO Storage sites do I need? Currently I have just the one, but should I have more around?
3) What do the IR goggles do, stat wise? I understand they lower your soldiers' accuracy, but what benefits do they gain instead?

Thanks in advance!

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