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Topics - Rich.h

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Help with mission deployment
« on: July 16, 2011, 12:23:25 am »
First off loving the 2.4 build, however I still have one problem. When my transport touches down and a mission starts, my troops are scattered about the dropship rather than all inside it as per classic ufo. Often this results in many of them dying due to touching down right next to a bunch of aliens.

Now I realise it isn't the pilots fault for sneaky aliens, however I would like to hope my troops are not so brain dead they blindly charge down the ramps singing about rifles and guns. I would prefer to have the option of troops in the dropship bay ready to deploy as I wish.

Is this already possible and I missed it or could it be added?

Discussion / How many missed mission before total failure??
« on: July 04, 2010, 10:18:34 am »
Ok i'm using v2.3 and in july now on standard difficulty. My bank balance is healthy I have no debts etc, one main base, one ufo yard and 4 sam sits. Up until june I hit and won every single mission I came across. Come june the green tough guys started to appear and I was just a little way off completed plasma rifle research, so I let maybe 5 or 6 missions slide and ignored them. The result of this is russia is upset/mad with me and the rest of the world content.

Now the problem is I finish my research and then set forth on a terror mission yet before I even arrive I get a end of game "you failed" screen?? This seems abit harsh as I still have funding from the whole world so I don't get why they suddenly fold one by one at all.

So is there a hardcoded limit on how many missions etc you have to do or such and if so how can I find out? I love the rest of the game but this one issue of "you have to try every mission around" is something of a pain when you can endup with 10 or more in a month it can get very monotonous.

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