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Topics - DreamWorker

Pages: [1]
7 of 8 soldiers are immured in dropship in map Big sity when tactical game started - i cant select them or move.

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / [31309] (kill last alien?) - get game hang
« on: August 09, 2010, 12:40:16 am »
2010/08/09 02:31:16 Team 7's round started!
2010/08/09 02:31:16 [STATS] alien (Onukark H Hrkakk) kills DreamWorker (Sujitha Heikkinen) with Snap Shot of pistol_ammo
2010/08/09 02:31:22 Team 7 ended round
2010/08/09 02:31:22 Team 0's rou
Looks like it was last alien... So skirmish game hang when all alien was killed?

Next play(when kill last alien) have assertion hit:
Assertion failed!
Program: С: \UFOAI-2.4-dev\ufо. exe
File: С: \UFOAIwin32BUILDenv\MinGW\ufoai\s... \g_inventory. с
Line: 357
Expression: ic->item.t
For Information on how your program can cause an assertion failure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts
(Press Retry to debug the application - JIT must be enabled)

After ending my round game have hanged

2010/08/09 03:47:41 [STATS] End of game - Team 1 is the winner
2010/08/09 03:47:41 [STATS] Soldier Gavriil Mohanta earned 46 experience points in skill #0 (total experience: 46). It is now 0 higher.
2010/08/09 03:47:41 [STATS] Soldier Gavriil Mohanta earned 91 experience points in skill #1 (total experience: 91). It is now 0 higher.
2010/08/09 03:47:41 [STATS] Soldier Gavriil Mohanta earned 80 experience points in skill #2 (total experience: 80). It is now 0 higher.
2010/08/09 03:47:42 [STATS] Soldier Gavriil Mohanta earned 450 experience points in skill #3 (total experience: 450). It is now 2 higher.
2010/08/09 03:47:42 [STATS] Soldier Gavriil Mohanta earned 600 experience points in skill #4 (total experience: 600). It is now 2 higher.
2010/08/09 03:47:42 [STATS] Soldier Gavriil Mohanta earned 0 experience points in skill #5 (total experience: 0). It is now 0 higher.
2010/08/09 03:47:42 [STATS

2010/08/08 20:45:57 ********************
2010/08/08 20:45:57 ERROR: Game Error: Could not find item in inventory of ent 1 (type 2) at 6:0
2010/08/08 20:45:57 ********************
2010/08/08 20:45:57 Shutdown server: Server crashed.

Start Skirmish game-> Goto menu(Esc) select Abort 2 times -> GUI hang

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / [31292] strange GUI display TU bug
« on: August 08, 2010, 12:10:36 am »
When using weapons (commonly shotgun) sometimes in GUI TU do not reduce after fire. Then when try to fire again solder do nothing in spite of GUI show that there is enough TU to do this. Then command solder to crouch and suddenly solder TU reduce from (for example) 16->2.

Discussion / disable "civilian spotted" center view
« on: June 26, 2010, 02:04:23 pm »
Is it possible to disable camera center view only on discovered civilians but still center on enemies?

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